There are pros and cons to splitting up, of course. On one hand, throwing down the Imperial authority smackdown, either more forcefully verbally or physically would show you're not to be fucked with (or maybe the woman didn't try to meet your price). It keeps the group together, always good to have numbers. It reiterates that Zaef is a prisoner.
Splitting the party (which I assume is going to happen at some point anyway) might make Davis, Luis, and Angel more approachable without their obvious Turai henchmen, might lend itself to a slightly faster slope towards illicit dealings. Plus Zaef gets laid. It probably would garner more attention towards you compared to a bog-standard Imperial smackdown and could show that your Turai are not entirely by-the-book.
Heh. Don't start turning on the Barry White quite yet. You do know that one of the Turai has to be in the room and watching, right? Don't want to come in and find her taking you out of here at Stinger-point though a secret tunnel.
(Edit: Davis asked Ngawai and Swims the same question about what to order. )
Robin has a mohawked goon asking her if the Bloodwraith (Zaef's Arena name/title) is in the room you are currently guarding. You might've missed it as the other group progressed; it's one of the pitfalls of having multiple people in different places doing different stuff.
Robin has a mohawked goon asking her if the Bloodwraith (Zaef's Arena name/title) is in the room you are currently guarding. You might've missed it as the other group progressed; it's one of the pitfalls of having multiple people in different places doing different stuff.
I am at the Flex 360 conference in DC tomorrow through wednesday, so updates probably won't happen. That said, I believe we've wrapped up Khalkiota, so it's a good opportunity for you all to regroup and decide what your next move(s) is/are.
For Luis/Zakest, Faxom-Io would be the best industrium for getting your implants. But they're not going to just up and offer them to you out of the blue. You'll have to at least try to set up an appointment or consultation first if you're using new eyes as your infiltration vector. Luckily, reputable physicians are plentiful in the levels slightly below where you are in the arcology. You can also inquire via Cortex and set up a consultation online (although you still have to go have a doctor look at you). It's easy enough as to not really require a lot of work - just let me know when you want to start the encounter at the cyberoptometrist.
I'm thinking, knock and announce before going in (but work the challenge phrase in either before Hugh and team enter, or immediately after, so they know it's us), so that Arlana and Ody don't react to seeing Arketta walking in as if it's their daughter, and instead react like they're about to be searched by the Turai. They have the helmets on opaque reflective and everything, I'm just pretty sure that Ody and especially Arlana can spot their daughter when she's in full Turai armor.
Thanks! They're 3d models that I made with blender, a free 3D program. Then I uploaded them to, a 3d printing service in the Netherlands that integrates online shops with their users' submissions. After that, I could order them and paint them like most any other miniature.
I'm beginning to get all the various encounters rolling, now that there's been a conceivable amount of time between you all brandishing yourselves about town and now.
1. Luis/Zakest has an appointment with a Faxom-Io cyberdoc in the morning. Is anyone going to go with him?
2. Segal Iyuzo's left a message for Hugh/Swao for a meet with a courier at some point tomorrow at a fixed location. When do you want to plan that and who's going?
3. Davis/Haralin's been invited to Reno Kesh's place for a party tomorrow evening. I won't ask who's going yet, because there's morning stuff to do, and Swao might want to do the Iyuzo meet first or during or something.
4. Abe Saloma's supposed to get back to you tomorrow, but that's likely able to be done over vox.
5. Zaef has an offer to Segal Iyuzo - stims paid for in blood I believe? Segal hasn't called that in yet, but he was told to contact Zaef through Haralin when he does.
Besides Luis' own personal curiosity for looking into implants, it's an opportunity to put himself out there as bait. Likely marks here are Kesh, through his Faxom-Io brother Gorlan, and the Quoronas, who are even higher-up at Faxom-Io. Any time "bait" is used, I'd plan for shenanigans. And since just about everything you're doing on this planet is bait for someone or something, extrapolate that to "ninjas may burst into the room at any given time".
Haralin's ostensibly busy scouting the area, but if Zakest has a suitable excuse to involve his boss or have Haralin be in the area, he could be wandering about the area, probably with Tanakta in tow.
It doesn't feel right to not have Arketta at least in the room (put both of them on an encrypted vox channel, so they can speak to each other about the idea of Luis getting his eyes replaced and skulljack'd), and Adam's said having a Turai along for protection makes sense, so there you go.
Also, Haralin is getting up bright and early (well, dark and early) to scout the mesa and surrounding area in the skimmer, ostensibly for his Arena/rectenna project, really to check the scenery for dangers to their plan.
I may be hard to get ahold of this weekend, the home network router took advantage of the midterm break to fail, so for now we've only got one machine wired right into the modem until thing's get straightened out.