Jade Imperium - OOC 12
Ravilars are like Imperial reporters/newscasters, except they don't believe in unbiased news, so they're really just propogandists. Imagine a rabidly pro-government Colbert Report.
There's the dome, with both a standard door and a large garage-style bay door. Hale said there are 8 civvies in the bay, assuming they slept where they were supposed to and didn't move around once the battle started.
There's the hatch to some kind of underground something. Angel and Hugh spotted people moving stuff from the dome bay down here during their first recon.
Building 1 Hale claims is the Turai barracks. Building 2 he didn't say, but they were going to put the Chosen wherren in there before shit got real. Building 3 he says is the Keepers (the brains of the research team), and has 4 refugees besides. You don't have exact numbers on the actual complement of Turai or Keepers, but you understood it be about two dozen or so.
Gatac wrote:Check the barracks first, although I do recommend someone guard our own entry in the event of trickery.I'd say we account for the barracks first. Most likely source of resistance and trouble, we should secure it before anyone gets the bright idea to barricade inside.
Five turai (including Hale), one male Keeper, and one female refugee are outside in the clearing north of the dome, in plain sight of Angel, Arketta, and Kang, who are covering from within the treeline to the north.
Davis, Hugh, Cowboy, Luis, and Zaef are in the clearing as well. The shaman and five Chosen wherren are also in the clearing - they would have picked their stuff back up, I just forgot they were still around.
I understand Hugh, Cowboy, and Zaef are going to move to clear the barracks building first. That building is like a larger Imperial version of a quonset hut, basically. That will leave Davis, Luis, and six wherren in the clearing with five turai and 2 civilians. Previously I was posting this to ask "do you want more people watching these Imperials?" but I forgot about the wherren. With the wherren there too, it reduces the opportunity for shenanigans.
admiralducksauce wrote:Davis or Hugh should brief the Sheen on the situation.All righty, here's where we stand:
Five turai (including Hale), one male Keeper, and one female refugee are outside in the clearing north of the dome, in plain sight of Angel, Arketta, and Kang, who are covering from within the treeline to the north.
Davis, Hugh, Cowboy, Luis, and Zaef are in the clearing as well. The shaman and five Chosen wherren are also in the clearing - they would have picked their stuff back up, I just forgot they were still around.
I understand Hugh, Cowboy, and Zaef are going to move to clear the barracks building first. That building is like a larger Imperial version of a quonset hut, basically. That will leave Davis, Luis, and six wherren in the clearing with five turai and 2 civilians. Previously I was posting this to ask "do you want more people watching these Imperials?" but I forgot about the wherren. With the wherren there too, it reduces the opportunity for shenanigans.
So...I dunno. Might not sell well.
Gatac wrote:Yeah, they'll be pretty much agitated no matter what we say. I think they should at least be advised of what is going on. I'd hate for them to skip town or gun us down in a fit of boredom.Which is basically "Dudes, stay the fuck away or you'll get EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT."
So...I dunno. Might not sell well.

Working on a post right now where Davis talks to Varna and Hale. I mean for it to go up before Hugh, Cowboy, and Zaef breach the barracks, because it's weird to have a calm conversation while flashbangs are going off. So hopefully that'll go up and then I'll set the stage for clearing the barracks.

admiralducksauce wrote:Two things:Would I be correct assuming that Hugh has left Zaef and Cowboy to clear the barracks on their own? Zaef, Cowboy, do you want to clear the barracks now, and if so, how are you going about it? Do you want to wait for Hugh to catch back up with you?
1) Those who aren't helping sweep the grounds might want to do a proper search of everyone outside. Luis caught the medic palming the Stinger, but there could be others. Just saying.
2) Cowboy won't be waiting for Hugh, approaching the barracks, taking cover from either side of the entrance. He will then give a general order for anyone inside within earshot to slowly exit the building with their hands above their heads. Failing non-compliance, a second warning will be issued that anyone inside not obeying the first order may be injured and or shot. Failing the second warning's success, it'll be flash-clear time with an SOP entry, covering corners and eliminating threats as identified.
Dieter wrote:Cowboy won't be waiting for Hugh, approaching the barracks, taking cover from either side of the entrance. He will then give a general order for anyone inside within earshot to slowly exit the building with their hands above their heads. Failing non-compliance, a second warning will be issued that anyone inside not obeying the first order may be injured and or shot. Failing the second warning's success, it'll be flash-clear time with an SOP entry, covering corners and eliminating threats as identified.
Sounds good to me.
Note: These all assume we're going to get bushwacked pretty soon here.
Option 1: You call him in too. I'm down with that, it puts me in good company when we all go down in a blaze of glory. It does keep me from getting shot in the back from a stealth suit I didn't see.
Option 2: You can leave him out there. As it stands, Angel's probably got the best "See, not be seen" chance of the party, and if the Turai weren't keeping very careful count, its possible they don't know he's around. Given its entirely reasonable that the two groups that have been called in are it, it leaves someone with a fair amount of firepower in a flanking position.
Deeper tactical thoughts later.
You also have stuff like potable water supplies, food, nicer beds, and air conditioning. And an increasing number of prisoners who would still need all that (well, the food and water... the AC is a nice bonus) if you moved them out of the camp.
The Turai also don't know about the platoon of rifle-toting wherren and two Sheen you have a little farther back in the jungle, although this trickle of new people walking out of the trees every couple of minutes may have stymied any plans for an immediate counterattack.