Gatac wrote:Let's hope it's not punctuated by a barrage of eleventy-billion tiny missles flying at us.
fanchergw wrote:Once they leave the hanger and are safely on their way, he'll pull out his iPod and see if either of the pair are interested in being introduced to Earth music.
Minmei Defense!
Jade Imperium - OOC 7
Oh, Davis has plans for that iPod, believe me.
Just a minor thing, but show them the music without mentioning the "from Earth" thing. We've left enough calling cards already. Just say "it's from my home planet" or something suitably anonymous.
Punkey wrote:Only if he wants to deal with a very large, very angry Samoan! :twisted:Oh, Davis has plans for that iPod, believe me.
Is there something specific you're hoping to find, or are you going to wipe any traces of you off their logs like you said? The "scan" they put Semo through, the transaction for the assemblers, the background/criminal check they ran, their presence at Jang-xur in the first place, etc.?
fanchergw wrote:
Punkey wrote:Only if he wants to deal with a very large, very angry Samoan! :twisted:Oh, Davis has plans for that iPod, believe me.
Might I sugest trying something classical next, if Semo has any? Pachabel's Canon in D, or something. Sounds like the previlaing music on Naai is symphonic-y. Also, it's a pity it's not a video iPod, you could have answered differently to the "Is this all it does?" question.
We're gonna do all the erasery stuff, but first I want to see what I can see, maybe get some info on Ngawai I can use.
"Yeah, but she's my kind of scum." 
In a similar vein, might I suggest Van Halen - Eruption or possibly Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody?

e of pi wrote:Might I sugest trying something classical next, if Semo has any? Pachabel's Canon in D, or something. Sounds like the previlaing music on Naai is symphonic-y. Also, it's a pity it's not a video iPod, you could have answered differently to the "Is this all it does?" question.
In a similar vein, might I suggest Van Halen - Eruption or possibly Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody?

RE: them knowing our names. Two possibilities:
1. They cracked Greene. They were never intending to give him back (as they proved with the "puncture his suit to motivate the trade" thing), maybe they tortured him first.
2. The Truthseeker on Whirr-world. We didn't realize that things capabilities, maybe before it was killed by us later in that adventure the data it had collected was saved and uploaded. It's more likely this one, but the death of the collector throws some doubt.
Evidence: Davis' name is missing, despite his precence on the current mission. They must have gotten this info from prior to the current adventure, before he joined the team. As for what it means for us? Well, we'll need to be more careful in dealing with the criminal element if we ever do again. Just the PCs would total 370 kL, and that's only counting Davis as an "accomplice," instead of the 50 kL bounty for a ringleader. Capturing the Morningstar in her entirety would be a net of something like 500 kl. (100 kL for Swims, One-Ton, Arketta, Mellish, and the shipboy, and the full 50 kL for Davis). That's a price worthy of Han Solo. Watch for carbonite.
1. They cracked Greene. They were never intending to give him back (as they proved with the "puncture his suit to motivate the trade" thing), maybe they tortured him first.
2. The Truthseeker on Whirr-world. We didn't realize that things capabilities, maybe before it was killed by us later in that adventure the data it had collected was saved and uploaded. It's more likely this one, but the death of the collector throws some doubt.
Evidence: Davis' name is missing, despite his precence on the current mission. They must have gotten this info from prior to the current adventure, before he joined the team. As for what it means for us? Well, we'll need to be more careful in dealing with the criminal element if we ever do again. Just the PCs would total 370 kL, and that's only counting Davis as an "accomplice," instead of the 50 kL bounty for a ringleader. Capturing the Morningstar in her entirety would be a net of something like 500 kl. (100 kL for Swims, One-Ton, Arketta, Mellish, and the shipboy, and the full 50 kL for Davis). That's a price worthy of Han Solo. Watch for carbonite.
Shit, forgot Mellish (and Taylor, since however they got your names, they don't know Taylor's dead).
admiralducksauce wrote:Shit, forgot Mellish (and Taylor, since however they got your names, they don't know Taylor's dead).
Meh. Was I right about the mechanism for obtaining them? And a possible means of finding out which of these it is, if these are the only options (they might not be, but they're the best I could think of): if it comes from the Truthseeker from Whirr, wouldn't they have had that information for Arketta's attack team when they went through? If she recalls being given it when we compare notes later, that explains it. If not, it was probably beaten out of Greene.
Far more important than how they found out what we look like is what we're going to do now that we know they know what we look like. Meeting up with our contact through traditional means would be suicide, both for him and for us, so it looks like we get to play shadow games. I've got a few methods in mind that I'll narrow down more once we get on-world.
The "how they got it" questions are hard to answer because my dumbass self deleted the thread with all the combat and the capturing Arketta and everything way back when. I don't remember whether she was part of the initial Quad in the first Manta that ran into the jungle, or whether they were part of the second Manta's group. If it's the former, the Truthseekers were on the same ship.
Either way, I can't tell you that you have it right until Luis knows, but there is nothing bad about your theories. It could be a bit of both, too. I mean, Greene was tough, but these are people who cut off your arms and legs to make sure you don't kill yourself before they get around to the actual interrogation.
Either way, I can't tell you that you have it right until Luis knows, but there is nothing bad about your theories. It could be a bit of both, too. I mean, Greene was tough, but these are people who cut off your arms and legs to make sure you don't kill yourself before they get around to the actual interrogation.
I think that we should let them go. We get in another fight that we don't need to, there's other ways to get ahold of cover for entry to Napai, and after our exit from Jang-xur, I think we should lay off the unnecessary killings for a while.
Regarding the music, it's really hard to get a real feel for it without actually hearing it. The "rapid shifting melody in what might be a minor key" sounds a bit jazz-like to me. The "one part of many" seems to indicate many parts / instruments. Perhaps a big-band sound? Duke Ellington or Count Basie? While Bohemian Rhapsody might be a decent shot, I don't see Semo as likely to have that. He's not really a rock-and-roll kind of guy.
What I kind of had in my head was something very complex but never really using major chords, like Eddie Van Halen on a sitar or something.
Actually, if you took the intro/riff to YYZ by Rush and added more layers on it, more like a symphonic piece. But I hadn't really thought about the Imperium's musical history until now. It would sound off to someone used to Western pop music or typical classical music, but it wouldn't be so alien that it couldn't be classified as harmonic minor or tritonal or microtonal or pentatonic or something.
You all have survived Jang-xur. Wild Dice are refreshed!
Although this isn't exactly the end of the "adventure", you guys are adapting to new situations and this should be reflected in your traits if you so choose.
You all get 6 XP. You can raise Traits, buy new Specializations, raise Aspects, buy new ones, or add to your permanent stock of Wild Dice.
Traits cost XP equal to the NEXT HIGHEST die type. If Semo wants to raise his Move from d8 to d10, it costs him his full 10 XP. If Max wants to bump his d6 Shoot to a d10, he must first spent 8XP to bring it to d8, and then he has 2XP left over so he can't ALSO raise it to d10 in one go.
Specializations cost XP equal to the Trait's current value. If Max just wants to specialize in Submachine Gun with his d6 Shoot, it costs him 6 XP.
Raising an Aspect works like raising Traits - XP equal to the die type you're raising it to.
A new Aspect costs 4XP and starts at d4. It can be raised normally after that point.
Raising your permanent Wild Dice limit costs 2XP per Wild Die.
You don't have to spend any XP if you don't want to.
Finally, if you really needed something that would ordinarily cost 8XP, talk to me. I was considering let you trade in a permanent Wild Die for 2 more XP - but ONLY one of them. Mainly because I know Luis could use a Pilot Specialization.
Actually, if you took the intro/riff to YYZ by Rush and added more layers on it, more like a symphonic piece. But I hadn't really thought about the Imperium's musical history until now. It would sound off to someone used to Western pop music or typical classical music, but it wouldn't be so alien that it couldn't be classified as harmonic minor or tritonal or microtonal or pentatonic or something.
You all have survived Jang-xur. Wild Dice are refreshed!
Although this isn't exactly the end of the "adventure", you guys are adapting to new situations and this should be reflected in your traits if you so choose.
You all get 6 XP. You can raise Traits, buy new Specializations, raise Aspects, buy new ones, or add to your permanent stock of Wild Dice.
Traits cost XP equal to the NEXT HIGHEST die type. If Semo wants to raise his Move from d8 to d10, it costs him his full 10 XP. If Max wants to bump his d6 Shoot to a d10, he must first spent 8XP to bring it to d8, and then he has 2XP left over so he can't ALSO raise it to d10 in one go.
Specializations cost XP equal to the Trait's current value. If Max just wants to specialize in Submachine Gun with his d6 Shoot, it costs him 6 XP.
Raising an Aspect works like raising Traits - XP equal to the die type you're raising it to.
A new Aspect costs 4XP and starts at d4. It can be raised normally after that point.
Raising your permanent Wild Dice limit costs 2XP per Wild Die.
You don't have to spend any XP if you don't want to.
Finally, if you really needed something that would ordinarily cost 8XP, talk to me. I was considering let you trade in a permanent Wild Die for 2 more XP - but ONLY one of them. Mainly because I know Luis could use a Pilot Specialization.

I'll drop four XP on two Wild Dice, because running out of those tends to suck.
Also, you'd better be ready ADS, since when I'm done seeing what's up with Arketta, it's going to be go time for Davis and Ngawai.
Also, you'd better be ready ADS, since when I'm done seeing what's up with Arketta, it's going to be go time for Davis and Ngawai.

Spending all 6XP on Shooting - Specializing in Turai Weaponry
Dropping 1 WD and buying that Pilot Specielization for 8 XP.
admiralducksauce wrote:So does this mean that Semo has 4 unused XP laying around to add to the 6 he just got?If Semo wants to raise his Move from d8 to d10, it costs him his full 10 XP.