Back to Earth? Maybe more like once we're back to the ship.
Jade Imperium - OOC 7
Well, what with the healing pucks, I guess I could kneecap Davis and have him fixed up by the time we get back, but that strikes me as slight overkill.
Adam, can we get a map of all the chaos? I sort of have a picture of the whos and wheres, but a visual illustration might help us all out.
Also, how far out is the Morningstar from the plaza?
Morningstar's 5 minutes out.
Here's a crude map at a huge scale.
Here's a crude map at a huge scale.

Max's plan head northwest and evade the skimmers in the car, basically "making the block" until the Morningstar gets close enough.
Other than that, all I can think of is LEEEEEEEROY JENKINNNNNNNNNNNS!
Other than that, all I can think of is LEEEEEEEROY JENKINNNNNNNNNNNS!
Is this a good visual of a Gateship perhaps?
Linky no worky.
In a word, yes. I came up with the idea of how it would work and then I found the picture, but that Avatar titan is the epitomy of what I had in my head.
Pic 1
Pic 2
In the same fashion, the Imperial Interceptors are based very heavily on the Amarr Interceptors.[/img]
Pic 1
Pic 2
In the same fashion, the Imperial Interceptors are based very heavily on the Amarr Interceptors.[/img]
Punkey, be alert for a possible double-cross (triple-cross?) from Nagwai. She's screwed us over once, don't let yourself get caught with your pants down. If you get captured, do your best to kill yourself and destroy your laptop. Nagwai too, if you can.
Psh! Please, I got this shit locked down, son! Mostly. If you think someone as paranoid as I am hasn't already thought about the "getting captured/Boxing Helena" scenario, you are sorely mistaken.
Also, man, you might want to work on those trust issues. Did someone hurt you? Tell us, you're amongst friends here.
Also, man, you might want to work on those trust issues. Did someone hurt you? Tell us, you're amongst friends here.

No, it's just you seem to insist on charging into combat against greatly superior forces for a very logically inconsitent reason (Swims really is unhelpable by you at the molment- if he's still in trouble when you get there, it's probably not anything you'll be able to do anything about.) acompanied only by an NPC who has not proven terribly reliable the one time she has previously accompanied us into combabt. Oh, and the combat before us, she was on the other side of the guns.
Not to mention that you seem to have an odd preference for keeping your plans away from the viewing of others until you execute them, even if they might benefit from review (such as, for instance, pulling a grenade on somebody who really didn't do anything to provoke it). There's a reason I prefer over analysis of plans to under analysis- in over analysis, you don't wind up stranded, with only one NPC for backup, in the middle of a major city crawling with Imperium troops who have been having a bad day and are looking to make it contagious,
Not to mention that you seem to have an odd preference for keeping your plans away from the viewing of others until you execute them, even if they might benefit from review (such as, for instance, pulling a grenade on somebody who really didn't do anything to provoke it). There's a reason I prefer over analysis of plans to under analysis- in over analysis, you don't wind up stranded, with only one NPC for backup, in the middle of a major city crawling with Imperium troops who have been having a bad day and are looking to make it contagious,
I believe I've already addressed your...second complaint below. Or above. It's on page 11. To reiterate, if you look at the OOC threads, I almost always air out plans in advance when they involve the participation of others. This one, you guys didn't need to do anything, so I don't need permission. If Luis decides to kick Davis' ass the next time he sees him, I wouldn't expect you to have to put such an action to a vote. If it makes you feel any better, Davis probably wasn't going to really set off the grenade. Still, a threat isn't really a threat unless one has the means to actually carry it out, isn't it?
As for the rest of it, we'll just have to see, won't we?
As for the rest of it, we'll just have to see, won't we?

So now they're jamming our radios and we're in three groups, neither of which knowing what the other is doing.
I was planning to have the Morningstar pick up both straggling teams at the lake and haul ass, but I guess that's busted. We still need to evacuate Swims, Ngawai and Davis, though, so it's time to start thinking on that. We have alternative broadcast IDs for the ship, but they're not going to do us much good planetside where it's hard to dodge out of the way of constant nav guidance/surveillance. Max's team might be able to evade pursuit in the woods until we can arrange less conspicuous transport.
The best I can think of atm is to go with Bello to the leaders and have the 'star pick us up there. It's not much, but it'll get our primary target on the "HAVE" side. I'm worried about Davis, though. Ngawai has the suit and Swims has his Whirr camo dreadlocks, but he can't hide effectively.
I was planning to have the Morningstar pick up both straggling teams at the lake and haul ass, but I guess that's busted. We still need to evacuate Swims, Ngawai and Davis, though, so it's time to start thinking on that. We have alternative broadcast IDs for the ship, but they're not going to do us much good planetside where it's hard to dodge out of the way of constant nav guidance/surveillance. Max's team might be able to evade pursuit in the woods until we can arrange less conspicuous transport.
The best I can think of atm is to go with Bello to the leaders and have the 'star pick us up there. It's not much, but it'll get our primary target on the "HAVE" side. I'm worried about Davis, though. Ngawai has the suit and Swims has his Whirr camo dreadlocks, but he can't hide effectively.
What do you mean? I think that the Morningstar pickup plan works just fine still. Davis is going to do a sweep of the building, and then haul ass for the lake and hopefully get picked up by the Morningstar. You've already got a location for One-Ton, and Davis can keep an eye out for the Morningstar. As long as it's within running distance, he can make it. Hopefully, the distraction that he's making right now is enough for Swims to be able to make it to the lake, and he can get picked up with us.
Yeah, but I'm concerned about whether the Morningstar can get away from such a pickup. If we'd gotten both teams there, I'd have voted to chance it, but now I'm not so sure whether that's the wisest course of action.
So the 'Star would just be picking up Ngawai, Swims, and Davis. That maintains most of the Delta boys' cover and as you mentioned, and especially with Angel's expertise, Team Kilgore may be able to avoid capture.
Is Davis sweeping the war-torn building where the rebels fired out of, or is he going through a nearby - but not the same - building? And what's the end result you're looking for? You trying to buy time or get their foot troops to follow you or try to save the beleagured rebels in a last-ditch CQB assault or what?
EDIT: You made it clear in your last IC post, thanks.
Re: the 'Star's escape, well, it IS is multi-hundred ton spaceship. It can just bump those skimmers out of the sky. Their weapons, in comparison, would be kind of like .50 cals hitting a C-130. Sure, you can damage it but outside a lucky shot you'll have to wail on that thing to bring it down.
Your main problems in an atmosphere to orbit escape are
1. They can figure out where you're headed and chances are unlike Botane, they'll have forces between you and the orbital Gateway. Luis has a better piloting skill now, but he's still running a deadly gauntlet.
2. No, no, there's only one main problem after all.
Aikoro is still only lightly colonized. There are huge tracts of wilderness. A planetary escape by starship is still feasible, even though you might have to abandon your ship if you don't figure out a good place to hide it.
Is Davis sweeping the war-torn building where the rebels fired out of, or is he going through a nearby - but not the same - building? And what's the end result you're looking for? You trying to buy time or get their foot troops to follow you or try to save the beleagured rebels in a last-ditch CQB assault or what?
EDIT: You made it clear in your last IC post, thanks.
Re: the 'Star's escape, well, it IS is multi-hundred ton spaceship. It can just bump those skimmers out of the sky. Their weapons, in comparison, would be kind of like .50 cals hitting a C-130. Sure, you can damage it but outside a lucky shot you'll have to wail on that thing to bring it down.
Your main problems in an atmosphere to orbit escape are
1. They can figure out where you're headed and chances are unlike Botane, they'll have forces between you and the orbital Gateway. Luis has a better piloting skill now, but he's still running a deadly gauntlet.
2. No, no, there's only one main problem after all.

Aikoro is still only lightly colonized. There are huge tracts of wilderness. A planetary escape by starship is still feasible, even though you might have to abandon your ship if you don't figure out a good place to hide it.
Okay, so immediate escape is no problem. We'll figure out how to get off the planet when we get to that part.
I imagine, if worse comes to worse, the local Bakasharans could trade us another ship of similar specs for the Morningstar and then we could let them secret the Morningstar someplace quiet (with the low population, probably fairly easy once they get out of town) until things cool down. Think of how hard it is to find crashed planes when they go down in the Rockies, or in the desert- and that's with people who want to be found, not ones trying to camoflage them.
Secondly, Punkey, I'd like to say that it appears the Nagwai is, in fact, trustworthy. If she was going to take an oppertunity to betray one of use, now would have been a really good one, and she hasn't.
Thirdly, out of curiosity, where on the map would the Morningstar's direct approach take her? Might aide planning the various pickups.
Also, a cutural question: is there some kind of religious order or something that uses in its proscribed outfit some kind of face covering, like fundimentalist islam and women? It might not get us through a security checkpoint, but it'd give us more freedom of motion to walk around in, say, public monument spaces without attracting attension.
Secondly, Punkey, I'd like to say that it appears the Nagwai is, in fact, trustworthy. If she was going to take an oppertunity to betray one of use, now would have been a really good one, and she hasn't.
Thirdly, out of curiosity, where on the map would the Morningstar's direct approach take her? Might aide planning the various pickups.
Also, a cutural question: is there some kind of religious order or something that uses in its proscribed outfit some kind of face covering, like fundimentalist islam and women? It might not get us through a security checkpoint, but it'd give us more freedom of motion to walk around in, say, public monument spaces without attracting attension.
Or that's what she WANTS you to think... 
Seriously, ADS, please don't make her evil. She's cool and her and Davis kick ass so well together. I made a Rock Band version of her. She plays the drums.

Seriously, ADS, please don't make her evil. She's cool and her and Davis kick ass so well together. I made a Rock Band version of her. She plays the drums.