OOC 2: Vandal Squadron - same as the first
1. Repair shuttle.
2. Take shuttle for test flight to ensure repairs take.
3. Club Brogan over the head/kill him/something else that I can't think of at the moment.
4. Proceed with creating havoc at Imperial Outpost.
Jorm will be trying to make a sandwich (though not a squishy one) out of Brogan's head, the console and whatever heavy object is handy. His blaster will be used only as a last resort as it will be instantly recognizable as an out of place sound.
FYI for those watching at home, this is most likely when Benn's luck will kick in and things will go horribly wrong (ie Jorm will be killed by Brogan).

Quote:"How pathetic. Tommy, shoot him!"Quote: from admiralducksauce on 1:04 pm on Oct. 5, 2005
Benn's luck already happened when Jorm couldn't roll above a 4 on 2d10 (Ship's Systems + Knowledge), followed by 3 Wild Dice (that was for the trap itself).
Quote:Quote: from admiralducksauce on 12:04 pm on Oct. 5, 2005
Benn's luck already happened when Jorm couldn't roll above a 4 on 2d10 (Ship's Systems + Knowledge), followed by 3 Wild Dice (that was for the trap itself).
Ahhh...life is good!
Quote:Quote: from Threadbare on 1:28 pm on Oct. 5, 2005
I'm pretty sure Ganet probably could have judo-chopped him with a bit less ruckus, but I missed my opportunity. Anyway, I'm outside, so it's a moot point.
I think it's funnier the way it actually went down.
As soon as Jorm has the OK, we're going to blast off. Anyone that can fly who is not Jorm would be advised to take the helm so that Jorm can concentrate on blasting the comm tower.
Aurelia, as usual, will be holding the ship together with bubble gum and bailin' wire (and possibly some cursing?)
Were there any other techs on the shuttle with us?
Can Jorm safely secure Brogan in some cargo pod or something?

The shuttle is ready for liftoff, unless you have some other part of your plan taking place before that.
Also, I suppose now I'll need to know where people are. Jorm, Aurelia, Dutch, and Ganet are near/in close proximity to the shuttle, Arnae's in the Dagger, Calsera and Eritram are in the black, and Mandall Snake is ready for the jailbreak? Does that sound right, and if not, is that OK anyway?

Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 8:27 am on Oct. 6, 2005
Advance toward the shuttle providing cover fire.
Cover Fire?
Quote:Quote: from Gatac on 1:01 pm on Oct. 6, 2005
Time to blast the cell lock and get the hell outta dodge with the husband.
Any thoughts on which ship you're taking?