It looks like everyone will be waiting for something to shoot so moving right along...
Does Steward have cover from me ?
Wait, wouldn't Stewart have been hit milliseconds before the audience hears the gunshots?
Quote:Correctamundo...the shots would hit first then the reports would be heard. It has been noted and edited in the storyline.Quote: from Infested Paladin on 5:03 am on Jan. 21, 2003
Wait, wouldn't Stewart have been hit milliseconds before the audience hears the gunshots?
+1 action die to IP for pointing that out.
Quote:Andrew has 100% from everyone except Artis & Co. whom are in the car next door. They can actually see him lying prone.Quote: from Gatac on 2:50 am on Jan. 21, 2003
Does Steward have cover from me ?
It's a clear shot (Range=100ft)...+4 to hit since he's prone.

Well, when my turn comes up it's DakkaDakkaDakka with the machine guns.
Ok, we're at the top of the order. Stewart appears to be doing nothing more than bleeding out at this point. Our soldiers are readying to fire at any sort of enemy movement.
Basically, Jess is up next. She could get back over to Stewart this round or at least get in sight of him for a shot. There is plenty of cover between him and you (mailboxes, other cars, etc). You'd only to take a half action to get in view of him. (leaving you another action to shoot or do whatever)
Basically, Jess is up next. She could get back over to Stewart this round or at least get in sight of him for a shot. There is plenty of cover between him and you (mailboxes, other cars, etc). You'd only to take a half action to get in view of him. (leaving you another action to shoot or do whatever)
Hm, 100 feet - no, thanks, but I've learned to be conservative with estimating my chances to hit anyone with a gun. If he'd run towards me, though...
Gatac're just sitting tight for now? It is doubtful that Andrew will be standing up (let alone moving) any time soon.
Dunno - Jess isn't the right kind of person for a Coup de Grace, so I'd say she'd pretty much try to get the hell away from Steward.
The Aston Martin is fooked, the Agency cruiser is driveable, but don't expect it to hold up in a chase.
Between the multiple GSWs and the crash, Stewart is dead...not dying...D-E-A-D.
James went crashing through a plate glass window after taking a 40MPH crash, but you'll have to check the body to see if he's dead.
Needless to say, the cops are on their way.
The Aston Martin is fooked, the Agency cruiser is driveable, but don't expect it to hold up in a chase.
Between the multiple GSWs and the crash, Stewart is dead...not dying...D-E-A-D.
James went crashing through a plate glass window after taking a 40MPH crash, but you'll have to check the body to see if he's dead.
Needless to say, the cops are on their way.
Is Stewart's Jag drivable...I do rather have a penchant for expensive British cars.
If Brian is anywhere close, or someone else is so inclined, I'd like to check James and, if he's gonna live through the next hour or so, haul his ass back for questioning.
If Brian is anywhere close, or someone else is so inclined, I'd like to check James and, if he's gonna live through the next hour or so, haul his ass back for questioning.
Stewart's Jag is drivable, however, it is pinned in by the T-Boned Aston Martin and the Agency Cruiser. I mean, the Jag's got enough horsepower to plow out, but it's not going to be pretty.
As for Brian and Gavin, you guys were about 500ft from the kill zone. It would take you guys 30 seconds at a hard charge to regroup with the rest of team.
(Edited by Dieter at 12:13 pm on Jan. 21, 2003)
As for Brian and Gavin, you guys were about 500ft from the kill zone. It would take you guys 30 seconds at a hard charge to regroup with the rest of team.
(Edited by Dieter at 12:13 pm on Jan. 21, 2003)
You guys get some transportation, I'm taking care of James. If he's still alive, he's probably knocked up enough not to try anything when he's staring down my Colt's barrel.
What are you going to tell HQ?
I'm thinking pretty much that we got what we came for: 2 enemy henchwomen captured and a potentially bigger fish caught than the one we were originally after. It's too bad we couldn't capture Stewie too, but I'm not exactly sorry to see him go either.
I'd say we need an extraction plan ASAP, unless HQ needs us to get the PDA.
I'd say we need an extraction plan ASAP, unless HQ needs us to get the PDA.
I don't see any reason not to tell HQ the whole story.
*rubs hands*
I hope Art is trained in throwing witty oneliners.
As for HQ, when we call them, we should have them locate Samantha. It's bad for facemen (and -women) when you leave someone who can identify you. (Which is why Jess isn't answering the phonecall.)
I hope Art is trained in throwing witty oneliners.
As for HQ, when we call them, we should have them locate Samantha. It's bad for facemen (and -women) when you leave someone who can identify you. (Which is why Jess isn't answering the phonecall.)
Ok..everyone feel free to thank Gatty for another stellar performance. He pretty much saved your bacon.