If it's easier to have him in the security station, though, then that's cool, too.
OOC 3 - back in the saddle
If it's easier to have him in the security station, though, then that's cool, too.

Crap. And now I realize I forgot to draw in that there were doors leading off of the balcony on the upper level. But there are!

Damn droidekas.
This is bad. The good thing is that they are slow as shit and can't fire while rolling.
(Edited by Dieter at 3:20 pm on Oct. 14, 2004)
Quote:I think a distraction is needed.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 11:11 am on Oct. 15, 2004
Well, the power transmitter, if it's in this building, it'd be behind whatever the droid's patrol area is. The question is, is it keeping things out or keeping things in?
At the same time, we'll be making for the space directly underneath the left staircase.

The two doors near you do not appear to be marked with anything, nor do they appear to be locked. Just your typical "slide open" doors.
The droideka can't get a bead on you yet, but in a few seconds it'll be able to light that staircase up.
Assuming the droid would have a tougher time going up the stairs than down, I say we wait for it to get to the bottom and then we make a run for the upper level.
Failing that, there are the doors next to us.
Also, it's not going to wait till it's at the bottom to start shooting. The safest options would be to duck low right up against the courtyard or get through a door, both of which would prevent the droid from blasting you. You're underneath the stairs - you could make it back to the turbolift as well, but then nothing's solved and the thing'll probably just wait in front of the turbolift.
Making your way up the stairs will involve some getting shot at, less so if the runners beat the droid's initiative.
There's also killing the droid, which involves blasting the crap out of it until its shields drop, and then putting it down, all while it's firing back. If you spread out, it can't hit everyone.

Ben or myself'll post "Lent's" stats up in the character thread soon, and try to play along when I introduce him, just for the sake of party unity and my sanity.

Thanks for the warm welcome. I look forward to making the Galaxy a safer place for everyone except those directly in front of my heavy repeater. I'll post my stats in the "ADS's PC Cheat Sheet" section so that you can begin placing bets on how long I'll last.

And ADS: Sanity? You? I never would have guessed.
Good luck to all and may the Force be with us.

Quote:I vote for settling this matter here and now. After we apprehend the rodians who dicked us over here, we then tell them to have the two ships who just arrived on-planet to dock as normal.
We (of course) will be waiting for them to dock, the Chance's shields and weapons at full power as the bay doors go shut on two ships. We then blast the shit out of them.
...and then we start negotiating a settlement involving us never being chased after by Gulgo and his men.

It's predicated on whoever is in that room being cooperative enough to play along. It also requires those ships circling the compound to actually WANT to land in the hangar. Thirdly, it requires leverage - leverage of such importance to Gulgo that he'd consider not tracking you down later.
Finally (or firstly), it requires you getting through a locked door. It's not a huge obstacle; you could hotwire the panel or simply blast the thing off its runners - its presence simply is a warning that someone saw or heard you coming is all.
Quote:How about someone saying,Quote: from admiralducksauce on 2:45 pm on Oct. 20, 2004
Finally (or firstly), it requires you getting through a locked door. It's not a huge obstacle; you could hotwire the panel or simply blast the thing off its runners - its presence simply is a warning that someone saw or heard you coming is all.
"Unlock the fucking door or we'll cut your antennae off with a cutting torch!"
I'll assume Aurelia is hotwiring the panel unless told otherwise - after rigging the broadcast power to shut off, a single door ain't gonna be a problem.