Get up and behind cover. Stay there.
OOC: Shaked, Not Stirred II - Brilliant! So now we got a Hug
On my action, if anyone can't make it inside by themselves, I'm going to help them inside and then draw curtains/get some form of concealment across those windows. My plan is to get everyone to the garage, Instant Hotwire one of the cars, and get the hell out.
The only who can't make it inside would be El Doctor, but I'm assuming you'll just let his gray matter ooze out on the terrace.
It will take you 2 rounds to get to the garage, so you'll have one more round after everyone gets inside and you conceal the curtains.
Since everyone looks like they're bailing and I doubt Harry would stay to fend off everyone by himself, we'll move the combat indoors for next round...I'll post the end of the round stuff on the IC thread.
Floorplan of the Villa:
| Terrace |
| |
| |
| Main House |_______
| | |
|________DD__ D| Garage |
D/S=Door (shattered)
DD=Front Door
(Edited by Dieter at 3:44 pm on June 3, 2002)
It will take you 2 rounds to get to the garage, so you'll have one more round after everyone gets inside and you conceal the curtains.
Since everyone looks like they're bailing and I doubt Harry would stay to fend off everyone by himself, we'll move the combat indoors for next round...I'll post the end of the round stuff on the IC thread.
Floorplan of the Villa:
| Terrace |
| |
| |
| Main House |_______
| | |
|________DD__ D| Garage |
D/S=Door (shattered)
DD=Front Door
(Edited by Dieter at 3:44 pm on June 3, 2002)
Gavin's got his .40 out and is covering the entrances from behind cover, like a sofa or bed or something. I guess that'd be a readied attack. Also, he's anticipating a flashbang or a grenade being chucked in, so he won't hesitate to drop prone behind his cover if one happens to sail in. Favorable circumstance bonus to a Ref or Fort save, perhaps?
Alright, are we in a new round? I think I'm going to move towards the door, shooting a bunch of times with the pistols more to keep the bad guys jumpy than anything else. I'll also add an action die to my defense.
If I'm already inside, then nix the action defense. I'll just keep my head low.
If I'm already inside, then nix the action defense. I'll just keep my head low.
By the way, I was looking through the extra part to the modern arms guide on the spycraft website, and it says stylish sunglasses give a +1 intimidation bonus. Do I get that? Because I intend on wearing the starlight sunglasses a lot.
Oh, and if I'm not mistaken, this is the board's 4200th post.
Oh, and if I'm not mistaken, this is the board's 4200th post.
The bad guys went first, so everyone can post what they're doing this round.
Standard Gatty's character move Nr. 26: Shoot anything that moves. Repeat.
I'll add an action die to my defense as I sidestep to the wall and follow it to the garage door. My gun 'tis out.
The suspense of the combat is killing without further ado, I'll assume Harry is staying low and working his way towards the garage while Gavin provides cover for the exiting team.
Talk about wasting an action die...
Quote:Quote: from Gatac on 1:26 pm on June 4, 2002
Talk about wasting an action die...
Erm...sorry 'bout that.

Things we've learned thus far:
1) A burst-fire weapon is extremely deadly.
2) The GM is now greatly aware of this fact and will be toning the game down until the weapons are appropriate and the players can survive more than one round of combat.
3) Don't ever cluster up when someone (I know, I were you supposed to know?) has a burst fire weapon readily available.
P.S. The GM originally rolled criticals on both Jessica and Gavin but felt turning them into chunky salsa this early in the game would be in poor taste.

Original Rolls:
Gatac-22 (wp's)
Gavin-23 (wp's)
Proposal: Let's just carry a white flag from now on. If we see anyone with an MP5, we'll surrender.
So, well, it's not like I want to hasten this up or anything, but a lady is down bleeding and you'd better get rid of the idiot with the SMG. You know, just a little piece of advice.
(Oh, and the guy's an idiot for spraying like that. Guess a reload will be in order, spelling his doom.)
So, well, it's not like I want to hasten this up or anything, but a lady is down bleeding and you'd better get rid of the idiot with the SMG. You know, just a little piece of advice.
(Oh, and the guy's an idiot for spraying like that. Guess a reload will be in order, spelling his doom.)
Should I just forget about fudging my rolls and assume that Artis and Harry leave you two as chalk outlines for the homicide detectives?
The gun with the SMG was not a fool, he could have easily killed all of you.
The gun with the SMG was not a fool, he could have easily killed all of you.
That would make things easier, but it would seem kinda cruel to abandon my first female character after barely one adventure.
Eh...bygones. I'm not one for killing players unless it's in dramatic heroism or pure stupidity.
You're not dead, not even dying...for now Jessica just needs a few rounds to bind her wounds and to stop herself from leaking.
You're not dead, not even dying...for now Jessica just needs a few rounds to bind her wounds and to stop herself from leaking.
I think trying to hold out in the house is pretty damn futile. Jess will therefore try to pick let herself be picked up by someone for a quick escape.
Ok, here's the lowdown.
Artis hasn't taken a scratch and is at the garage entrance door.
Harry is fine and has his hat.
Jessica is bleeding intently and will require some degree of first-aid ASAP.
Gavin is not leaking as bad, but his collateral damage is adding up.
Mr. SMG looks like he's moving in and taking some cover.
Artis hasn't taken a scratch and is at the garage entrance door.
Harry is fine and has his hat.
Jessica is bleeding intently and will require some degree of first-aid ASAP.
Gavin is not leaking as bad, but his collateral damage is adding up.
Mr. SMG looks like he's moving in and taking some cover.
Can I use suppressive fire on Mr. Smg with my .40? Also, since my action was a little late, do I still have 2 action die?
(Edited by Threadbare at 7:19 pm on June 4, 2002)
(Edited by Threadbare at 7:19 pm on June 4, 2002)
The extra action die you used prevented you from getting hit while you *ahem* picked up your hat.
Harry can do suppressive fire against the gunman as his action this turn.
Harry can do suppressive fire against the gunman as his action this turn.