OOC: Shaked, Not Stirred II - Brilliant! So now we got a Hug

threadbare 2002-06-06 00:09:08
Okay, I guess that's what I'll do. Slide, crouch, and try to hit him in the arms/gun again. Would that screw up his aim? give him some modifiers?
threadbare 2002-06-06 00:51:23

half-action 1: toss rifle to Harry
half-action 2: KABLAMM!!!

And if we can still do 5-foot steps in Spycraft, I'd like to move behind the doorway for full concealment after my shot.
Dieter 2002-06-06 02:41:45

Quote: from Threadbare on 6:09 pm on June 5, 2002
Okay, I guess that's what I'll do. Slide, crouch, and try to hit him in the arms/gun again. Would that screw up his aim? give him some modifiers?

Well, if you manage to hit the SMG...that would seriously undermine his killing power..but if you don't get say, a critical...I'll applying a situation modifier. Probably a -1 penalty.

Adam: Gotcha.
Dieter 2002-06-06 06:20:01
The bad guys have done their actions for the round.

Everyone can now declare their actions.

Other than Jessica, who obviously knows what's about to happen in the garage, Artis would have noticed the flash-bang and subsequent bellowing of the grenade smoke.
Dieter 2002-06-06 08:22:55
Bonus 5-ft step: Roll five feet away from the assassin.
Action 1: Shoot that guy!
Action 2: Shoot that guy!

If I recall correctly, as long as I'm not adjacent to the guy, I get the prone Defense bonus. The 5-foot "step" while prone (as the only a 5-foot step) is cleared by the MAG, but it's your game, mon.

Of course, if the other guy takes his 5-foot step to close with me, I'm royally screwed. Also, as a thought, if this guy can strafe us like that with some degree of accuracy, then he's either very experienced, or Dieter has the devil's luck. Also, something tells me that shooting his gun is feasible. (Our ranged attack versus his melee attack.)

Soldiers, man. The only class that can excuse meta-game stat crunching as in-character tactics. :)
Dieter 2002-06-06 08:38:45
Pardon moi if I'm wrong, but Harry's already blown the guy's fingers off, right?

and good shot! :)
threadbare 2002-06-06 09:10:21
I suppose he's left handed, the way he can still burst. Or perhaps he isn't, judging by his accuracy. That was a nice shot. Harry seems to be pretty deft with guns, fortunately.

Can we see an updated map? I saw 2 guys going down the zipline, so I can figure out where the other one is by now. If I can, I want to move back to the southeast corner of the room and keep an eye on both doors [hold an action, etc. Alternately, I might pivot around and move towards the garage. Depends on the map and if I can do either of those actions.
Dieter 2002-06-06 15:32:39

Quote: from admiralducksauce on 1:38 am on June 6, 2002
Pardon moi if I'm wrong, but Harry's already blown the guy's fingers off, right? and good shot! :)

Correctamumdo! Harry scored a critical on the disarm attempt. The gunman is currently unarmed at the moment.

As for Gavin moving the five feet, I suppose if it's in the MAG (how is it BTW?) it's kosher by me. So Gavin will be rolling that shooting twice.

I'll have a revised map when I post this round's actions.
Dieter 2002-06-06 16:16:34
Artis will shout "One in the garage!", lay down suppressive fire into the roof, and then rotate around so that he has concealment from inside the garage (my 5-footer)
Gatac 2002-06-06 19:12:21
When I'm done with bandaging, I'll go back to "Waste shit that moves with the .45" mode.
Dieter 2002-06-06 19:25:04
You're done bandaging your wounds, it's just that you're currently seeing spots and deafened for this round.

You'll be fine next round.
Dieter 2002-06-06 22:52:21
Ever see the movie Traffic? Think of the local Federales as something like those guys. They're a quasi-law enforcement group, but fairly crooked as lawdogs go. Fortunately, the ones that patrol the better neighborhoods like the one the doctor lives in tend to be more benevolent than corrupt.

The smoke inside the garage is clearing and Artis, Harry, and Jessica can see a figure (dressed identically to the other gunman) on one knee and in the firing position. He's also got an MP-5.

(Edited by Dieter at 3:58 pm on June 6, 2002)
Gatac 2002-06-06 23:02:53
Roll behind the Rover (move action), shoot him in the feet from under the SUV.
Dieter 2002-06-06 23:33:27
My God! Quintessential John Woo action...everyone runs out of ammo at the same time! :shocked:

The gunman being winched up to the helicopter will be onboard at the end of next round.

What's everyone doing?
Dieter 2002-06-06 23:56:16
Who's being winched? the guy without fingers?

I'm going to stumble to the Range rover and turn on the headlights, hopefully blinding the guy. Then I'm going to hit him with the pitchfork.
Dieter 2002-06-06 23:56:51
And the shock of being hit was worse than it looked at first - I'm using an action die to regain some VPs!
Dieter 2002-06-07 02:18:27
Yeah, it's Mr. Seven Fingers. He's probably latched on to a carabiner which has him clipped onto the rope.

The Rover is pulled in headfirst, so the tail-lights would be it, but (if you'll remember) the gunman shredded the back of the Rover on his first spray. So, what else would you like to do besides spear him with the pitchforK? :)

Ok, I just checked the rulebook, it says you can only use action dice to heal you after combat. That's pretty stupid if you ask me since dead men burn no action dice.
Fuck that, burn as many as you want to heal yourself. :)

Burning the AD....Artis gets back 3VP.
threadbare 2002-06-07 12:21:29
Can I throw the out-of-ammo gun at him to distract him while I reach for the other gun I had and duck behind something?
Dieter 2002-06-07 17:02:34
To sum up the round:

-The gunman being winched up is now roadkill on the terrace, being very dead and oozing all sorts of bodily fluids.
-Gavin is fairly injured, but it's all VP not WP.
-Artis is hurting, he'll need medical attention...the sooner, the better
-Same with Jessica, she's a mess.
-Harry is probably the most ambulatory of the group right now, but I wouldn't try anything too heroic at this point
-The helicopter is now hovering in front of the house (a bit lower, probably 75ft.) and is causing a helluva windstorm with its prop-wash. A line has been thrown down to him, but only Jessica and Artis can see it right now.
-The impaled gunman is about ready to clip himself onto the line. He's seriously injured, probably living on WP's right now.
-The cops are probably (judging by the intensity of the lights) about 2 or 3 rounds from getting to the villa.