Who (if anyone) is going inside the bar? What is everyone else doing?
OOC: VIII - Because typing "VIII" is cool
why don't we just slash the tires of every car in the lot?
That's a good idea, actually. Whoever is inside knows there's cops outside. We start popping tires, people will come outside to see what the heck's going on. We grab them and ask pointedly if Mike's in the bar.
Or... we could fire some suppressive bursts through the bar facade, getting the denizens' heads down, toss a flashbang or two through the busted windows, and rush in.
How many vehicles are in the parking lot?
Or... we could fire some suppressive bursts through the bar facade, getting the denizens' heads down, toss a flashbang or two through the busted windows, and rush in.

How many vehicles are in the parking lot?
I like plan A better. Seems like we have less chance of killing anyone or getting in over our heads.
There are eight cars (including the NSX) and eleven motorcycles (Harleys) in the parking lot.
Incidentally, there is a steady stream of people coming and going out of the bar.
(Edited by Dieter at 12:04 pm on Mar. 7, 2003)
Incidentally, there is a steady stream of people coming and going out of the bar.
(Edited by Dieter at 12:04 pm on Mar. 7, 2003)
I'm setting up a slow-mo "Decker flees through the back, sees the heli hovering, and gets a clean one to the chest for his troubles" here. Of course, me and my plans...
Well, that was sort of like Plan A. I suppose we're gonna have to go in sooner or later. I'm still up for suppressing fire through the bar windows, and rushing in. Do we use our one flashbang now, or save it?
Brian's going to signal the pilot to bring the chopper around so he's facing the bar and slide the door open, sitting down with his feet on the landing skid, Ar-15 up and ready to end Mike Decker's poor, miserable life. using my last little action die if needed.
I'm with Gatty...its go time.
I'm with Gatty...its go time.
Waiting for Threadbare to post his actions...
Why do I get the vibe that the bar owner will have a lot to explain to his insurance tomorrow ?
The best part of this being fiction, I think, is the ability to skip the paperwork.
Now that mage007 is doing an Asian-style snoop, who's going to be Paladin's next avatar ?
A Soldier, probably a John Woo-style pistoleer. Of course, I'm also taking suggestions.
Wow, that's cool. AEG has good Spycraft forums.
[namedrop]Did I mention that I met Patrick Kapera?[/namedrop]
[namedrop]Did I mention that I met Patrick Kapera?[/namedrop]
Woah. Trippy semi-celebrity meetings coming up here...
Whether you actually fire it or not, it just seems like it's time for Harry to at least wield two guns.

Quote:Quote: from admiralducksauce on 3:48 am on Mar. 10, 2003
Artis passes Harry the nine he took off the SWAT cop, then slaps the bolt down on the MP-5. "We're way past safe."
And that's initiative. Post your actions for the first round.
Artis/Brian: 18
Harry: 15
Jess: 5

Readied action to peg Decker the moment he shows his ugly face in my field of vision.
Readied action to jump in case Decker downs the helicopter.
Hey, in this game you have to be ready for anything
Hey, in this game you have to be ready for anything
