Jessica? With a knife?
Ah hell, better than nothing. Jess becomes a one-man Cutting Crew!
(I just died in your arms tonight.)
OOC: XII - More sequels than a slasher movie.
It's time to go. If it doesn't look like Tommy's dead or within seconds of it, I'm going to finish it, unless Gatac objects?
Then, covering fire and a very very swift withdrawl.
Then, covering fire and a very very swift withdrawl.
"Finish him!"
Situation update
Jess-VP:36/43, WP:Full
Ayumi-VP:70/73, WP:Full
Artis, Brian, Carla- Uninjured
Lenny & Marco: Badly wounded
Danny: Uninjured
Angelo: Moderately wounded
Vercetti: Hovering on death's door. The andrenaline bought him a few extra rounds. He desperately needs a visit to the trauma ward of an E/R.
The cops in the carts will arrive at the beginning of next round. The boat cops (2 boats) will arrive at the dock at end of next round.
ADS still needs to go, but initiative now is static for the rest of the battle:
Jess-VP:36/43, WP:Full
Ayumi-VP:70/73, WP:Full
Artis, Brian, Carla- Uninjured
Lenny & Marco: Badly wounded
Danny: Uninjured
Angelo: Moderately wounded
Vercetti: Hovering on death's door. The andrenaline bought him a few extra rounds. He desperately needs a visit to the trauma ward of an E/R.
The cops in the carts will arrive at the beginning of next round. The boat cops (2 boats) will arrive at the dock at end of next round.
ADS still needs to go, but initiative now is static for the rest of the battle:
9mm to Tommy's brainpan, and then getting the hell out of dodge.
Time to retreat - and throw Brian a kiss in parting 

Do we know if the boat was Vercetti's people or Jess/Ayumi's transport?
Quote:They could be Shriners for all you know.Quote: from admiralducksauce on 6:28 pm on Feb. 6, 2004
Do we know if the boat was Vercetti's people or Jess/Ayumi's transport?

Brian stole my kill! What the hell? :biggrin:
Mission accomplished, then. Back to the boat. We have a brother to collect, as well as a serious security leak to plug at Tokyo Branch. Oh yeah, and official Agency business with the Fawkeses. Busy, busy.
Mission accomplished, then. Back to the boat. We have a brother to collect, as well as a serious security leak to plug at Tokyo Branch. Oh yeah, and official Agency business with the Fawkeses. Busy, busy.
I think it's about time we started to work on our own support network. The Agency doesn't have that great of a track record.
I vote everybody gets his assets in order when we're finished here.
I vote everybody gets his assets in order when we're finished here.
I remember a funny little GM story from the younger days of the AEG board. One guy's team collected and cached all the guns they found, with plans to slowly release them into the black market for cash. It was their retirement fund.
Hehe...That's a nice idea, though I reckon that keeping those guns in a hidden cache is a more useful resource in our line of work.
Besides, we need to get to know more people like General Koskov. He's been quite a helpful contact to have.
Besides, we need to get to know more people like General Koskov. He's been quite a helpful contact to have.
You could always "retire" from the business. Freelancing is fun stuff, but you don't get all the neat toys Q-Branch has to offer. Basically, you'd still get your budget points but no gadget points.
In that case, let's not retire anytime soon. I just got addicted to those X-Ray lenses.
We'll wait for ADS before going any further.
Quote:Quote: from Infested Paladin on 8:52 pm on Feb. 7, 2004
In that case, let's not retire anytime soon. I just got addicted to those X-Ray lenses.
We could retire now, and not give them back

As long as we pick up my rifle before we go.
Nah. We just need to...lessen our dependancy on the Agency.
I think I will tail that boat. As long as someone lets me know if I'm following the wrong one, I can break it off, but if I don't follow it, then I'll never know.

Which way are Ayumi and Jess heading?
-Into the city?
-Back toward's the canal?
-Into one of the neighboring buidlings?
Is Brian going with Jess or heading back to Carla and the boat?
The foot police arrive at the plaza at the beginning of this round. The police arrive at the canal at the end of the round.
-Into the city?
-Back toward's the canal?
-Into one of the neighboring buidlings?
Is Brian going with Jess or heading back to Carla and the boat?
The foot police arrive at the plaza at the beginning of this round. The police arrive at the canal at the end of the round.
Where's Ivan's boat? If it's still docked at the canal, we'll head there. If they've sped off, time to ditch the guns and head into the city.