That's two Turai down.
Mellish is 2/6W, 0/12S. He's not dead, just KOed. Lucky for him.
Angel's 6/6W, 9/14S.
I figured I could run the hangar bay combat while Gatac gets caught up and posts Hugh's action. Options you might consider:
1. The outer airlock door to the shadowport proper is technically open this round.
2. Grappling Ngawai isn't doing damage right away, but it's going to keep her from running once that door's open. It also shifts her attention from hurting you guys to escaping the hold.
3. Her armor is pretty good against blunt trauma and neither of you have the Might to consistently overcome it through sheer damage like Semo does. Use swords, knives, choking, bullets.
4. Hugh's getting his "Imperium's Scourge" Aspect. Um... that last one's not really an option, just letting you know I haven't forgotten about it and she's close enough to a turai that I think it'd apply.
Jade Imperium - OOC 7
What do you think, grapple her and then shoot her in the knees again while she's held still?
Edit: Hell, we have beam rifles. We just need to hit her in the leg and it'll cripple it, if not blow it clean off.
Edit: Hell, we have beam rifles. We just need to hit her in the leg and it'll cripple it, if not blow it clean off.
Off with her legs, then.
Airlock guys: that was one of those rounds you get where everybody sucks. Ngawai managed to pull off her called shot to disarm Davis, but hey, he's got more guns and it was a disarm so the only attack that hit didn't deal any damage.
I figure Angel's workin' on the two turai nearest him, I'll see what Malenko can figure out, and I'll post the next round later today.
I figure Angel's workin' on the two turai nearest him, I'll see what Malenko can figure out, and I'll post the next round later today.

Angel was back to form last round, but he is OUT OF WILD DICE. They stopped that one that hit from dealing 4 Wounds and they changed a near-miss into a killing neck shot.
Davis, Ngawai
Turai, Arketta
Semo, Malenko
Arketta: 2/6W 1/12S
Mellish: 2/6W 0/12S
Angel: 6/6W 9/14S
Hugh: 6/6W 8/14S
Angel, you're up. I should note that the children's positions as given on that map will be thus on THEIR initiative. If you wanted to shoot Malenko, you currently have a clear shot (although she has some cover due to Leno).
If we could try shooting her again, but this time we hit her in the legs, that would be great. Also, how would one go about cycling the airlock again? Because if that's doable with just a button push or something, Davis or Hugh could go for the grapple while the other one cycles the airlock.
You might even just try shooting her normal-type and hope her armor reduces any potential overkill down to a grevious wound. Davis needs a new gun, though. Going for your pistol? Going for the grapple?
If you hit the airlock button (which is just a free action), the doors will close this round. That means if she can successfully withdraw from melee (she has to "hit" you both even though she won't do damage), she can get outside and now you've got to wait for the INNER door to open, then hit the button again, then wait for the inner door to close, then the outer door to open. Ngawai will be gone.
The "shut the airlock on her" plan is interesting, though. Defenders have the advantage of winning ties, which is how you've all (her included) avoided a lot of hits thus far. She has to BEAT both your defenses to escape. BOTH your defenses, which she has not done yet despite a few rounds of multiple attacks. Hugh has 3 Wild Dice still, and if you hit that button you KNOW she's going to go for the escape. That's another round where you're not taking any damage as well.
Hell... that's a long shot, but she might hit the button herself.
If you hit the airlock button (which is just a free action), the doors will close this round. That means if she can successfully withdraw from melee (she has to "hit" you both even though she won't do damage), she can get outside and now you've got to wait for the INNER door to open, then hit the button again, then wait for the inner door to close, then the outer door to open. Ngawai will be gone.
The "shut the airlock on her" plan is interesting, though. Defenders have the advantage of winning ties, which is how you've all (her included) avoided a lot of hits thus far. She has to BEAT both your defenses to escape. BOTH your defenses, which she has not done yet despite a few rounds of multiple attacks. Hugh has 3 Wild Dice still, and if you hit that button you KNOW she's going to go for the escape. That's another round where you're not taking any damage as well.
Hell... that's a long shot, but she might hit the button herself.
Hit the airlock button and go for the grapple.
I know the Turai go before Semo, so I don't know if he can use the nearby support post for any cover, or is stuck with just the Turai body for now. Also, would it be possible for him to grab the Turai's helmet for it's IFF advantages? Would it limit his ability to act, block his sight, not fit, or otherwise be disadvantageous? Does 'gw' to the north have one of our jury-rigged guns, so as to limit the helmet's effectiveness? I presume it would at least protect from Malenko.
Looks like the kids are going to make it hard for Malenko to shoot, anyway.
Looks like the kids are going to make it hard for Malenko to shoot, anyway.
Shit, I need to edit my post. The Turai's shot wouldn't have happened, his gun would have cut out on him at least for that shot. Eventually their network will drop the KIA's IFF signals from the "do not shoot" list, but for the next few seconds it's still good.
I should point out that you guys still don't know exactly what specifies a Turai as "friendly" to their mates. If it was just the helmets, everyone'd be running around with Turai helmets. "GW" up behind the catwalk supports has recovered either his own gun from the port thug who disarmed him or an identical weapon from one of his teammates. They are definitely not juryrigged.
Malenko is using Leno's sidearm. No IFF on that whatsoever. You'll have to trust in her shaky aim.
Now, Semo may act after the Turai, but if you are worried about taking damage, you can blow your action to dodge, adding your not-inconsiderable Move of d8 to the range die as well as getting behind cover. But that's your action. Right now you're defending with d6 (range) and d6 (human shield). If you dodged, you'd drop the dead Turai for just the d6 (range), plus d8 (Move) and d8 (hard cover).
I should point out that you guys still don't know exactly what specifies a Turai as "friendly" to their mates. If it was just the helmets, everyone'd be running around with Turai helmets. "GW" up behind the catwalk supports has recovered either his own gun from the port thug who disarmed him or an identical weapon from one of his teammates. They are definitely not juryrigged.
Malenko is using Leno's sidearm. No IFF on that whatsoever. You'll have to trust in her shaky aim.

Now, Semo may act after the Turai, but if you are worried about taking damage, you can blow your action to dodge, adding your not-inconsiderable Move of d8 to the range die as well as getting behind cover. But that's your action. Right now you're defending with d6 (range) and d6 (human shield). If you dodged, you'd drop the dead Turai for just the d6 (range), plus d8 (Move) and d8 (hard cover).
I'm partly considering rushing the gunman with meatshield in hand. Partly, it depends on what the guy does, with regard to movement and which target he appears to be aiming at. If he shifts his aim to Mellish, Semo will almost certainly rush him.
If Semo tossed a frag at the gunman, is Mellish likely to get caught in the blast?
Screw that. Semo will rush the guy, counting on the IFF to work for another few seconds. The only question is whether he can abort to do so, thus interupting a possible shot on Mellish? Semo will shout / roar / whatever, trying to shake the guy's concentration and throw off any shot as he readies his charge. Can't hurt to get the guy's attention back to Semo if it appears to be shifting to Mellish - or even Angel.
If Semo tossed a frag at the gunman, is Mellish likely to get caught in the blast?
Screw that. Semo will rush the guy, counting on the IFF to work for another few seconds. The only question is whether he can abort to do so, thus interupting a possible shot on Mellish? Semo will shout / roar / whatever, trying to shake the guy's concentration and throw off any shot as he readies his charge. Can't hurt to get the guy's attention back to Semo if it appears to be shifting to Mellish - or even Angel.
Hugh's down to 4/6 Wounds, 3/14 Shock. You're dizzy, in pain, but you're still in the fight. Davis is untouched, but again, he's having as much luck in melee as a Stormtrooper fighting Ewoks. Hugh and Ngawai are now officially 25 minutes through the 30-minute fight scene in They Live. 
Punkey and Gatac, we can keep rolling the airlock fight. I've taken to rolling a couple rounds at a time here because of the whiff-fest. Davis is up first, then Hugh and Ngawai because of wound penalties from last round.
As for the rest of the combat, I'm waiting on Angel because he's currently free of immediate threats and has a few options.

Punkey and Gatac, we can keep rolling the airlock fight. I've taken to rolling a couple rounds at a time here because of the whiff-fest. Davis is up first, then Hugh and Ngawai because of wound penalties from last round.
As for the rest of the combat, I'm waiting on Angel because he's currently free of immediate threats and has a few options.
Question: Does the Morningstar have any worker drones that can open the outer doors remotely?
No, nothing that's free-roaming like that. You have to go out in a spacesuit and jury-rig the doors, then climb back to the ship's airlock.
I can only hope that Max will wait until the survivors return from M3 and get aboard the ship before opening the bay doors... :shock:
Davis will grab the remains of his beam rifle and swing it at the damaged section of her breastplate like a club.
Edit: Also, I have another question. How hard would it be to reprogram the computers of an Imperial assault ship, say, so it shows up as another ship, one that hadn't just vanished?
Edit Again, FOR AWESOME: To put my request in more concise terms, I'M IN UR STATIONZ, STEALIN UR SHIPS LOL
Edit: Also, I have another question. How hard would it be to reprogram the computers of an Imperial assault ship, say, so it shows up as another ship, one that hadn't just vanished?

Edit Again, FOR AWESOME: To put my request in more concise terms, I'M IN UR STATIONZ, STEALIN UR SHIPS LOL
admiralducksauce wrote:I figured as much, but I couldn't help but ask.No, nothing that's free-roaming like that. You have to go out in a spacesuit and jury-rig the doors, then climb back to the ship's airlock.
Punkey wrote:Davis will grab the remains of his beam rifle and swing it at the damaged section of her breastplate like a club.
Edit: Also, I have another question. How hard would it be to reprogram the computers of an Imperial assault ship, say, so it shows up as another ship, one that hadn't just vanished?
Why? I've been considering making a gift of it to the Bakasharan rebellion. You thinking something similar?
Maybe. I was thinking that we could use it to get on-world when it comes time to visit the capital and raid the ROBS.
Also, it's shiny and I like shiny things.
Also, it's shiny and I like shiny things.
All good thoughts. The shineyness had not occured to me. Now that it has, we must, of course, make off with it.