Where's Gavin at the moment? Do I have line of site with the MP5 guy?
OOC: Shaked, Not Stirred II - Brilliant! So now we got a Hug
Sweet. That was some good die usage. Well, then, that's what I'm gonna do, while as a free action urging Artis and Jessica to get into the garage.
Gavin "G" is where he is on the map. You have a good LOS on the MP5 guy.
We'll say Harry is providing cover fire as the rest of the team make their way into the garage. Gavin will be strafing to the right, firing at the gunman while moving towards the garage entrance.
We'll say Harry is providing cover fire as the rest of the team make their way into the garage. Gavin will be strafing to the right, firing at the gunman while moving towards the garage entrance.
Oh shit. decisions, decisions. Sure, I'll bite. I'll see if the gun safe is (derisive laugh) unlocked. One can hope... and I'll urge Jessica to get into the Land Rover.
One idea, guys: If their armor's too tough for pistols (it could have just been a lousy damage roll too) and the safe's locked, we could all tackle the guy and take his gun away... I dunno, rip his helmet off or stick the barrel underneath his helmet visor or in his armpit or something. Dave, is there anything sharp in the garage? Ski poles? Machetes? Spearguns? Sledgehammers? Fire axes? Chainsaws?
One idea, guys: If their armor's too tough for pistols (it could have just been a lousy damage roll too) and the safe's locked, we could all tackle the guy and take his gun away... I dunno, rip his helmet off or stick the barrel underneath his helmet visor or in his armpit or something. Dave, is there anything sharp in the garage? Ski poles? Machetes? Spearguns? Sledgehammers? Fire axes? Chainsaws?
Ok, all will be revealed in the my next IC. I semi-conveniently seperated the two groups so we can get some stuff done today.
I figure Gavin and Harry will be taking turns shooting and reloading as needed...pretty straightforward for now.
I figure Gavin and Harry will be taking turns shooting and reloading as needed...pretty straightforward for now.
Just to speed things along, we'll say that Jessica did a quick inventory of the safe for her turn.
Safe contents:
1 Benelli pump-action shotgun
1 Ruger 30-06 rifle
1 box of 12-gauge shotgon shells (20 shells)
1 clip of 30-06 rifle ammunition (5 shots)
That's it. In the garage you see a rake, pitchfork, pruning shears, and a bag of golfclubs. Various small tools (screwdrivers, pliers, etc.) can also be seen on a small workbench next to the safe. Sorry, dame fortune decreed no chainsaws.
Safe contents:
1 Benelli pump-action shotgun
1 Ruger 30-06 rifle
1 box of 12-gauge shotgon shells (20 shells)
1 clip of 30-06 rifle ammunition (5 shots)
That's it. In the garage you see a rake, pitchfork, pruning shears, and a bag of golfclubs. Various small tools (screwdrivers, pliers, etc.) can also be seen on a small workbench next to the safe. Sorry, dame fortune decreed no chainsaws.

"Now we're cookin," I say to noone in particular, making sure the guns are loaded before going to the doorway and tossing the rifle to Gavin (using doorway for cover/concealment) (I assume that'd be my turn... if I can still fire, I'll let a shotgun blast fly at the bad guy)
Was that burst from Gavin with the rifle? I wanted to toss the rifle over to him because he's a Soldier and with luck would be doing more damage than any of us with the rifle.

Gavin's burst was from his .40 S&W. Gavin's a good 20ft. away and you'd have to basically throw the rifle over the gunman to get it to Gavin.
You could possibly slide it over to him, but then again...there's all that debris on the floor.
You could possibly slide it over to him, but then again...there's all that debris on the floor.
Would it be better if I tossed it to Harry, and then he got it to Gavin?
To IP: shoot the fucker in the leg, I doubt's he got armor there... or shoot his gun?
To IP: shoot the fucker in the leg, I doubt's he got armor there... or shoot his gun?
Tossing to Harry then to Gavin is doable. Harry would just have to forego the rest of his actions that round to do so, but it's probably the most prudent route at this juncture.
About the armor, it's the stuff the guys in the L.A. bank robbery were using, so basically it covers everything. Shooting the gun is probably the better alternative.
About the armor, it's the stuff the guys in the L.A. bank robbery were using, so basically it covers everything. Shooting the gun is probably the better alternative.
He wouldn't be standing under a chandelier or anything like that, would he? (thinking of blasting that ala Dusk till Dawn)
Quote:Quote: from admiralducksauce on 11:42 am on June 5, 2002
He wouldn't be standing under a chandelier or anything like that, would he? (thinking of blasting that ala Dusk till Dawn)

Nice try.
Ok, as it stands right now...everyone can now do their actions for this round.
Jess is still bandaging and making a note that she'll request a .50 cal as team weapon off her budget for the next mission.
I guess I'm going to slide the rifle over to Gavin. I can't make a called shot to the neck this round, can I? I figure that the armor's got to be pretty light to let the guy look around, and a hit to the jugular isn't pretty.
btw, is there a TV nearby? It would be handy for someone like Gavin to bash it over their head, especially if it's still on.
A called shot to the neck is pretty much out of the question since his armor covers half of it and the other half is under his jawline....but there are other vulnerable places that have already been mentioned.
As for the TV, it was shredded in one of the dozen or so ricochets that have been bouncing around the villa.
As for the TV, it was shredded in one of the dozen or so ricochets that have been bouncing around the villa.

So my action is sliding the rifle to Gavin? Can I at least crouch while doing this?
One of your two actions would be throwing the rifle to Gavin, you can still move and do another half action. So yes, you can crouch and shoot a single shot this round.