OOC: XIV - As in Louis XIV, minus the powered wig and frilly
Well, this went better than Vegas - nobody died. That is, nobody we care about. 

Gah. Finally back to one thread.
Gatty, assume that as long as you're at Anatoli's you have a landline communication with Agency HQ.
Gatty, assume that as long as you're at Anatoli's you have a landline communication with Agency HQ.
Also, just something to consider: Dave must hate helicopters. Know why? He has so damn many blowing up all over the place.
Freeing Harry: The Deckers blow one out of the sky, in what can retroactively only be seen as a very vague foreshadowing of their death.
Train Attack: Granted, we don't blow up the attacking helicopter, but it catches a few bullets. Similarily, Art has to fly a damaged chopper.
Vegas: Death by Chopper. Not only does Gavin shoot down one (with himself inside, no less), but we also hitch a ride in a newschopper, which I imagine got a bit singed when that bar went up.
Korea: This time, our chopper gets blown out of the sky. Not that we needed the diversity...
Scotland: We're just recouping when another one of those goddamn attack choppers shows up. Kyun fades. Also, we hitch a ride by military chopper and play more with Claymore, which toasts another chopper.
And now, in Venice, what did we blow up via the ponycar's self-destruct? The goddamn escape helicopter.
Stop the hate against VTOL vehicles, I say!
Freeing Harry: The Deckers blow one out of the sky, in what can retroactively only be seen as a very vague foreshadowing of their death.
Train Attack: Granted, we don't blow up the attacking helicopter, but it catches a few bullets. Similarily, Art has to fly a damaged chopper.
Vegas: Death by Chopper. Not only does Gavin shoot down one (with himself inside, no less), but we also hitch a ride in a newschopper, which I imagine got a bit singed when that bar went up.
Korea: This time, our chopper gets blown out of the sky. Not that we needed the diversity...
Scotland: We're just recouping when another one of those goddamn attack choppers shows up. Kyun fades. Also, we hitch a ride by military chopper and play more with Claymore, which toasts another chopper.
And now, in Venice, what did we blow up via the ponycar's self-destruct? The goddamn escape helicopter.
Stop the hate against VTOL vehicles, I say!

I'm just paying homage to John Woo. 
Besides, it's kind of hard to have a lasting battle with a plane travelling at Mach-1. I vow to have at least one fight onboard a C130 or something of such behemoth nature.
"Get off my plane!" (bitchslap)

Besides, it's kind of hard to have a lasting battle with a plane travelling at Mach-1. I vow to have at least one fight onboard a C130 or something of such behemoth nature.
"Get off my plane!" (bitchslap)
Re: The topic subtitle.
"Fear the might of my mechanized toupee!"
"Fear the might of my mechanized toupee!"
Gatty, I'll give you a free round to what you wish before things go boom.
Getting the hell behind ANYTHING that looks remotely like cover.
(Edited by Gatac at 9:23 pm on Sep. 23, 2004)
(Edited by Gatac at 9:23 pm on Sep. 23, 2004)
Is this the part where we get to smash a city block?
Quote:I'm guessing it'll fall somewhere between Payback (Mel Gibson) and The Punisher (Thomas Lane version).Quote: from CrazyIvan on 7:41 pm on Sep. 23, 2004
Is this the part where we get to smash a city block?
What is Jess doing?
Readying my action to shoot the first guy to come through the door. Can't worry about Anatoli now.
Four guys with AKs...
On second thought, let's go use that secret door.
On second thought, let's go use that secret door.
Holy crap. Where did those updates come from?

"Oh my God! The dam is breaking!"
"I've never seen solid beef stew give in like that!"
"I've never seen solid beef stew give in like that!"
To: Everyone except Gatac.
Re: Mission budgets
You guys are getting into the realm of being able to pretty much procure anything you want. Just post what you'd like* to have in your personal equipment inventories and we'll go from there. The only thing that will have to be done by the book is the expenditure of vehicle/gadget points.
*Within reason. James Bond has never requested a minigun. You guys have a ballpark in which to purchase stuff, do so accordingly.
Re: Mission budgets
You guys are getting into the realm of being able to pretty much procure anything you want. Just post what you'd like* to have in your personal equipment inventories and we'll go from there. The only thing that will have to be done by the book is the expenditure of vehicle/gadget points.
*Within reason. James Bond has never requested a minigun. You guys have a ballpark in which to purchase stuff, do so accordingly.
*feels excluded*
Time to wrap this subplot up, methinks.
Time to wrap this subplot up, methinks.

Quote:Yeah. We're really close to getting everyone on the same page. I'm not sure how long it will take given that it's a holiday week here in the U.S. I know I'll pretty much be around the whole time, but there may be alot of people going to grandma's house for Thanksgiving.Quote: from Gatac on 10:32 am on Nov. 23, 2004
*feels excluded*
Time to wrap this subplot up, methinks.
Jess, she's not a doctor...but plays one on TV.

More like "I'm not a spy, I just play one in real life", hm? 
