shotgun to the front window, or the gunports if they're exposed.
The gunports aren't exposed...that sort of the whole point of having them.

New combat round.
The Hummer is still in good shape but the Mercedes looks like it took a good pummeling. Another few rounds like the last would probably incapacitate it.
(Edited by Dieter at 10:38 am on Jan. 28, 2003)
The Hummer is still in good shape but the Mercedes looks like it took a good pummeling. Another few rounds like the last would probably incapacitate it.
(Edited by Dieter at 10:38 am on Jan. 28, 2003)
You called ? Next verse, same as last...
You called ? Next verse, same as last...

No problem. Bootlegger time!
Adam, you do know that everytime you do a bootlegger it causes 4pts of dmg to your tires?
2pts of dmg. I'm a Daredevil.
Oh yeah...right. Just thought I'd remind you.
Bootlegger it is.
Bootlegger it is.
I think I'll spare the tires and do a Pull Ahead this time.
Food for thought:
Gavin, being the consummate (heh) professional, notices they are running considerably low on ammo. An ammo check reveals the following numbers.
Shotgun shells: 13
30-06 rounds: 10
Brian's MP5: 12 rounds left in the clip, no reloads.
Gavin, being the consummate (heh) professional, notices they are running considerably low on ammo. An ammo check reveals the following numbers.
Shotgun shells: 13
30-06 rounds: 10
Brian's MP5: 12 rounds left in the clip, no reloads.
what about my personal budget 9 milly?
Everyone has their personal weapons plus two reloads. It's just that your mission stuff is running thin.
Only ten rifle rounds left? I swear, someone must have been throwing a Texan fiesta, because I can hardly believe we've been firing that much off.
Can I borrow Goose's AR? If so, I'll follow Brian's example and do the hood thing.
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 1:02 am on Jan. 29, 2003)
Can I borrow Goose's AR? If so, I'll follow Brian's example and do the hood thing.
(Edited by Infested Paladin at 1:02 am on Jan. 29, 2003)
Unfortunately, Goose's rifle was left in the trunk of the Agency car in Henderson.
I'll get you for that! 
Goose is going to Stunt the Hummer. If I win, we escape. If I win by 5 or more, they have to make crash checks in addition.
I'll jump off a convenient dirt pile into the construction area, and then roll up on two wheels to get through a narrow gap between a crane and bulldozer... or something like that.

Goose is going to Stunt the Hummer. If I win, we escape. If I win by 5 or more, they have to make crash checks in addition.
I'll jump off a convenient dirt pile into the construction area, and then roll up on two wheels to get through a narrow gap between a crane and bulldozer... or something like that.
It's amazing what you can buy at Red Army surplus sales.

D'oh...I forgot to mention that there really isn't any construction equipment around here.
You basically have a highly used two-lane stretch of black top cutting across a desert wasteland. On either side of the road is your typical Nevada-style desert.
You basically have a highly used two-lane stretch of black top cutting across a desert wasteland. On either side of the road is your typical Nevada-style desert.
Speaking of Red Army surplus:
Easy to use, pretty up to date, dirt cheap. While Jess won't be able to make good on that tactical nuke promise, a bit of AT weaponry is sorely lacking in our squad makeup. Not that spies should have to carry bazookas, but considering how often we run into armored vehicles...Just imagine, some asshole hunts us down, rounds the corner, and the last thing he sees is Art, Gavin or Brian standing there with an RPG ready to blast the asshole. Bulletproof window that, suckers !
Um, got carried away a bit. But I think you get my point.
Easy to use, pretty up to date, dirt cheap. While Jess won't be able to make good on that tactical nuke promise, a bit of AT weaponry is sorely lacking in our squad makeup. Not that spies should have to carry bazookas, but considering how often we run into armored vehicles...Just imagine, some asshole hunts us down, rounds the corner, and the last thing he sees is Art, Gavin or Brian standing there with an RPG ready to blast the asshole. Bulletproof window that, suckers !
Um, got carried away a bit. But I think you get my point.
Gah...that looks inherantly unwieldy and dangerous to the user.
These are the same people whom when they first built the Trans-Siberian railroad only used 2000 railroad ties per mile instead of the usual 3000. Couple that with poor quality tracks...ick.
But if you're serious, I don't have the MAG on me right now, but I could get a BP cost for that thing tonight.
These are the same people whom when they first built the Trans-Siberian railroad only used 2000 railroad ties per mile instead of the usual 3000. Couple that with poor quality tracks...ick.
But if you're serious, I don't have the MAG on me right now, but I could get a BP cost for that thing tonight.

Well, then the thing has a big error range? Hm, but since the thing was designed to be used by people not trained with it, it shouldn't blow up in our faces - not too often, anyway. However, duds should definately be an issue.
(Edited by Gatac at 8:10 pm on Jan. 29, 2003)
(Edited by Gatac at 8:10 pm on Jan. 29, 2003)