Quote: from Threadbare on 5:02 pm on Aug. 5, 2002
Let's see. I'm tempted to be stylish and hurl the knife at Decker if he reaches for the trapspace, but I also want to get out of this with fully functional limbs. What are my chances for the knifery? What are my chances for a balls-out defensive to freedom (keeping the knife handy)?
Well, it's worth a shot. It appears Decker seems more interested in getting the hell out of there than seeing you dead. However, if you provoke him, he's more than likely to make you say hello to his little friend...and I'm not talking about his twig and berries.
Eh...erm...because I know that ADS would have wanted to take cover but I also know that Hannah was ready to fire at the first sign of the door opening and the fact that she's using AP rounds...We'll say the door took some of the incoming fire directed at Artis, so reduce the damage by half. (7VP as opposed to 13)...Otay?
IP, you're actually not that bad as far as ammo goes. You're at 15/30 plus you've got "Quick Reload", so reloading for you is a free action on your turn.
The only person to go this round is Gavin, so everyone else post their action(s) for this round.
I think I'll run out and up with as much defense as I can muster (general +1 sidestep) and keep on the lookout for Hanna (hold an action if I can or something like that). hopefully she'll be so busy trying to kill Gavin and Artis she won't notice her stylish new columbian necktie.
Edit: hrm, after looking at the map, it might be tough to get by Decker. Is the table circular? If so I could roll it and run behind it. No matter, I'll just overturn/fling it as a distraction and sprint by while he's occupied with the compartment.
Erm...I should qualify a few things from Spycraft.
Full defense= counts as full action, +4 defense
Suppressive Fire=enemy less accurate
Cover fire=ally has higher defense
Narrow burst = less accuracy, more damage, 3 ammo
Wide burst = more accuracy, same damage, 3 ammo
Full-auto= -1 for every 3 shots, for every 4 over the score to hit you get another hit. Uses half of ammo, full auto weapons only.
Strafe= -2 accuracy penalty for every 5 feet you strafe.
F-A weapons only.
Maybe I could get some cover fire from you guys? I'm kind of in a jam here.
Can I call out as a free action, "Cover me!" I'd like to put my +2 towards Decker, as he can see only me, and go full defensive as I rush up the stairs. I should be able to cover about 35 feet. If you guys cover me, I'll be up to 20 defense versus Decker and 22 against Hannah. Of course, they do have decent attack bonuses, and bursts make things easier.
Uh oh, the only person able to help you is Gavin... Jess and I don't act until the bad guys go. What if Gavin provides cover fire and then you suppressive fire at one of the Deckers? You'd have a +4 to Defense, and your selected target would be a -4 to hit.