Yeah, I think this round should be dedicated to saving my bacon. Let's go with a +1 bonus for everybody, and an action die toward my defense. Shoot Decker, then free arm. Does that work?
OOC: Shaken, Not Stirred III
Was that the long version of "Hurry up and move your guns down there to free Harry" ? 

...and we go.
TB, that works.
TB, that works.
Second verse, same as first.
Gavin= 25
Harry= 22
Jessica= 9
Artis= 3
Gavin= 25
Harry= 22
Jessica= 9
Artis= 3
Can I duck behind the chair and pop off another shot at Decker? I want to stay out of danger here.
By the way, how much damage have I taken and given?
By the way, how much damage have I taken and given?
You're still attached (at 3 points...arm, both legs) to the chair, so you're modes of dodging are limited. You might want to first blast your way out of the chair. Two decent shots (i.e. your full turn) will probably set you free. I know it's a raw deal, but it's the best game in town right now.
You're currently at 14VP/11WP.
You're currently at 14VP/11WP.
A'ight. sounds good to me. Blast my way out and take my 5-foot bonus step behind the chair.
I'll switch out my magazine for a fresh one while Artis does his lockpick thing, sticking the slightly used one at the end of the rotation. I'd also like to ready an attack, just in case they're in sight once the door swings open.
Quote:Quote: from Infested Paladin on 7:10 pm on Aug. 1, 2002
I'll switch out my magazine for a fresh one while Artis does his lockpick thing, sticking the slightly used one at the end of the rotation. I'd also like to ready an attack, just in case they're in sight once the door swings open.
Hehe...someone's learned a few things from Fallout.

We're back at the top of the initiative order, so what's everyone doing?
You're pretty sure Artis will be getting the lock open this round.
Harry is also pretty sure that he should be focusing on taking lots of cover since Decker will no doubt be going nuts with his AK.
You're pretty sure Artis will be getting the lock open this round.
Harry is also pretty sure that he should be focusing on taking lots of cover since Decker will no doubt be going nuts with his AK.
Adjust ye ol' hat to better stay on lest I take a spill, and continue to cover the door.
Lesse here. My +2 sidestep's going towards decker, obviously, and I think I'm going for that big knife in the corner, with as much defense as I can spare.
I'm anxious to see what Gatac puts together for the ten-minute summary of Chapters one and two.
Me too.

I still need to know what Artis and Jessica are doing before proceeding to the next round.
Jessica will ready her P90 to deal some 5.7 luvin', then follow Gavin in.
I'm going to fire suppressively down the stairs to cover their advance.
ADS should be posting a map soon enough.
Gatac, since Jess couldn't get in a shot this current round, she can continue to ready her action for next round (fire at will) or do something just before the beginning of the new turn (i.e. end of the round-type stuff).
That said, it's a new round ('cept for Jessica if she wants to do something before it starts)
Gatac, since Jess couldn't get in a shot this current round, she can continue to ready her action for next round (fire at will) or do something just before the beginning of the new turn (i.e. end of the round-type stuff).
That said, it's a new round ('cept for Jessica if she wants to do something before it starts)
Let's see. I'm tempted to be stylish and hurl the knife at Decker if he reaches for the trapspace, but I also want to get out of this with fully functional limbs. What are my chances for the knifery? What are my chances for a balls-out defensive to freedom (keeping the knife handy)?