Gatac wrote:We move. Five meter spread. No sound.Then let us dakka, my friends.
Jade Imperium - OOC 12
Speak to me of your dakka: The four of you (Angel, Hugh, Zaef, and Cowboy) should decide how to follow the Turai trail. What I'm thinking is you can travel in formation such that 1, 2, or all of you are responsible for making Move and Wits checks to sneak AND follow the Turai.
The more people who roll Wits/scouting/awareness, the better your chances of spotting the Turai. At the same time, the more people who are rolling Stealth, the more chances there are to fail and BE spotted. I see it like you're spreading out into more of a line heading through the trees compared to a close formation or column.
The more people who roll Wits/scouting/awareness, the better your chances of spotting the Turai. At the same time, the more people who are rolling Stealth, the more chances there are to fail and BE spotted. I see it like you're spreading out into more of a line heading through the trees compared to a close formation or column.
It would seem that they are more likely waiting for us, so I think we should rely more on stealth rather than tracking. I'd say we mix up the stealth/tracking rolls to something like three stealth rolls for every one we make for tracking.
All right, unless anyone objects, I'll proceed with the dakka team maximized for stealth. Thanks!
*Crysis armor voice*
I forgot about that Sheen thing. Sheen are not quiet, and will pretty much butcher any attempt at stealth if you have them with you, but that doesn't mean they can't draw attention away from you guys. They're pretty much the opposite of the plan you just posted (high awareness, no stealth). Take that as you will when you respond to Davis' suggestion.
We could just have the Sheen flush out the Turai and we could be there laying in wait...much like Chuck Norris.
Yeah, that was my thought. Use the Sheen as big, loud search team on a different route and see what they scare up for us.
If the Trin isn't close enough together for a grenade, Zaef will get close and slice and dice like a product on a 3 AM infomercial.
If the Trin is close enough together for a grenade...BOOM!
If the Trin is close enough together for a grenade...BOOM!
They are not close enough for a grenade (not all of them, anyway), but there's no reason a grenade couldn't be your opening shot (you might get up to two of them, let's say), and then melee after it goes off.
Sounds good. Let's see how it works.
Alpha strike with grenades finds my approval, too. Hit 'em fast, hit 'em hard, and then we go in and mop up.
Sounds good. You'll have to move in some, then make your throws. Since explosives are being used and, going by my loadout list from the last campaign, 3 or 4 frags each seem reasonable, they are in limited supply, I would like to know who specifically is using a grenade.
Sounds to me like Zaef and Hugh are cool with frags, and while that can certainly make a big dent, if you all fragged the Turai that'd be a potentially overwhelming initial attack (assuming you all hit of course).
So post here or gtalk me or whatever, and I'll roll out this alpha strike. Please let me know if you're using a grenade, and what your plan is after.
I've been looking for a reasonable picture of what your surroundings look like:
Sounds to me like Zaef and Hugh are cool with frags, and while that can certainly make a big dent, if you all fragged the Turai that'd be a potentially overwhelming initial attack (assuming you all hit of course).
So post here or gtalk me or whatever, and I'll roll out this alpha strike. Please let me know if you're using a grenade, and what your plan is after.
I've been looking for a reasonable picture of what your surroundings look like:

Sticking to my original action: frag, move into melee. Concerning the "overwhelming initial attack," 2 frags should be sufficient. Anymore just seems like a waste. Besides, it leaves two left to shoot any survivors
Cowboy will be n00btubing a 40mm from the SCAR.
Cowboy's at 5/6 wounds, 7/14 shock.
Zaef was going into melee anyhow, and Angel might not have the drop on his two, but he did have initiative on them.
That leaves the rest of the round like so:
Two Turai are clustered in cover near the rocky hill. One Turai is still in melee with Zaef (and took a wound in addition to losing his weapon); both are out of cover. One Turai is terribly wounded by Angel but isn't quite dead. He'll miss this round but can act (more or less) the next round.
Zaef was going into melee anyhow, and Angel might not have the drop on his two, but he did have initiative on them.
That leaves the rest of the round like so:
Two Turai are clustered in cover near the rocky hill. One Turai is still in melee with Zaef (and took a wound in addition to losing his weapon); both are out of cover. One Turai is terribly wounded by Angel but isn't quite dead. He'll miss this round but can act (more or less) the next round.
Cowboy will be checking the downed Turai to make sure they're not faking, then police up their usable gear from their bodies.
Who do you want guarding Shenest (who is still KO'd) and Hale in the comm room?
Swims and Luis, if that's okay. I especially want to make sure that they don't try to slip out any kind of shiv or anything and cut their restraints.
Everyone is now back at the camp! With this update comes a few decisions to be made:
You have 40 wherren braves armed with a mix of tenners and SCARs. What do you want them doing? Remember that they have had a whopping 1 day of ranged weapons training. While it was a good day, they are just mooks when it comes to shooting things. They are much handier in close combat, should that need arise.
Current wherren status: Milling about the clearing.
Martin wants 3 things so Charlie can work on repairing the damaged Sheen warshell: 1) scrap hull plating from the manta, which shouldn't be a problem. 2) spare voxes, which shouldn't be a problem. 3) the monotask that is currently suspending the broken Gate pieces in the dome research chamber. You don't NEED the monotask, and your plan is to feed the Gate pieces to the molecular forge anyhow.
Current Martin status is: Broken
The Groi forge/keg (When I say molecular forge, I refer to the Gatekeg artifact you brought with you) - where is it going, when are you starting it up, and WHO is starting it up? Once started, it cannot realistically be moved with the equipment you have on hand. I assume the Groi reactor you brought is going alongside wherever the forge ends up. If that's not the case, explain how you intend to power the forge.
Current forge status: Unpowered and inactive, stored on the opposite side of the dome from the maintenance bay.
Several large crates of weapons and ammo. Where are they going to be stored?
Current crate status: Out in the field near the other Imperial crates on the opposite side of the dome from the maintenance bay.
Is anyone getting any sleep?
Who is watching the prisoners? Are they going to be moved somewhere? Are you setting any patrols around the camp (and who would be on those patrols)?
Current guard status is: Random people milling about in the clearing. Nobody is patrolling. Arketta and Kang are on explicit prisoner detail. Luis and Swims are guarding the comm room.
You don't have to answer everything immediately... That's why I have the "current status" things in there, so you all know what's what until the issues are addressed.
You have 40 wherren braves armed with a mix of tenners and SCARs. What do you want them doing? Remember that they have had a whopping 1 day of ranged weapons training. While it was a good day, they are just mooks when it comes to shooting things. They are much handier in close combat, should that need arise.
Current wherren status: Milling about the clearing.
Martin wants 3 things so Charlie can work on repairing the damaged Sheen warshell: 1) scrap hull plating from the manta, which shouldn't be a problem. 2) spare voxes, which shouldn't be a problem. 3) the monotask that is currently suspending the broken Gate pieces in the dome research chamber. You don't NEED the monotask, and your plan is to feed the Gate pieces to the molecular forge anyhow.
Current Martin status is: Broken
The Groi forge/keg (When I say molecular forge, I refer to the Gatekeg artifact you brought with you) - where is it going, when are you starting it up, and WHO is starting it up? Once started, it cannot realistically be moved with the equipment you have on hand. I assume the Groi reactor you brought is going alongside wherever the forge ends up. If that's not the case, explain how you intend to power the forge.
Current forge status: Unpowered and inactive, stored on the opposite side of the dome from the maintenance bay.
Several large crates of weapons and ammo. Where are they going to be stored?
Current crate status: Out in the field near the other Imperial crates on the opposite side of the dome from the maintenance bay.
Is anyone getting any sleep?
Who is watching the prisoners? Are they going to be moved somewhere? Are you setting any patrols around the camp (and who would be on those patrols)?
Current guard status is: Random people milling about in the clearing. Nobody is patrolling. Arketta and Kang are on explicit prisoner detail. Luis and Swims are guarding the comm room.
You don't have to answer everything immediately... That's why I have the "current status" things in there, so you all know what's what until the issues are addressed.