Jade Imperium - OOC 7

e of pi 2008-03-08 06:19:11
Punkey wrote:

I made a Rock Band version of her. She plays the drums.

She does seem the type to, doesn't she? As NPCs go, though, I think I like Arketta or the Hammer better.
punkey 2008-03-08 06:35:52
Oh, Arketta wails on the guitar. She likes the more punk and hard rock stuff, Queens of the Stone Age, The Hives, The Who, stuff with a lot of distort. :)
Gatac 2008-03-08 06:36:17
He has a Rock Band version of Arketta, too. Trust me, I've seen it.

punkey 2008-03-08 06:52:52
Only the ladies have been converted to Rock Band format. The ladies like the Rock Band treatment. Also, it's part of my desire to have a sequence in the game where we introduce them to the power of ROCK, and it cements their desire to fight with us. I mean, who could be exposed to the pure power of ROCK and not swear allegiance to it? The only way that Rock Band would be a more complete baptism in the ways of ROCK is if it had AC/DC and Led Zeppelin in it.
e of pi 2008-03-08 07:17:22
Punkey wrote:

Only the ladies have been converted to Rock Band format. The ladies like the Rock Band treatment.

Just keep telling yourself that, Punkey. Just keep telling youself that...

I mean, who could be exposed to the pure power of ROCK and not swear allegiance to it?

The tone-deaf, I guess? I supppose the USSR's an example in your favor, though. So there is a precedent for bringing down totalitarian Evil Empires with the power of ROCK. I wonder what the key trait ROCK would come from? Talk? Wits? Will? Some kind of combination of the three? Or is it its own Trait, one ADS forgot to mention?
Admiral Duck Sauce 2008-03-08 07:34:12
Talk-Entertain, although Entertain's slot under the Talk trait is mostly because anyone who wants to specialize in Entertain badly enough is probably going to be using Talk in-game more than, say, Move.

I do feel that perhaps Rock might need its own Trait.

Mellish is a DDR fan. :)

Seriously, ADS, please don't make her evil. She's cool and her and Davis kick ass so well together. I made a Rock Band version of her. She plays the drums.

You are in enough of a pickle that I couldn't have her turn on you right now.

Thirdly, out of curiosity, where on the map would the Morningstar's direct approach take her? Might aide planning the various pickups.

Oh, you mean where on the Teen Girl Squad Memorial Battlemap? :) Probably circle in from the east (no need to buzz the entire city's airspace) and hover right over the lake just north of the monument.

Also, a cutural question: is there some kind of religious order or something that uses in its proscribed outfit some kind of face covering, like fundimentalist islam and women? It might not get us through a security checkpoint, but it'd give us more freedom of motion to walk around in, say, public monument spaces without attracting attension.

That depends on how good your Talk-Persuasion rolls are. Somewhere on some planet I'm sure there's some oddball cult with the traditions you require.
e of pi 2008-03-08 07:52:35
admiralducksauce wrote:


Thirdly, out of curiosity, where on the map would the Morningstar's direct approach take her? Might aide planning the various pickups.

Oh, you mean where on the Teen Girl Squad Memorial Battlemap? :) Probably circle in from the east (no need to buzz the entire city's airspace) and hover right over the lake just north of the monument.

Then we should try to rendevouis there. Max can circle around and try to meet up and ditch their persuit. We turn around, grab Swims, Davis and Nagwia on the way to meet up with the ship.


Also, a cutural question: is there some kind of religious order or something that uses in its proscribed outfit some kind of face covering, like fundimentalist islam and women? It might not get us through a security checkpoint, but it'd give us more freedom of motion to walk around in, say, public monument spaces without attracting attension.

That depends on how good your Talk-Persuasion rolls are. Somewhere on some planet I'm sure there's some oddball cult with the traditions you require.

That's the thing though. Oddball wouldn't be good enough. It'd have to be something well-known enough to get away with it without having to argue much. The locals might know.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2008-03-08 08:02:45
Wow. If that dropteam had been rolling that poorly before, they'd have managed to kill themselves before they even got out of their skimmer.

Davis' previous shot on these things turrets was a series of good rolls - he aimed, maxed out his Shoot roll, managed to hit, rolled max damage, and I rolled shitty on the turret's toughness roll. You don't have time to aim, but the target's closer. I guess I'm saying if your immediate thought was to shoot out the turret again, just know that the first time was a pretty lucky shot.
punkey 2008-03-08 08:24:41
If the plan really is to circle back and pick Davis and Ngawai (and friends) up, we can take the time to take out this last skimmer, make all our lives easier.
e of pi 2008-03-08 09:15:55
Punkey wrote:

If the plan really is to circle back and pick Davis and Ngawai (and friends) up, we can take the time to take out this last skimmer, make all our lives easier.

Not a bad idea. Mass fire on it? You, Nagwai, some of the rebels? Might be able to get it good enough to get it out of combat action. Once that's done, or really while it's being done, we pull in and either help finish it off or pick you up. If the other skimmer harrases us, we blow it up with the heavy stuff- in other words grenades, an AT-4 would be overkill. Once there, we either find Swims or he finds us (we'll be the unknown gravcar that just shot down a skimmer, hovering really low and looking around), then we hit the Morningstar and haul butt for the nearest location of natural cover. Rebels can either come with us or make their own arrangements for extraction. Max and co can join up when they can.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2008-03-11 15:53:17
Guys in the gravsled: Are you waiting on the 'Star before you break cover?

IVAN: I know you're busy, but if you could post maybe a summary or overview of what Angel's overall plan might be I think Dieter can handle Angel's specific actions if need be. We just don't know what he's thinking; try to regroup? Hide until danger's passed? Kill everything you see?
Dieter 2008-03-11 16:05:20
Per a conversation with ADS over AIM, Max and Co. still have vox contact with the Morningstar. The tricky part is that the Turai might be monitoring all vox contact which would lead the drones directly to us.

I say Team Max goes dark for the time being and holds out for rescue.
Gatac 2008-03-11 16:17:33
Yeah, let's wait. No need to make the clusterfuck worse than it already is. Besides, if things go really pear-shaped, you'd want the guys with the heavy firepower to be your ace in the hole.

Admiral Duck Sauce 2008-03-11 16:23:25
Ngawai made her stealth to get into position. Davis and the rebels tied, so they didn't alert the cops to their presence prematurely, but neither did they get that free surprise attack.

Initiative came up Ngawai (automatic from her stealth), then rebels and Kansat simultaneously, then Davis.

The stairwell guy shot the only target he knew about at the time; Ngawai. She is at 3/8 Wounds, 6/16 Shock. She won't bleed to death in combat or anything (we'll say enough of it's cauterized), but she'll need help before too long.

EDIT: Forgot to tally the Shock damage Ngawai took from her previous non-Wound-inducing hit.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2008-03-11 21:58:59
It will take you 3 rounds to get to the monument. There's plenty of cover but there are Kansatai on the roof of the building you just left plus the armed skimmer (plus the disarmed one is up high watching everything).

The 'Star will be on the scene in two rounds and will probably attempt to ram any remaining skimmers out of the sky.

If the gravsled guys want to reach the monument and offload in time with Davis' group, they can watch for one more round but then they need to get moving.
punkey 2008-03-12 00:48:24
Something tells me life is about to get a lot worse for whoever's inside that skimmer. :)
Admiral Duck Sauce 2008-03-12 01:31:19
Minor quibble, Gordon - Semo's weapon has been that XM-25 cannon. He can fire Mellish's Mk.48 machinegun if that was your intention, but if you were just describing basically "Semo's gonna blast the bad guys" he'd be firing cannon shells. :)
Admiral Duck Sauce 2008-03-12 05:27:49
Davis' team survives their second round of running!


Dropteam on the roof
Skimmer and Semo
The Morningstar
Hugh, Davis' group, Mellish

Davis will be at the monument at the end of this round.

EDIT: I don't have time to work up the dropteam's action in full tonight, but if it helps you plan everyone is going to be shooting at the gravsled. they've got a bunch of people running and not shooting back vs. a vehicle that's firing noisy obnoxious unknown weaponry at their ride out of here.