Is Swims headed to be picked up? And yeah, I'm headed to the bridge.
Jade Imperium - OOC 7
"We've been hit/boarded/whatever, we're slowing down"
*slow down, interceptors get closer*
"Hm, their rear hatch is opening-"
*AT-4 in the face!*
Edit: And if that doesn't/won't work, I have an idea that's so awesome it earned not only a demented glint in my eye but an evil smile as well. :twisted:
"We've been hit/boarded/whatever, we're slowing down"
*slow down, interceptors get closer*
"Hm, their rear hatch is opening-"
*AT-4 in the face!*
Edit: And if that doesn't/won't work, I have an idea that's so awesome it earned not only a demented glint in my eye but an evil smile as well. :twisted:
As tempting as it is to go with the 'the wounded take more caring than the dead' to buy us time, Fisbees change the equation.
I'll take the decreased stealth potential of the rifle to preserve our dwindling explosives stock, which is near and dear to Angel's heart.
I'll take the decreased stealth potential of the rifle to preserve our dwindling explosives stock, which is near and dear to Angel's heart.
I think I'd like to hear Punkey's other plan. Two reasons: First, it sounds truly evil, so that makes it fun just to think about, and second, because he has a habit of going ahead and carrying his devious plans out regardless of what others, well, forewarned is forearmed.
Rifles preserve stealth too when you kill everyone who could possibly see you fire.
That whole thing in the forest wasn't an ambush, it was positively Darwinian.
I would like to hear the plan as well. Until then, are you following their instructions or do I start rolling for a dogfight?

I would like to hear the plan as well. Until then, are you following their instructions or do I start rolling for a dogfight?
Hey, this one involves destroying the property of others. Blowing up other people's stuff without asking is rude. 
Anyway, if the AT-4 thing falls through, I doubt Bello's men want that gravsled anymore, what with the damage to the upholstery, the beam holes and the five-star wanted rating it has on it. So, I'm thinking, we fill it with all of our C4, fuel oil, or anything else explodey that's on the ship, overload whatever we can overload on it to make it blow up bigger, turn it on, and kick it out the cargo bay door. It'll fall/rotate out of the ship and float in the air, since it's on. It'll fly back towards the interceptors, and when it gets close, you push the button and then it goes boom. It's stupid, complicated, desperate, and ridiculously hard to pull off, especially the timing of the blast. That's what will make it so cool when it works.
This plan copyrighted by Punkey from WL RP. Be afraid.

Anyway, if the AT-4 thing falls through, I doubt Bello's men want that gravsled anymore, what with the damage to the upholstery, the beam holes and the five-star wanted rating it has on it. So, I'm thinking, we fill it with all of our C4, fuel oil, or anything else explodey that's on the ship, overload whatever we can overload on it to make it blow up bigger, turn it on, and kick it out the cargo bay door. It'll fall/rotate out of the ship and float in the air, since it's on. It'll fly back towards the interceptors, and when it gets close, you push the button and then it goes boom. It's stupid, complicated, desperate, and ridiculously hard to pull off, especially the timing of the blast. That's what will make it so cool when it works.

This plan copyrighted by Punkey from WL RP. Be afraid.
My big concern here is that we have exactly 2 AT-4s left and there are 2 interceptors inbound. We use them, they're all gone. Period. While it's possible that there may be tech somewhere that would allow us to make more, it would probably require at least one unit as a functioning sample.
Well, I thought the objective was to head back to Earth for a resupply after this. We need more AP bullets, we need a whole more SCAR rifles, especially for our new friends, and I think there's a lot of other stuff that we could do, like get some other people in on this, a combat instructor for the rebels, for example, and get the rebel leaders over to Earth and talk strategy.
What if we reverse the order of the plans? First the speeder-bomb, then the AT-4s. If the speeder takes one out, it'll mean we only need one AT-4. It's liable to be a more powerful explosion anyway, and the two Interceptors will probably be holding a tighter formation prior to us opening up on them with At-4s (closer=more concentrated damage from explosion of speeder bomb).
EDIT: Also, in light of events in the ongoing "Angel kicks ass and chews bubblegum" saga, I think a snappy one-lier is required. Something that says "They're all dead. I killed them with my awesome." In that area, might I suggest something from this article?
EDIT: Also, in light of events in the ongoing "Angel kicks ass and chews bubblegum" saga, I think a snappy one-lier is required. Something that says "They're all dead. I killed them with my awesome." In that area, might I suggest something from this article?
Quite honestly, if one idea doesn't get both of them, the interceptors aren't going to stick around for you to try the second idea. You will then be in a fight. 
If you're stuck on throwing and shooting stuff out of the cargo bay, your best chance would be to do everything. Rig the sled with explosives AND pop off your AT-4s.

If you're stuck on throwing and shooting stuff out of the cargo bay, your best chance would be to do everything. Rig the sled with explosives AND pop off your AT-4s.
These are both bad ideas, really. One is just worse than the other. Optimally, we could get away from them without having to blow them up. Any way we could possibly do that?
Step 1: Luis needs to roll better than them, and if you're going to run you need to run NOW, while you still have a headstart and they're out of weapons range.
Step 2. They will send more interceptors. You need to think of a way to either hide or escape unconditionally. The first two things I can throw out there are 1) escape through the orbital Gateway or 2) hide somewhere on-planet, I dunno, in a cave or take 'er down below the trees once you're out of sight or ditch in the water and proceed on foot or something. Of these options, the Gateway option is hairier because you don't know what they have between you and the Gate but anything they're bringing in to hunt you WILL be in the way. And those aren't the only options, but that's all the options I've come up with. Then again, I've been thinking how exactly they're going to take you down if they've been ordered to take you alive.
Keep in mind that your ship is fairly large for an atmospheric vessel. It's not aerodynamic, so it must constantly emit its antigravity to stay aloft. It runs hot, but hiding heat in an atmosphere or against a sun-soaked backdrop is much easier than trying to hide the same heat signature in the cold depths of space. Your drones will be nigh-useless - due to atmospheric friction and scattering, chase speeds and weapon ranges will generally be within or just out of line-of-sight, and happen at low Mach speeds, not interplanetary velocities.
I don't know if any of that helps, but if it does, good.
Step 2. They will send more interceptors. You need to think of a way to either hide or escape unconditionally. The first two things I can throw out there are 1) escape through the orbital Gateway or 2) hide somewhere on-planet, I dunno, in a cave or take 'er down below the trees once you're out of sight or ditch in the water and proceed on foot or something. Of these options, the Gateway option is hairier because you don't know what they have between you and the Gate but anything they're bringing in to hunt you WILL be in the way. And those aren't the only options, but that's all the options I've come up with. Then again, I've been thinking how exactly they're going to take you down if they've been ordered to take you alive.
Keep in mind that your ship is fairly large for an atmospheric vessel. It's not aerodynamic, so it must constantly emit its antigravity to stay aloft. It runs hot, but hiding heat in an atmosphere or against a sun-soaked backdrop is much easier than trying to hide the same heat signature in the cold depths of space. Your drones will be nigh-useless - due to atmospheric friction and scattering, chase speeds and weapon ranges will generally be within or just out of line-of-sight, and happen at low Mach speeds, not interplanetary velocities.
I don't know if any of that helps, but if it does, good.
I suppose hitting the cruise engines in atmo would be bad, then? Maybe not for getting into space, but I don't think they'd be ready for that, and we burn for a few seconds, get away from them, and that buys us enough time to find a place to hide. Bello might know a few places to hide, as well. Really, I think the best option would be to run now, and figure out where we're going while we're on the run.
I'm all for hitting the afterburners and getting the fuck out of Dodge.
Ooh, forgot about the rest of the team. Hm. I guess we go low, go fast, and keep them busy with...something.
You, well, you don't really know what the cruise engines would do if fired in atmosphere. People don't normally drive through shopping malls either, but they did it in Blues Brothers as well as Crank.

I suppose the two plans could be combined. Get a lock on their position, lose the interceptors temporarily, pick them up fast, and then dodge them long enough to get into the crashers and fire the cruise engines. Still, we should probably ask the guy who knows how the cruise engines work before trying such things. But first, running!
OK, but your plan starts with running no matter how it ends up, right? And you're not trying to make the Gate, just lose them flying on-planet?
Well, it's not my final call to make, since I'm not the one flying the ship. I'm just spitballing a plan that lets us pick up Max, Arketta and Angel and still get out of here in one piece. Since it seems like explosives would lead to them escalating this situation fairly quickly, and we're neither armed nor armored for such an occasion, I think the best option would be trying to lose them, and since cruise engines are at this point in time something of an unknown quantity (One-Ton might know more, I don't know), I think it's a measure of last resort.
I would say yes. Running, but not leaving the planet. Do pickups now or when the heat dies down a little, as opportunity allows.