Admiral Duck Sauce 2014-08-14 13:55:07
And that sounds like end scene to me.

With that, we are 25% done this game! Everyone's had a scene now, and the die counts stand as such:

Reagan: 1 white
Mike: 1 black
Robert: none!
Adam: 1 black
Dave: 1 white, 1 black

The highest total of each color will help decide what the Tilt is after this next round of scenes. The tilt is something that throws the plot out of whack, that shatters dreams and pushes the characters further into conflict and the story to its resolution.

Reagan! Donna, scene 2! Will you establish or resolve?
Gatac 2014-08-14 14:15:10
Actually, Dave resolved. But yeah, for Donna's scene, I like the flashback scene that was floated earlier.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2014-08-14 14:18:23
That's too easy. Reagan suggests a scene opener, and then picks to resolve? We can't let him have that, not without fucking with it some.
Community Lotion 2014-08-14 14:20:14
Agreed! What's Donna's situation now? Her plan didn't quite work out. What I suggested as a back-story with the feds isn't canon at this point at all, so we could do anything.
Gatac 2014-08-14 14:22:14
Oh, right, that was Reagan's idea.

Okay, since I think my read is that Rocca basically forced Donna to come with him, this could be the two of them pulled over at the side of the road, dealing with Tammy - who's an inconvenient witness to be sure, but Rocco's still got feels and Donna doesn't strike me as a killer, so it should be fun to watch the two twist themselves into pretzels over how to deal with her.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2014-08-14 14:33:05
Let's flashback WITH the normal timeline, if flashing back is still something that would provide useful information. Interlace the timelines, provide a flashback if it would answer something in the current timeline?

Why is Donna out to rip off the stash with Drew, anyway? What isn't she telling Rocco about her dad (remember, we've got those Needs from the setup phase to drive us)? How can we bend the scene to move those two Needs towards a resolution or to further complicate the resolution thereof?

We've seen Lou already, and it's not a mystery like "ZOMG my brother's alive". The facts we've established are:
1. Lou's into some drug shit.
2. Lou has goons who take his orders. He's still a person with some power, whatever else is going on.
3. Lou and Rocco weren't terribly angry with each other.
4. Lou isn't terribly angry with Donna. There is still space for the reverse to be true.
Community Lotion 2014-08-14 14:35:00
5. Donna wants to get rich by robbing a business
6. Donna and Drew have a drug/crime relationship.
7. Donna is, most likely, a bit of an addict, which could be fun.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2014-08-14 14:38:01
Also, we have established that Tammy is the trunk of the car Rocco is driving. Which is his Cadillac, NOT the drug car. Who's got the drug car? It's still in the lot, AFAIK. And did Donna go with her dad or with Rocco?
MikeS 2014-08-14 16:31:53
It would be interesting to go into more detail on what happened exactly when Rocco caught Drew and Donna trying to steal the stash.

Did it look like Donna was helping Drew, voluntarily or involuntarily? How angry is Rocco at Donna? Does Rocco understand that Donna might have been trying to set him up?

Donna got off pretty lightly so far.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2014-08-14 17:21:07
Right. Is Rocco just blind to Donna? Because so far it seems like Rocco's putting family first even if he caught that family red-handed, ripping off him in such a fashion that could've ended with Rocco dead, shot by Drew, or hell, even shot with his own gun. And IF Rocco really IS just blind to Donna's shenanigans - after all, how would Drew and Ed know which one was the drug car unless Donna told them - then I want to see Donna exploit the shit out of it.
Community Lotion 2014-08-14 17:28:36
I'd think he's not blind to her actions, but maybe he thinks of her like a protege of sorts. "Next time Donna, when you try and pull this shit, [here's how to do it]/[let me know]."
Gatac 2014-08-15 00:23:37
Or he just wants her to think she got away with it while he deals with all the other crap and comes up with a more coherent plan for her.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2014-08-15 11:01:40
OK, Donna and Lou in the drug car, but Lou is pissed in private now because he caught his daughter trying to rip him off?
Admiral Duck Sauce 2014-08-25 11:37:24
Reagan's launching a kickstarter tomorrow, so he's been really busy. That's why things have slowed up. Just for everyone's information.