Jade Imperium OOC 2

Gatac 2007-05-24 20:01:28
Hugh and Luis should stay behind. Luis may be needed for medical emergencies and can get a head start on the alien tech.

Admiral Duck Sauce 2007-05-25 16:23:15
While Semo (and Angel) have their not-boring gear-transporting adventure, I posted that Max will be able to translate any of Luis and Hugh's questions they might have for Shom.
fanchergw 2007-05-25 18:31:52
admiralducksauce wrote:

I should also note that Ivan's given permission to puppet Angel, so Semo, you're in charge of your deal.

Posted Angel's action. Semo and Mellish can respond once the hear the altercation.
e of pi 2007-05-26 00:14:39
Sorry I haven't been able to respond, connection issues with my laptop and home network. Luis'll treat the other Turia and give reatattching Andy's digits a shot. I'll see if I can toss together an IC post later.\

EDIT: I did. I also found a new sig/avatar combination more related to the current game, or at least my character's job.
Gatac 2007-05-26 15:34:57
Truth be told, Hugh's rejection of the Whirr reinforcements is twofold: even if they were to swear an oath of allegiance to the US Army and get a formal rank, they do not understand modern infantry tactics and would thus be only useful for close-quarters at best, and a terrible burden at worst. Also, the aforementioned "slavery" aspect creeps him out.

And of course, he's not giving away his best source of Intel.

Admiral Duck Sauce 2007-05-26 21:08:10
Stupid ADS, posting OOC in the IC thread! :)

Well, this thing with Dietrich turned out to be a pickle. I thought "hey, it'll either work or it won't."

But with 1 WD, you TIE the difficulty. (spending more won't help) That means the status quo is maintained - Dietrich won't die, but he won't be getting better without some drastic measures. It also means that the frisbee can't be used on him again, not for his radiation wounds.

There's no Neumune here. If you could get him back to MN and then to a hospital, they might be able to do something. Or perhaps if the xenohumans have more medical equipment than just frisbees.
e of pi 2007-05-26 22:26:55
What's the team's overall status going into combat? What's our map, what's damage look like? I think keeping Dietrich alive is good for now, but what do my WD stand at?
Admiral Duck Sauce 2007-05-27 00:43:45
With this latest frisbee-ing of Hugh's leg, I believe the team looks like so:

Luis, Hugh, Angel, Semo, Mellish, Max, Kitty: unharmed (I know Angel and Semo took a teeny bit of Shock damage, but that's been dealt with via normal means)

Andy: 6/6 Wounds, 10/12 Shock.

Dietrich: He's basically hanging on at 1/6 Wounds, 0/12 Shock. He's stable, and shouldn't deteriorate further.
Taylor: 2/6 Wounds, 0/12 Shock. Ditto for Taylor.

Luis has (I think) 4 Wild Dice.

EDIT: As for a map, let's wait until we actually see if, where, and when you get into it.
Admiral Duck Sauce 2007-05-29 20:09:22
Re: should have sent Angel. I was operating under the assumption that the probe/UAV wasn't getting trucked to your new camp. If that's right, then the wheeled probe has audio and video sensors. It's been on the entire time, so it's obviously been disregarded as a threat.
Gatac 2007-05-29 20:42:01
Oh. Can we check it from here or do we have to retrieve the drone?

Admiral Duck Sauce 2007-05-29 20:49:24
You can watch it from any of the laptops. 30 minutes through the jungle is not that far in actual distance.
Dieter 2007-05-29 21:42:10
fanchergw wrote:

Hopefully, Max has his eyes glued to the screen...

That's the plan.
fanchergw 2007-05-29 23:33:38
So that bad guys have the code, and that knowledge is out - beyond just those at the gate site. It won't take them long to pass that information all the way up the chain of command. Then, they'll be able to hit MN (and any other gates on or near Earth) from any other gate they have control of.

This is real bad!
e of pi 2007-05-30 03:46:35
Yeah. Not good at all. Trying to think what we can do about it though, other than trying to hit them here, cut them off from the rear.