Two questions, one answer: She's selling us off to the highest bidder. Either that, or being forced to hand us off to someone higher up the bounty hunter food chain than her, or meeting an Imperial contact, or we're leading her to the rest of our group, or whatever. There's a bunch of different reasons why we're here, and most of them, as far as the Kansat are concerned are "Hello, officer, it's above your pay grade, now fuck off." Of course, he could just be coming over to congratulate her on capturing some Kansat-killing motherfuckers.
If he honestly thinks she captured us, he might kill her and "free" us. Not that I mind that, but I think it would upset Davis to lose Ngawai, so hopefully we can steer around that.
Also, Bar Coda? What does he scan as, a sixpack of Coors?
Oh, and considering the path you guys are on requires Ngawai alive and keeping you captive (since you advertised your presence and everything), I'll assume nobody REALLY wants to let the dude shoot the bounty hunter.
Double-tap the Apprehender going for his weapon...Action Dice applied for effect. I'm guessing these bushleaguers aren't the type who expect fugitives to punctuate their orders with bullets.
The plan is to drop the one Apprehender then negotiate terms with the second. If not, I will refer the GM to the previous *blam* *blam* intro.
As much as I'd love to be able to run in and join this little clusterfuck, the first group is already in a gravsled and well away from the fountain, I believe.
You can join away! Group Ngawai met Group Swims at the top of the concourse. The fake Kansat guy told you to meet the tall man at the sled-stand, then Max went into the alley.
You are of course free to leave him there and continue to the gravsled as planned. :twisted:
Okay then, just to get everything sorted out with all the posts that did or didn't happen, everyone's way up on the concourse, with the exception of Max, who somehow teleported down the the ground and on the outside of the fountain, into an alley and started a gunfight? Or are we all on the concourse and Max just wandered off?
The latter. The entire team sans Max is together at the top of the concourse at Fourth Claw's overwatch position. Max just wandered off to try to draw the shopkeeper guy into a confrontation but said shopkeeper had friends who intercepted Max in the alley.
Scratch the above. Dieter was under the impression (and so was Punkey apparently) that the party had indeed split, with Team Ngawai getting into limos with strangers and leaving Team Max behind to handle whatever might come up, like mysterious shopkeepers. Now, Gordon's post indicates he thinks Semo (and therefore Team Ngawai) is still at the concourse.
My thoughts last night upon reading Gatac's last post was that "ok, Hugh's ok with me moving things up to being in the car". When I read Dieter's post, I backpedaled, wondering if I had moved the scene too quickly. I cut out the part of the post detailing getting into Bello's car and assumed we'd roll back to when the two groups met at the top of the concourse.
The way Dieter and Punkey interpreted the situation is what we'll go with I think. You have radios, Bello can turn the car around if that's what you want. If things go more horribly wrong for either team, I don't have a TPK at the hands of Kansatai SWAT teams or some unforseen dicketry at the hands of Bello.
1. I will edit my post adding in the part where Team Ngawai gets into the gravsled with Bello and will specify that Team Swims/Max/Angel did NOT meet in person prior to Team Ngawai's departure.
2. That makes Gatac's post relevant, and I will respond to that.
3. Max still wanders into the alley, this time after Team Ngawai leaves.
4. Cue gunfight. Unfortunately, this WILL render Semo's reaction nonsensical to some extent, but he could react to Max's radio chatter.
Okay, here's a plan, and it doesn't even require us to turn around.
Fourth Claw rocks up over there, holding up some random bit of tech with a button on it in one hand, a radio would do, and a beam rifle in the other, jerking Angel around and having him translating that this is a detonator for the decapitator that Max has around his neck, and if they don't back the fuck up, he'll blow it and they'll be shit out of luck. Fourth Claw's got that whole "I'm a badass, bitches. GET IT." vibe down, so I figure this shouldn't be too much of a problem. When Max comes back, Fourth Claw smacks him around and takes the Colt from him, making some sort of statement along the lines of him stealing the gun, and leave it at that. After that, we give the coordinates to meet us at, since our backup team's cover is now blown.
I can have Davis do this, or Hugh can execute it if that's the plan we're rolling with.
I'm okay with the plan, but realistically we don't have any idea of what's happening - we just heard the radio chatter and maybe the shots. Hence, asking for sitrep. I realize that the whole fight may be over before Hugh gets one, but I feel like I have to go with the roleplaying over instant awareness here, even if the latter would be of potential advantage.
I'm okay with the plan, but realistically we don't have any idea of what's happening - we just heard the radio chatter and maybe the shots. Hence, asking for sitrep. I realize that the whole fight may be over before Hugh gets one, but I feel like I have to go with the roleplaying over instant awareness here, even if the latter would be of potential advantage.
Good point guys, but it looks like that plan's irrelevent anyway. Okay, time to think fast. Good job ditching the collars, and now, if I might make a suggestion, we screw the apprehender chase, since we have bigger problems. We need a rendevous point from our new friends, and let them know that now we've popped up in such a public way, they need to pack up whatever organization they have here, because things are about to get thick on Aikoro. We pick up the rest of the team get to safety, figure out exactly how screwed we are, then move out.
Semo, Hugh, Luis, Mellish, Davis, and Ngawai are in a gravsled - a hoverlimoHumvee - that's being driven away from the monument and concourse by some dude you don't know. Bello is the tall man who apparently is your contact with the resistance movement here on Aikoro. He is in the gravsled as well.
You have overheard radio chatter from Max detailing a gunfight from his group, which stayed back at the concourse while you guys left in the gravsled. Max claims that the Kansatai are onto "us", but Bello reassures you that they shouldn't be able to figure out which people are in which cars. Luckily, only Max, Angel, Swims-the-Black (currently going by his alias of Fourth Claw), and Arketta are in mortal danger.
OK. Max/Angel's group spotted a mysterious man watching the team from a concourse shop. Max slipped into an alley to draw him out, but unbeknownst to Max, the dude (referred to as the nebbish) had friends, who he contacted and told to intercept Max in the alley. Max and Angel killed those guys, who may have been Apprehenders, bounty hunters like Ngawai out for the hefty price on all your heads.
Arketta is in a foot chase with the nebbish. Swims/Claw killed two cops and will likely be trying to help Arketta. Max and Angel are about to have a fuckton of recon drones on their position if they don't move. After the recon drones find them, the real cops will be close behind.