Unfortunately, Jileeza doesn't have any particular talents related to ship operation. Guess she'll just hang around, chat with people and wait for Something To Happen (TM).

Quote:Quote: from fanchergw on 7:59 pm on Nov. 21, 2003
Mak and Reyes seem to have the most combat skill. Perhaps they ought to be the primaries on the two gun turrets?
Quote:I vote we sell the Spice, wire Gulgo the amount equivalent to what his tibanna would have gotten him, then pocket the rest.
Quote:I fear I'm becoming too much of a roleplayer. My first thought was "But turret manning in space just isn't Mak's thing", as I've designed Mak to be a Way Of The Gun fighter, not Skywalker destroying the first Death Star. Shiat.
Quote:Mos Eisely anyone? I'm guessing there's a bunch of scumbags willing to take the Spice off our hands.