Alright, for-the-molment stuff. First, can Luis bring the Unknown back to concioussness without him being able to move? A muscle relaxant, a nervous system inhibitor into the main nerves beyond the trunk. Leave him able to breath and talk, move his head, but not lift a finger.
Yes, in theory. In practice, I have your orders not to use more than 2 WD on your medical roll.

I can always default you to "conscious but zip-tied".
Semo - you mention that you're taking one of the swords. It's a nice blade, well-balanced, much like a Celtic war dagger or Roman gladius. Meant for close-in, stabbing attacks.
ADS, it's my understanding that Mesa Negras was flash-fried by the Mantaship. Given the fallout coming out our end of the Gate, would it be correct to assume that all of Mesa Negra Gate command was "nuked" by the blast? I mean, Max was standing right there so he (of all people) could accurate gauge how bad MN got hit, right?
I'm just trying to get a "for all intents and purposes" sort of estimate of just how screwed Mesa Negras currently is.
Game related link of the day:
Dragon Skin armor is teh sux0rs
First, re: Dragonskin. I gave that armor out because I saw some badass tests on Futureweapons and on the internet. Evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, I think we can all agree that the armor's useless against the alien weaponry. At the very best, it gives you one shot before it blows apart/melts off you. If you want to save 40 pounds, drop your vest.
Now, about the manta ship, its primary weapons, and Mesas Negras:
1. The two sunballs it fired into MN were NOT the same projectile that it fired at the first generator truck. The sunballs were just that; golden spheres of energy. Think, I dunno, photon torpedoes if you need a Star Trek reference.

2. Semo tackled Max and the nerd herd as the balls passed through the Gate. They were in the dirt underneath the portal and as such were sheltered from the deathlight. Imagine a spotlight. Semo, et.al. are prone right underneath the light. No light hits them. Dietrich is standing right in the spotlight. He gets fucked.
3. The Gate portal is ONE-WAY for matter, TWO-WAYS for energy. There could've been all manner of shit going down in MN that couldn't get back to your side. The radiation/energy/whatever clearly COULD travel back through the portal.
4. The sunballs were dangerous enough that the manta fired a solid slug round at the first generator truck rather than loose another sunball. The truck was shredded due to good old kinetic energy. A MASSIVE amount of kinetic energy, mind you, but still, not a radioactive blast. I couldn't describe it that well because hey, you can't see the bullet. The ship makes a "whup" and then the truck explodes.
This information is filtered through Max's (impressive) Science roll, and altered based on his as-written opinions regarding the matter. That's how I'm running the revelations here - I give out a basic level to everyone, and then a smart person gets a roll to discern more.