Jade Imperium OOC 2
Also, on a side note, how badly damaged is the second generator truck? Is the fuel leak bad enough to be at risk of exploding? As things stand, can we salvage enough from the first truck and the junked Humvees to fix it or rig a temporary, lower output generator? (Once combat's done, obviously)
Gatac wrote:Gatac, shouldn't that be, "Dodge THIS!" ?Hugh aims the AT-4 at the manta, waits until he's got a good shot and squeezes the trigger.
"Yippie-kay-yeah, motherfucker!"

Luis (5 WD)
Angel (4 WD)
Hugh (4 WD) & Mellish & Manta
Max (2 WD - used 2 to avoid the Other's attacks)
Semo (5 WD - used free one on fragging pants)
Andy & Kitty
Andy Tupolev: 4/6 Wounds, 11/12 Shock
* Andy has been treated for purposes of Wound recovery. His two Wounds will take 3 days to come back.
Ben Greene: 1/6 Wounds, 4/12 Shock
* Nobody has eyes on Greene yet.
Chuck Taylor: 2/6 Wounds, 0/12 Shock
Irving Mellish and Kate Cavanaugh are unhurt
There was a handful of wounded Others skulking about Greene/Taylor's Humvee, but you don't see them anymore (and they're not in the initiative lineup, as you can see).

Gatac wrote:If you're going down that road, at least quote a sci-fi movie.Pah! Would you have Hugh quote a movie where the heroes are terrorists? What are you, a commie?
"Think they know what's going to happen?"
"Not a chance in hell."
E of Pi. I meant Manta, not drone.
Quote:E of Pi. I meant Manta, not drone.
Yeah, I thought so. The problem is that Hugh and the Manta have the same initiative level. Hugh can't set off a smoke grenade quickly enough to interfere with the Manta's LOS without hindering his own targeting. Just figure Mellish'll knock him out of the way if the Manta opens fire. Sort of a an assisted dodge.
Furthermore, you have to make a called shot, since smoking Hugh's position is only going to make his shot harder. Getting another airburst right on the Manta's nose -should- obscure the ship's LOS while keeping enough of its bulk visible for Hugh to pop it with the AT-4. But the manta would still get its shot, even as Hugh fires the rocket - it'd just be at a heavy penalty. Blindfiring - which the manta would be doing - gives the victim a d12 cover bonus. That's assuming the cockpit or visual sensors or whatever the ship "sees" out of are blocked by smoke.
Luis AND Angel smoking up the ship would be your best bet at making sure Hugh gets a "America, Fuck Yeah" moment and not a tragic Wuxia heroic sacrifice as he's blown apart as he kills the manta.

admiralducksauce wrote:Luis or Angel (who's happy to oblige, since you can toss grenades and still remain mostly hidden) have to toss smoke for it to take effect before Hugh/the Manta's action....Luis AND Angel smoking up the ship would be your best bet at making sure Hugh gets a "America, Fuck Yeah" moment and not a tragic Wuxia heroic sacrifice as he's blown apart as he kills the manta.
I'm fine with doing that with Luis's action. Let's blow this thing. Called grenade shot right on the nose of the Manta.
Oh, forgot to answer some of E's questions:
Quote:1. Just figure Mellish'll knock him out of the way if the Manta opens fire. Sort of a an assisted dodge.
Mellish can't knock Hugh out of the way. If he DOES, Hugh misses. It's all simultaneous.
Quote:2. "Also, on a side note, how badly damaged is the second generator truck? Is the fuel leak bad enough to be at risk of exploding? As things stand, can we salvage enough from the first truck and the junked Humvees to fix it or rig a temporary, lower output generator?"
The second generator took enough damage that it's wrecked. The TRUCK is severely damaged, but can still work, assuming you can lap up the diesel fuel that's spilling out. The GENERATOR is trashed. The fuel leak is definitely an explosion risk, but luckily it seems like the manta has other problems. The first truck is literally metal confetti. It was hit by a hypersonic ballistic smart-projectile that adjusted its shape, like a hollowpoint bullet, to maximize the energy dumped into its target. It is unsalvageable except as rust monster kibble.

To rig up a new generator, well, that's a laudable after-combat goal. Who knows, you might have some alien junk lying around you could use.

1) Account for everyone.
2) Reestablish defensive perimeter.
3) Treat wounded.
4) Send out scavenger team to strip gear from the fallen Others. Bring in all survivors. Fix them if we can spare the bandages, but if they're seriously dinged up and dying, put a bullet through their skull. No POWs that leech our supplies dry.
5) Inventory used and lost gear. Assess generator trucks.
6a) If they're busted, send a scout to find a better campsite where we're not so exposed.
7a) When new campsite is found, relocate. Keep scout near gate so we have radio contact if it opens again.
8a) Dig in at new location. No more screwing around. I want heavy weapons at every guard post.
6b) If we can rig up something with the generators, we stay near. Yes, we're exposed, but we need that Gateway charged again.
7b) Dig in, as per 8a).
You roll Think d8 + Medic d8, take highest, get a 5. Taylor only really needs like 6 Shock or so to operate, so the difficulty is d6 and I roll a 6. Failed!
Your choice here - I went ahead and rolled Wild Dice, but in this rare case I'll let you pick if you ACTUALLY want to use them, because it took FOUR of your five Wild Dice to finally beat that difficulty.
Spend Wild Dice, and Taylor regains consciousness with 2/6 Wounds and 6/12 Shock. He'll heal 2 Wounds in 3 days, then he makes another roll for the remaining 2 Wounds.
Don't spend them, and Taylor remains out with 2/6 Wounds and 0/12 Shock for 1 day. He will get 2 Shock back the next day, and 2 Wounds back in 1 week. He'll continue to make Might rolls until he's back up to speed.
In either case, he's bandaged and the bleeding's stopped. He won't die - but he's a sack of KO'd sergeant one way, and walking (horribly) wounded the other way.
Gatac wrote:Sounds good.Orders:
1) Account for everyone.
2) Reestablish defensive perimeter.
3) Treat wounded.
4) Send out scavenger team to strip gear from the fallen Others. Bring in all survivors. Fix them if we can spare the bandages, but if they're seriously dinged up and dying, put a bullet through their skull. No POWs that leech our supplies dry.
5) Inventory used and lost gear. Assess generator trucks.
6a) If they're busted, send a scout to find a better campsite where we're not so exposed.
7a) When new campsite is found, relocate. Keep scout near gate so we have radio contact if it opens again.
8a) Dig in at new location. No more screwing around. I want heavy weapons at every guard post.
6b) If we can rig up something with the generators, we stay near. Yes, we're exposed, but we need that Gateway charged again.
7b) Dig in, as per 8a).
Max will be working on some way to get the Gate working again, although it's a fair assumption Mesa Negras got nuked back to the stone age. It could be quite a while before we hear from them.
If the generators are fragged beyond use, Max's next priority will be figuring out how to operate the alien weaponry.
We should go over the UAV terrain mapping and see where is the best strategic place to hole up in the event we decide to bug out and make camp elsewhere.
