Jade Imperium - OOC 7
EDIT: Angel spent 3 wild dice to finally get a defense high enough to dodge that burst from the skimmer. I figured it's well spent since you're frisbeeless and in the woods.
Anything that isn't assembled by now is going to be so.
SCAR-H + 4 mags 7.62mm 144/150
Colt M1911 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags 16/21
3 frag grenades
Toughbook wired for Turai interface
PB6P9 silenced 9mm handgun 5/8
SPC Angel Riviera
SCAR-H + 6 mags 7.62mm FMJ 205/210
1 mag prototype 7.62mm AP 30/30 (taken from Taylor)
HK45 .45 ACP sidearm + 2 mags 28/30
3 frag grenades 2/3
PB6P9 silenced 9mm handgun 6/8
PVT Arketta Quis
SCAR-H + 2 mags 90/90
3 frag grenades
Turai sword
Sawed-off beam rifle handcannon
Wow. You guys have nine grenades between all of you.
admiralducksauce wrote:True, I guess we're camping out waiting for Angel to bring them to us.Sadly, it's kind of Angel's bag right now. Max and Arketta are in stealth mode near a creek way out of throwing range. Plus, Angel's fairly far away, but it's a doable throw if he wanted to put a frag on the cops. Now's his chance - they're all basically in a clump. He'd get his Ghost aspect, as throwing a grenade is actually stealthier than shooting.

Davis' group
Rooftop Kansatai
Semo, Mellish
admiralducksauce wrote:If they're still standing around when his turn comes (way at the bottom of the order), they're takin' a thumpin'!Yup, the high skimmer is out of effective range. The guys on the roof I think would count as a clump, however.
SIX 1s and one 2. I am still astounded as I type this. Team Max is clear until the dropteam's backup arrives, because they are in no shape to continue any sort of pursuit.
EDIT: AND Angel STILL has them unaware. He can slink off without reprisal or finish them as he wishes.
admiralducksauce wrote:You better fucking shoot and kill every last one of them. If one is up and has access to a Frisbee, you might as well consider the frag useless. If you think you need help, call for Arketta and Max will watch the Mr. Nebbish.I am clearly going to have to break out some different dice for these bad guys. Angel only rolled a 7 on his damage (for a grenade, that's fair but with nine guys chances are half of 'em would still be gunning for him). I decided to hold off on spending any of his wild dice until I rolled the Kansatai's toughness saves.
SIX 1s and one 2. I am still astounded as I type this. Team Max is clear until the dropteam's backup arrives, because they are in no shape to continue any sort of pursuit.
EDIT: AND Angel STILL has them unaware. He can slink off without reprisal or finish them as he wishes.
Personally, I'd be a major dick about the whole thing and lob another frag in there for good measure.