Quote: from Threadbare on 1:46 am on May 11, 2002
Say, what are some of those style feats it says on the chart? For instance, what's "political favors"? I should get that later on. What's "Talented"? "Card Shark?"
Just to bring this back on the table. Here's a list of all the feats and their prerequisites.
Quote: from admiralducksauce on 2:06 pm on May 28, 2002
I'm a little confused. Were we both on the phone with the same guy? If so, I'm hanging up. If not, let me know.
My bad, both Artis and Harry got phone calls.
Just to keep things moving, if you give the caller a b-s line (like Harry did), the caller will give you the same answer that Harry got in return.
Harry's "incomprehensible shorthand" is a combination of good writing and bad penmanship. It grew out of notetaking at college. After a while, he had his own style of writing he he could use to convey information quickly, and in such a way only he could understand it.
I think I'll give a message approximately the same, but a little more wit and/or wiseassery.
Oh, and about the feats, there was a copy of Spycraft at Hastings. I browsed through to find the feats. But now I'm caught between "Mark" and "Undermine" as a style feat. Of course, I'm not sure if I have innuendo and sense motive at both 2. No matter what, I'm taking political favors at level 3. It's very fitting.
Quote: from Infested Paladin on 4:51 pm on May 31, 2002
What's Gavin's current condition? I think that our "session" is close to coming to a close, so I'll burn another action die on healing wounds.
Hmm, before you do that...I should also have mentioned that the climactic "end of episode" music has begun playing in the background. Something on the order of a Jerry Bruckheimer movie.
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| H A J |
Harry, Artis, and Jessica are on the terrace about 200ft. from the chopper "C". The door "D" to the house is behind them. It will take at least 1 round for Gavin to get up and make his way to the terrace. The "@"s is the treeline.