My Starships, Let Me Show You Them Checklist:
1. Malenko's ship is under the same lockdown yours is. Get Leno's widget and get it to release one or both ships, or get Max down to B91 to jury-rig those hangar doors as well.
2. The ship itself likely has some sort of way to prevent random visitors or children from making off with it. Jury-rig, interrogate, or otherwise get the ship started.
3. Once you're in control, changing the ship's name is doable. After all, you've already done it once. It doesn't disguise the fact that it's an Imperium ship, but that only comes into play once any suspicious parties get you close enough to see you with telescopes.
4. Changing the name/registration/transponder will get you shot at if you run into people who would check to see if the Good Ship Lollipop is actually an official Imperial vessel. NOT changing the transponder will get you shot if you run into people who know Malenko is dead.
Jade Imperium - OOC 7
I wanted to repost the round since we had a lot of posts since initiative:

Angel was back to form last round, but he is OUT OF WILD DICE. They stopped that one that hit from dealing 4 Wounds and they changed a near-miss into a killing neck shot.
Turai, Arketta
Semo, Malenko
Arketta: 2/6W 1/12S
Mellish: 2/6W 0/12S
Angel: 6/6W 9/14S
Hugh: 4/6W 3/14S
Angel, you're up. I should note that the children's positions as given on that map will be thus on THEIR initiative. If you wanted to shoot Malenko, you currently have a clear shot (although she has some cover due to Leno). The "s" Turai nearest Mellish is also visible from your position, although "gw" is a difficult shot (and Semo's going for him).

Angel was back to form last round, but he is OUT OF WILD DICE. They stopped that one that hit from dealing 4 Wounds and they changed a near-miss into a killing neck shot.
Turai, Arketta
Semo, Malenko
Arketta: 2/6W 1/12S
Mellish: 2/6W 0/12S
Angel: 6/6W 9/14S
Hugh: 4/6W 3/14S
Angel, you're up. I should note that the children's positions as given on that map will be thus on THEIR initiative. If you wanted to shoot Malenko, you currently have a clear shot (although she has some cover due to Leno). The "s" Turai nearest Mellish is also visible from your position, although "gw" is a difficult shot (and Semo's going for him).
Okay, here's the plan I got. We get Leno's device, and release the lockdown and turn off the alarms. We chase Leno's remaining guys out of the ship, and either get the ship guys that aren't dead to tell us how to get the thing started or bring One-Ton down here to hotwire this sucker. We offload the cargo as payment for, well, blowing things up, and, depending on how this Ngawai fight and the aftermath goes down, we leave her dead body behind, Davis leaves Ngawai bound on top of the cargo to let the ship crew do what they want with the person who killed one of their top men, Davis shows the cameras that they're taking Ngawai with them, or Ngawai gets away over our dead bodies or something. After that, we get the hell out of here.
Edit: Of course, I forgot the most awesome part of all of this. When it comes to the ship ID, I think we take a page from such illustrious programs as The Transporter (the first one, not the second one) and Mythbusters and do the old rotating license plate trick. We keep two IDs stored in the computer, we just switch them in and out of encrypted storage when we need to.
Edit: Of course, I forgot the most awesome part of all of this. When it comes to the ship ID, I think we take a page from such illustrious programs as The Transporter (the first one, not the second one) and Mythbusters and do the old rotating license plate trick. We keep two IDs stored in the computer, we just switch them in and out of encrypted storage when we need to.
So, um...Operation: Beatdown must continue. Fists, elbows, knees, whatever: we gotta take Ngawai down.
Considering how far down the initiative list he is, Semo's action could change depending on what others do. For now, charging 'gw' as previously described is his plan of action.
Bumping Davis' action down the list as well, he's grabbing his busted rifle and swinging it like a bat at Ngawai's head.

Davis, Semo, Turai
There is still some sort of combat happening in the assault ship, and the airlock fight is now available - although if you don't want to go over there, I'd understand.

Arketta: 2/6W 1/12S
Mellish: 2/6W 0/12S
Angel: 6/6W 9/14S
Hugh: 3/6W 0/14S
You've wailed on Ngawai enough for me to expand my tips beyond "her armor's good against blunt objects" (and then you post how you're clubbing her with rifles, knees, elbows, etc). It subtracts 1d4 from any incoming damage save beamers, stingers, lancers, and bladed weapons. You and Hugh roll 1d6 for melee damage (your Might, plus another d6 or d8 depending on what you're clubbing her with). So when you DO hit - and you HAVE been hitting as of late - it's been doing paltry Shock damage.
The info may be moot at this point anyway, as Semo could enter the airlock this round but won't be able to attack till next.
Make it a roll to get her to stop combat, and if she doesn't stop, shoot for the calves.
Ah, forgot to post the results of the knifing. Davis is 5/6 W, 10/16 Shock. It's a leg version of what happens to Mal during the fight in the Train Job, if you're familiar with that.
You know that Hugh's unconscious, right?
Punkey wrote:You know that Hugh's unconscious, right?
Well, maybe he wasn't looking that way.
Nice recovery, Ivan. 
Speaking of which, you guys gonna let Hugh sleep and Mellish and Arketta bleed to death? If not, who's laying the ultra-tech magical heal-juice on them? (Hugh can probably be brought back to consciousness with normal first aid)

Speaking of which, you guys gonna let Hugh sleep and Mellish and Arketta bleed to death? If not, who's laying the ultra-tech magical heal-juice on them? (Hugh can probably be brought back to consciousness with normal first aid)
I don't have a frisbee, otherwise I'd have gotten on it by now. Don't wanna yank it right out of Semo's hands.
Sorry I'm slow posting, as I seem to be semi-permanently slammed at work. Semo will hand off the frisbee to Davis or whomever, then drag Angel off to check on the results of the fracas inside the ship.
Damn. I could have sworn I typed 'Angel', rather than 'Taylor'. However, Taylor being my son's name, that's more likely the reason than some reference to the character, since I know I wasn't thinking about the dead character.
Chalk it up to encroaching Alzheimer's...
Chalk it up to encroaching Alzheimer's...

Hey! I got sigged!
Just a suggestion Punkey, IIRC a few somebodies already present are carrying AT-4s. Would those suffice for your "BOOM!" requirement instead of waiting until Luis can make the longish hike to where you are?
They were going to be used as a method of making them not kill us. Plant bombs in the ship. Although, the AT-4s could be just as effective. We'll just blow a hole in their ship, so if they space us, we all get a taste of hard vacuum.
Any objections to the plan? I'd love to have the ship, but even if we blow a few holes in it, they'll just seal the area and we'll still be dead.
These guys are taking a page from Interstate '76: Never get out of the car (or ship, as the case may be).