I figure this would be interesting for people who want to hunt Turai for once (instead of being hunted by them). However, I would not advise one person going off on their own. You guys have NPCs to fill out either hunting posses or guard duty as you see fit, so I would think it should be up to the players and then we can figure out who's going and couch that into an IC response using chain of command or whatever.
Right. So Davis stays with the camp, which honestly is where the challenges I've kind of had in mind for him are located. Semo will be up and about, and him, Kang, Arketta, Swims, and the wherren can guard stuff.
Also, Davis will be working to break the news about the Sheen ASAP, so they can join you guys on your Turai hunt without the camp completely losing their shit.
If you wanted to clear the base first, which is what I'm hearing some of over Wave, I won't penalize you in the Turai hunt. Clearing the base first makes it easier on me as well - you're only splitting into 2 groups rather than a guard team AND a clearing team AND a hunting posse.
Luis will be helping to clear the base and get all the Turai, refugees, and researchers sorted out and under gaurd. Once that's done, he'll be taking a crack at their systems.
If he can find the time either now or later, he'd be interested in chatting a bit with some of the researchers about what they've found at the site. Nothing like a doctoral dissertaion, just stuff along the lines of,"So, is the ship definitely Master tech? When did it crash, and have you had any luck figuring out why? Were all the Gates on it Homeworld system? Any thoughts on what it was doing here?"
If there's no good opportunity to ask, he won't, but he is curious, and getting the researchers talking about their work might help take their minds off the situation and calm them down.
Yeah, we need to clear the base first before we can really pursue. I mean, we could put just Angel on it, but I don't know what he can do if he actually finds them.
Yeah, we need to clear the base first before we can really pursue. I mean, we could put just Angel on it, but I don't know what he can do if he actually finds them.
Or that super-boring "observe and report" business.
Clearing the base team:
maybe Cowboy
maybe Zaef
Dakka Team:
maybe Hugh
maybe Zaef
Talking to Hale Team:
You can be on both clearing and dakka teams. For the clearing teams, which buildings are you clearing next? There's building 2, which Hale claims noone was staying in, and building 3, claimed to house the Keepers. There is also the underground access to check. Both buildings 2 and 3 are similar to the barracks in size.
My input is purely advisory for this, but I think that forming two clearing teams (Luis/Zaef, Hugh/Cowboy?), hitting the two remaining outlying buildings simultaneously, and then joining up to sweep the underground section together would be best.
I propose we get the Keepers out in the open, then on to building two, then the underground barracks. I also think this could be resolved with a few rolls with only a major discovery requiring a full in-character dialogue.
I agree - I can roll the building clearing into a montage unless something unknown!!! happens. If everyone's clearing, I can assume Hugh's clearing based on his IC responses so far, and that's good enough for me to continue.
I agree - I can roll the building clearing into a montage unless something unknown!!! happens. If everyone's clearing, I can assume Hugh's clearing based on his IC responses so far, and that's good enough for me to continue.