Plan as I see it:
Repair shuttle.
Request air support.
B-wing heads in and freighter takes off.
Shuttle and freighter take out comms/sensors/planetary tracking.
B-wing takes out air defence emplacements.
Fly away.
OOC 2: Vandal Squadron - same as the first
Of course, the wrench that is about to be thrown in the works is the whole "hearts and minds" rescue Aurelia's been working on...still one person that needs a lift out.
Hopefully the plan will be bought long enough for me to pull it off with words rather than, you know, gunfire.
(Edited by CrazyIvan at 7:19 am on Sep. 22, 2005)
Hopefully the plan will be bought long enough for me to pull it off with words rather than, you know, gunfire.
(Edited by CrazyIvan at 7:19 am on Sep. 22, 2005)
Disgiuse the bought slaves as mechanics to smuggle them aboard the Imperial shuttle when you repair it. Could work.
Those guys aren't the problem, it's the man o' the house that's presumably being held in the outpost lockup.
I know we're the good guys, but I don't see the value of rescuing life/limb for the man o' the house.
Jorm's plan does not include the rescue bit. Jorm's goal is to get the shuttle and get out alive. If people want to go after the farmer, they have to come up with a plan.
Do you want Mandall to take care of that?
I would love to see the fighter jock pull a Solid Snake.

Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 8:57 am on Sep. 22, 2005
I know we're the good guys, but I don't see the value of rescuing life/limb for the man o' the house.
Because otherwise your mechanic turns into a deranged Hapian pirate queen who will not be so easily outfoxed as the Imperials.
That, and because we're the bloody good guys. Had certain characters tried to find something out rather than assuming a backstab, they'd know more and we wouldn't be having this problem to begin with

My plan was to basically tell the Imps to go fetch him as an extra set of hands while I repair the shuttle, and then - you know - bug out when it's finished.
I'll be on the team repairing the shuttle/vamoosing.
I figured the Plan for getting the prisoner would be something along those lines.
I reckon you can try that first, but if it don't work out - Sam Fisher Jr. is (somewhat) ready to roll.
I put Gatac into play 'cause really, it's gonna be a hard sell to convince this guy that you need some random farmer to help you with the repairs.
Okay...are there any paper boxes nearby? :cheesy:
Gonna pick up a rock to toss for distraction, but I'm holding my fire for further observation. Maybe I can find out a bit more on what's going on in the area that way.
Gonna pick up a rock to toss for distraction, but I'm holding my fire for further observation. Maybe I can find out a bit more on what's going on in the area that way.
I hope that info was what you were looking for, Gatty. If not, ask away and I'll answer.
You repair-monkey guys: the problems with the shuttle aren't enough to even warrant a roll, not with the skill levels present. Black belts don't make a roll to kick in doors.
You can use technobabble to describe something if you like, or we can handwave the actual repairs. Either way, you can fix the problems.
You repair-monkey guys: the problems with the shuttle aren't enough to even warrant a roll, not with the skill levels present. Black belts don't make a roll to kick in doors.

Well, actually, I do have a couple more questions.
A) Are the cells out in the open, or somewhat concealed between all the crates and cargo? I'm trying to figure out how close I can get without being seen.
Do the locks look like they can be picked by a non-Sam Fisher like Mandall, or would they require brute force to open?
I'm mainly trying to decide between "total stealth, nobody notices" and "distract them and be gone when they come". Mandall's not really built for a stand-up fight.
A) Are the cells out in the open, or somewhat concealed between all the crates and cargo? I'm trying to figure out how close I can get without being seen.

I'm mainly trying to decide between "total stealth, nobody notices" and "distract them and be gone when they come". Mandall's not really built for a stand-up fight.
Is the shuttle armed?
Lightly armed the shuttle is. Pair of laser cannon above each stubby wing.
Gatty, even THESE stormtroopers would spot you if you tried to get closer to the cells. However, if you can get them somewhere else, the immediate area is fairly concealed from additional prying eyes by the cargo.
The maglocks... well, if Jorm or Aurelia had a go at it slicing them might be doable, but you'd have to use a blaster or crack open the cells themselves to get in.
Gatty, even THESE stormtroopers would spot you if you tried to get closer to the cells. However, if you can get them somewhere else, the immediate area is fairly concealed from additional prying eyes by the cargo.
The maglocks... well, if Jorm or Aurelia had a go at it slicing them might be doable, but you'd have to use a blaster or crack open the cells themselves to get in.
Is Brogan with us in the cockpit?