Ilyanna's motorin'.
OOC: XVI - Yadda Yadda Yadda
I'd post something regarding Team A if someone would just tell me where they want to start.

Well, don't plunk us down anywhere yet, but my thoughts are that if we want to engage Sam during her schedule a good bet might be at her manicure. Trying to assault her building doesn't sound too smart to me, unless it was a sniper shot while she's outside followed by a breakneck escape.
Alternatively, we know where she IS, so we know where she's NOT. I.E., infiltrate her home while she's out.
Alternatively, we know where she IS, so we know where she's NOT. I.E., infiltrate her home while she's out.
...and plant copious amounts of explosives?
Okay, Team B... Are we heading to Omsk to check out the killing of Oleg Petrovski, or to Bol'shoy Fontan to look in on the massacre at the home of Teodor Raskov?
Any thoughts? Ilyanna needs to know which direction to drive.
Any thoughts? Ilyanna needs to know which direction to drive.
Yeah, explosives don't sound too bad. If Peter can get those C4 things Gatty was expounding about...
I'm more inclined toward Oleg. This is Jess we're talking about, I don't think she'd be involved in a mass execution of an organized crime syndicate directly. If she's behind the scenes, it will be hard enough to find her anyway.
I vote for the less spectacular of the two...
I vote for the less spectacular of the two...
I concur
Updates coming... -that- the plan? You're Sam Fishering her home and doing what when you get there...planting C-4 in her toilet?Quote: from admiralducksauce on 2:52 pm on April 21, 2005
Alternatively, we know where she IS, so we know where she's NOT. I.E., infiltrate her home while she's out.
Well, it seems to be. We'll see if we can find some tasty evidence there (Moten to the rescue!), but we're gonna boobytrap the hell out of it.
It's hard to miss with high explosives, you see.
It's hard to miss with high explosives, you see.
Front fascade of Oleg Petrovski's house in Omsk.
If we're doing this thing right now, and the guards' weapons are truly slung, then Ayumi could start things off with some iaijitsu on their gun straps.
But if we're looking to plant and blizzast her, then going in swords flashing is not the way to lure her in unawares.
Gatac points out that Artis has good stealth skills.
But if we're looking to plant and blizzast her, then going in swords flashing is not the way to lure her in unawares.
Gatac points out that Artis has good stealth skills.
If we want to do this stealthily, we have two constants: Peter needs to get access to the security systems, and Artis can handle the physical.
A shaped charge on the cable of an elevator with disabled safety features should be a pretty effective way to get rid of someone...and if we control the elevators anyway, we can send Art up to raid Sam's homestead for documents and data.
A shaped charge on the cable of an elevator with disabled safety features should be a pretty effective way to get rid of someone...and if we control the elevators anyway, we can send Art up to raid Sam's homestead for documents and data.
I was thinking more of a rooftop incursion, but honestly, there are too many things that can go wrong and make her never come home. What if we just went Matrix Lobby Scene on these guys and took Sam in the lobby?
If anything, we can blame it on the rash of recent killings happening elsewhere in the area.
If anything, we can blame it on the rash of recent killings happening elsewhere in the area.

Guns...lot's of 'em.

I'm thinking something like, guards show us their MP-5Ks, Artis unzips his coat to show them his AK47SU, then Ayumi stabnations them?
Matrix Lobby Scene Take Three, then? Peter will still want to get to the security system for hacking, but I guess this solves the physical access problem.
Roll us up some Initiative, 'cause we're going hunting.
Peter is getting the hell out of the way and drawing his revolver at the first chance.
Peter is getting the hell out of the way and drawing his revolver at the first chance.
Ayumi: 23
Moten: 22
Artis: 19
Map of lobby coming right up. Wait till ADS posts it before declaring actions.
Ayumi: 23
Moten: 22
Artis: 19
Map of lobby coming right up. Wait till ADS posts it before declaring actions.