OOC: VIII - Because typing "VIII" is cool
If possible, I'm going to knock him out, and perform "CPR" on him, trying to do what practitioners of CPR will do on accident that kills people. I'll also try to grab an improvised weapon if I can. I have the gun, right?
(Edited by Threadbare at 1:14 am on Mar. 3, 2003)
Quote:Quote: from Gatac on 3:44 am on Mar. 1, 2003
How long would it take Jess to sprint to the car, get out her backpack with the pistol, sprint back to the pool, approach Mike from a different direction (preferably from the back), then pull her pistol ?
Maybe he can kill the hostage, but he can't effectively fight two people in totally different directions.
If Jess thinks she can do it, I'd like to try sneaking up on him, then make a shot to the head at minimum distance. Keep my hand in the backpack for as long as possible before drawing the gun.
In two words...too long. I think Harry's on a one-man vendetta anyway.

I guess it's time to call the Agency for a preliminary status update, unless Art and Brian haul their asses in my direction soon.
The police presence around the hotel itself could be considered minimal. That's not to say there aren't any around, just not many in the area near Mike.
I'd also like to remind the studio audience that Mike has made a career of evading capture, so he knows how to do it quite well.
(Edited by Dieter at 9:25 am on Mar. 3, 2003)
As for Artis and Brian, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the only people who witnessed Gavin's infernal demise were occupied since the crash.
-Harry immediately went after Mike and was concerned with not losing him.
-Jess called General Koskov and has otherwise been trying to figure out all this mess.
Now that Brian and Artis are free and clear of Da Man, they can talk turkey about the fugitive we called Mike Decker.

Quote:Quote: from CrazyIvan on 10:51 pm on Mar. 3, 2003
Time to use special ops jargon and the whole level of Faceman I have to try to urge my collegues in the LVPD to close off the tower in pursuit of Mike.
Who are you going to talk to? In what manner are you going about doing it?
Some of that "Middle aged male suspect, armed with pistol proceeding toward main hotel. Officers please assist in apprehending." or the like.
When criticals collide!!
Yup, Harry fumbled and Mike rolled a critical success in attempting to evade him.
(Artis+Hummer) >> (Wounded Decker+Normal Car)

Fox News Chopper 9 ahoy!
We could:
1. Have the chopper look from the air, without our assistance - we'd stay on the ground in the Hummer.
2. Split up again, some people go in the air, some go in the Hummer. I'm leery about this but it might work.
3. We all go in the helicopter. Artis is a pilot too, just in case.