OOC: XII - More sequels than a slasher movie.

CrazyIvan 2004-02-04 05:35:46
Brian would very much like to be within intervention range. Like it or not, he's seemed to inherited the position of Jess' guardian angel. Lord knows she needs one.
Dieter 2004-02-04 15:44:35

Quote: from Gatac on 4:53 pm on Feb. 3, 2004
Looks like I'll stall until Marco comes in.


Your call, Gatty. Lenny will be hiking up his pants and leaving the cafe directly.
Gatac 2004-02-04 15:58:53
I'm not sure how I'll play it. The scheme is clearly

1. ?
2. Breakfast with Vercetti
3. Vercetti buys the farm
4. Receive Kenji
5. Kick Liz's ass to hell and back, and then do it over again

I'll definately reassemble my clothing, but what comes after that depends on what happens between the goons.

Gatac 2004-02-04 16:48:12
If Jess doesn't tag along with the bodyguards back outside, it's definitely time to start shooting Vercetti.
Dieter 2004-02-04 18:21:31
It seems Gatty is calling the shots the here. We'll have to wait for him to decide let the dogs of war slip.
Gatac 2004-02-04 18:49:09
Actually, I was hoping we can do this without a shooting - let the poison do it's work. But then, that's the same part of me that believes in the basic decency of humanity, so it's a sucker bet anyway.

Gatac 2004-02-04 19:14:34
This would be easier if we had lipstick poison, but here we go:

Jess waits for Tommy to be distracted by the goon, palms the vial of poison, then reaches over the table, smooching Tommy and pouring the vial into his coffee. After that, I can only hope that he's the kind of guy who finishes his cup. Applying Action Dice to my Sleight of Hand roll...

Dieter 2004-02-04 19:20:38
This is a good time to mention that everyone now has 4d6 in Action Dice.
CrazyIvan 2004-02-05 00:21:03
As usual, if I need to make a nice shot or three, burn action dice as needed.
Dieter 2004-02-05 00:31:12
What weapon(s) does Brian currently have and what will he be using for said shots?
CrazyIvan 2004-02-05 05:09:11
Figure the baby (read: Rifle) would be too obvious for this sort of work...just the service pistol, and whatever can be grabbed off of dead folk.

Its not good to have an SAS agent playing "protective older brother" :)
Gatac 2004-02-05 15:45:25
Time to dive for cover, once more.

Damn, I feel naked without the MP7. Artis is gonna get an earful if he hasn't got it handy in the car.

Dieter 2004-02-05 16:19:26

Carla-28 :)
Artis-5 :(

I'll put Ayumi and Brian under Gatac's control and ADS can take care of Carla since Threadbare's access is wonky.
Dieter 2004-02-05 18:35:30

Quote: from Dieter on 10:19 am on Feb. 5, 2004

Carla-28 :)
Artis-5 :(

I'll put Ayumi and Brian under Gatac's control and ADS can take care of Carla since Threadbare's access is wonky.

Er..that's not to say the actual players of said characters can't post for themselves. ;)
Gatac 2004-02-05 18:43:42
I'd say it's best if Brian only sticks around as long as strictly required. Once the goons are out, it's time for him to fade, preferably into a different direction than our escape.

Run to Liz, collect Kenji, kick Liz's ass twelve different flavours of hell.

Dieter 2004-02-05 22:32:03
Threadbare PM-ed me this:

okay, Carla's piloting the getaway boat and Artis is submerged? is that a correct status report on us? If that's right, I want to maneuver the boat right behind the agitated guy's, and keeping Jess's MP7 at the ready (the SAW's a bit, how we might say, blunt, but it'll be in the duffel on the boat)

Basically I want to ready the getaway, while keeping a bead on the bad guy boat. If I can keep from being revealed as an enemy, it makes the surprise burst that much more fun.
CrazyIvan 2004-02-05 22:33:08
That's the plan. Brian makes short work of anyone between Jess, Ayumi and escape, before going to ground and making himself scarce.
Gatac 2004-02-06 07:11:00
Hm, is there a fallen goon nearby? If so, I should grab a lying weapon and send a new round of death in Tommy's direction.

"I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration?"

Dieter 2004-02-06 14:43:42
The goons aren't quite dead, yet. There is a knife on the cafe table if you were so inclined on killing someone. :)