I've decided that Arnae is a struggling amateur writer. Like millions of others, he hopes to someday pen the Great Corellian Novel.
OOC 3 - back in the saddle
I've decided that Arnae is a struggling amateur writer. Like millions of others, he hopes to someday pen the Great Corellian Novel.
"We're all fine here. Everything's fine. How are you?"
I still say we vacate the cargo bay, and let the droids take the mynocks to their new owners.
BTW, we should use the external monitors to make sure there aren't a lot of folks with guns waiting outside before opening the cargo bay hatch.
(Edited by fanchergw at 1:59 pm on Sep. 23, 2004)
Quote:Sounds good.Quote: from fanchergw on 4:58 pm on Sep. 23, 2004
With the landing bay doors closed above us, it's starting to look like we're going to have to kill everyone on the ranch...
I still say we vacate the cargo bay, and let the droids take the mynocks to their new owners.
BTW, we should use the external monitors to make sure there aren't a lot of folks with guns waiting outside before opening the cargo bay hatch.
(Edited by fanchergw at 1:59 pm on Sep. 23, 2004)
We should be cool, like Fonzie.
That's not to say we're not going to have to use force, but let's see how far we can get before it comes to that.
Quote:Do we have such droids? If so, that's a good idea.Quote: from fanchergw on 10:34 am on Sep. 24, 2004
Jileeza contacts Arnae over the comm. "Perhaps it would be better to have our droids do the moving, and keep theirs off our ship..."
1. The Chance won't have loading droids, mainly because they're going to get turned into bombs if you DID have them.

2. What you could have is a loading sled perhaps, a repulsorlift dolly of sorts, just for loading and unloading heavier cargo when there's NOT loading droids available.
3. I should have incorporated those into the crates themselves (think of Han's carbonite floating itself down the corridor), but I didn't, so they're bargain-basement animal containers.
4. There are not any people with blasters waiting for you outside. I'll extemporate in the IC thread.
Jileeza will do what she can to get a good look around with the external monitors. She'll watch for people peeking out from behind the other ships in the hangar. She will also attempt to get a look through the nearby bay door.
Of course, there's always the possibility that they'll just gas us or something once we open the bay doors...
Quote:I'll be proud to be part of this foolish plan.Quote: from Infested Paladin on 2:10 am on Sep. 29, 2004
I say we push the crates up to the cargo hatch or whatever we have in the cargo bay, and then simultaneously open the bay door and the side of the crates facing the hangar. Shouting all sorts of "Oh Force, no! They're loose, help us!" and whatnot, of course, and see if the mynocks go give the loading droids a headache. We can go from there.

Quote:As it should. Let's do this thang.Quote: from fanchergw on 10:22 am on Sep. 29, 2004
This plan terrifies me.
1) you can scan outside the ship for stuff like atmosphere, which would also tell you if they're gassing the hangar bay.
2) 'Za's autoblaster can be brought to bear upon anything roughly ground level in the hangar.
3) The large ceiling hangar doors are likely impervious to ships' weapons but
4) the bay doors in the side of the cavern may not be.
5) your communications are being jammed but you might be able to break their jamming.
6) Erit could meditate and try to filter through all the various exotic life on the ranch to find the "sentients in charge"... it would take a while (an hour, maybe two) but if time's not an issue there's an option for you.
7) The commlink guy must be watching you to be able to comment on the mynock-droid melee, either from the droids themselves or from cameras somewhere, either hidden around the hangar or from the other ships in the hangar.
Can we:
-Activate shields?
-Is there enough room to navigate the ship over to the bay doors?
If so, I vote we blast the doors.
I say we button up the ship and play fort until we have more information.