The character I designed is not Force-Sensitive. Basically, he's a commando originally designed to hunt and kill Jedi. Something went wrong and instead of being jedi-hunting livestock he has an actual personality of his own. He has training to resist certain aspects of the Force and to encourage mental discipline and he has the morals of a Jedi, but he can't even tell if another Force User is around. Unless Adam has changed his stats.
Unless we're discussing another Force user you are sensing.
Ways to leave:
1. Back the way you came, either heading out the front door and circling the building or holing up in the hangar bay until Arnae can finish off the Gran and pick you up. Of course, you'd have to shoot your way through some beasties.
2. There's a door on the opposite side of the room to the door you entered by. You don't know where it leads, or what's over there, but there's not thumping and crashing coming from that direction.
3. Shoot out the viewport and deal with a roughly 2.5/3-story drop. You might catch the Rancor's attention, though.
I'm assuming that Arnae'd continue dogfighting, and if you're NOT leaving right away, Mak'd shoot the Gran down if he gets within the last AA gun's fire arc.
Sensing that when blasters are used in a threatening manner it generally means a hail of laser fire is about to ensue Lent will take a mental inventory of what the Jedi left him (ie is he still in armor, what accessories does he have that might be used as weapons, etc..). If they at least left him a stick, he could take out the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy by flailing it about.
He is also (to the best of his ability) keeping track of where everyone is based on their footsteps, voices, etc...
And of course keeping alert for any other new and/or dangerous noises.
Someone thought it would be funny to freeze you in Jedi-style robes & boots (the white "underrobe", not the long flowing ones). A few seconds of fumbling about would yield a suitable bludgeoning (or stabbing) instrument from any of the trophies in the room.
Aye, I'll be making with the dogfighting and bringing all my Aspects into play. Great Pilot and Devil's Own Luck have their obvious places, and the Contentious Bastard in me will be damned if I'll let the other guys win.
The Chance took 1 "wound", it's only grazed as far as starships go. The other guy took 4 wounds from Mak's shot and 7 from Arnae's last salvo. His ship had 8 total, so there you go.
Quote: from admiralducksauce on 8:56 am on Oct. 27, 2004
Kind of had a crazy weekend, but I'm back in it now. Arnae gets a cookie for masterfully taking advantage of some flavor text.
And Greebu - you guys bringing him along? Leaving him for his pets? Shooting him? Something else entirely?
I'm sure the fat fuck is worth something to someone, if not for trade to a rival. My vote is for freezing his arse in carbonite. I'm sure Benn is with me on that one.