After the wounded are triaged, we need a headcount of prisoners and every needs to get back to their guard posts.
Jade Imperium - OOC 12
38 Wherren in total:
1 shaman
6 Chosen
1 warboss Banur
1 escaped youth Joxur
29 warriors (Karon, Mola, and Sajuuk are some of the names here)
30 prisoners in total:
6 Turai (Kosai, 5 unnamed thus far - 3 of these have recently been maimed)
11 civilians (Zakpabo, 'medicae lady', 'crying lady', 8 unremarkable thus far)
12 Keepers (Shenest, Hoei, 10 unnamed thus far)
1 Hale is loose and left to his own devices but I'm counting him here.
I think it went pretty well too. That was a 4-second riot, basically. Nobody died (yet). None of the wherren have life-threatening wounds, but the shanked one and Swims' guy could use help.
38 Wherren in total:
1 shaman
6 Chosen
1 warboss Banur
1 escaped youth Joxur
29 warriors (Karon, Mola, and Sajuuk are some of the names here)
30 prisoners in total:
6 Turai (Kosai, 5 unnamed thus far - 3 of these have recently been maimed)
11 civilians (Zakpabo, 'medicae lady', 'crying lady', 8 unremarkable thus far)
12 Keepers (Shenest, Hoei, 10 unnamed thus far)
1 Hale is loose and left to his own devices but I'm counting him here.
I think it went pretty well too. That was a 4-second riot, basically. Nobody died (yet). None of the wherren have life-threatening wounds, but the shanked one and Swims' guy could use help.
That last post was just to clarify that the wounded wherren isn't getting left behind or anything. You can go after 'em if you want, but it's 1) through smoke and 2) into the jungle.
admiralducksauce wrote:Or we just lob a few grenades over there and hope for the best.That last post was just to clarify that the wounded wherren isn't getting left behind or anything. You can go after 'em if you want, but it's 1) through smoke and 2) into the jungle.

I think we should keep the grenades for when they come full force. But if you want to frag 'em, I don't think we can stop you.
Whether you grease these guys or not, to quote Obi-Wan, "They'll be back - and in greater numbers."

admiralducksauce wrote:Kill them now or later....does it really matter? It's a heck of a lot easier when we have them in sight and in range. Besides, grenades are only going to be useful for a very limited amount of time before we're in CQB with knives and harsh language.Whether you grease these guys or not, to quote Obi-Wan, "They'll be back - and in greater numbers."
If we're free-fire, Cowboy is doing so before they leave.
Probably shouldn't waste valuable ammo on blind-fire.
Yeah, I'm also down on wasting a 40 mike-mike on blindfire. We drove them off with a minimum level of force, why shoot a 'nade at fleeing enemies when we don't even know it'll do anything? Keep the HE under lock until we get something harder than half-assed harassing. Courageous Restraint Medals and all.

I didn't know if anyone particularly wanted to try their hand at fighting a drunken wherren, but the option's there.
If not, we'll move on, with you guys perhaps being smarter for not making work for Luis.

Did Davis indeed "want this guy" as Hugh asks?
I have been informed that Luis and Angel would like bonfire type scenes. I've set up a Wave for this; Ivan, E, if you haven't seen the invite, let me know. Don't bother waiting to see me online, just post what you need and I'll respond in between shitty diapers.

We've skipped over a lot of back and forth about plans in Wave that were ultimately rejected for a simple rescue plan in the end, so I didn't feel the need to clutter up anything here.
Hugh'll illustrate in the IC thread, but right now the idea is to send in the sneakiest team members to rescue to hostages.
You're rescuing hostages
You might be able to thin out some of the enemy
You all know the layout and terrain of the village where they are
A success here wins major points with your wherren and denies the enemy pretty much their only non-combat leverage over your people
You're leaving the protection of your claymores and foxholes and big open killing field
Stealth is of utmost importance; you'll potentially be sneaking into a quad of Khiraba and two villages' worth of wherren
You're dividing your forces
Hugh'll illustrate in the IC thread, but right now the idea is to send in the sneakiest team members to rescue to hostages.
You're rescuing hostages
You might be able to thin out some of the enemy
You all know the layout and terrain of the village where they are
A success here wins major points with your wherren and denies the enemy pretty much their only non-combat leverage over your people
You're leaving the protection of your claymores and foxholes and big open killing field
Stealth is of utmost importance; you'll potentially be sneaking into a quad of Khiraba and two villages' worth of wherren
You're dividing your forces
Happy D-Day! 
I'm back at work tomorrow. I don't know if that'll help my posting rate/availability here because I'll be online all day, or if it'll hinder it because I'll be incredibly busy with actual work.
It did occur to me that even if you're NOT volunteering for the rescue mission, you should post OOC to that effect (or gtalk me or wave or whatever) so I don't sit around wondering if we've heard from everyone when we could move forward.

I'm back at work tomorrow. I don't know if that'll help my posting rate/availability here because I'll be online all day, or if it'll hinder it because I'll be incredibly busy with actual work.
It did occur to me that even if you're NOT volunteering for the rescue mission, you should post OOC to that effect (or gtalk me or wave or whatever) so I don't sit around wondering if we've heard from everyone when we could move forward.
Davis should probably stay behind to keep the peace.
Anyone can run a Frisbee, but if Wherren get hurt, Luis has to see to them, so he might need to go along, even if he doesn't move in with the sneak team.
Cowboy will stay behind at camp. Sending the entire A-Team on the search and rescue would break the Stargate rules of engagement regarding rescuing the rescuers.
Zaef will go.
I think Arketta'd go as well, mostly because Luis is going. If you guys want Swims, he'd go as well, but he'd also be good back at camp, what with being a sort of intermediary between Earth and Whiirr.
Finally, I think the only PC we need a decision from is Angel.
Finally, I think the only PC we need a decision from is Angel.
Angel has developed a predilection for killing Khiraba, so he's all for a rescue.