Does Sumo have a decent knife as part of his military-issued gear?
If not, what is the likelihood he can stuff a grenade inside/underneath the alien's armor?
Jade Imperium OOC 2
Everyone, even the nerd herd, has a knife.
...But if you wanna do a "Grenade in the Pants", I will give you a Wild Die for your attempt.
...But if you wanna do a "Grenade in the Pants", I will give you a Wild Die for your attempt.
admiralducksauce wrote:Deal! Feel free to burn WDs on it, if needed....But if you wanna do a "Grenade in the Pants", I will give you a Wild Die for your attempt.
Of course, since Semo is at the very bottom of the Init pile, this could change. If someone else takes out the alien he's tussling with, then Semo will toss the grenade at some other Other.
If he's close enough, Max will help Semo with the alien on him. Something on the order of kneecapping the guy into submission is what I am gunning for.

Hmmm. Would a called grenade throw at the Manta's turret be possible with Luis' current position and the possible use of a wild die? If so, that's what I want. If not, then Luis is going to finish off the alien by the crash site, allowing Semo and Max to focus on the Manta. If Luis fails or goes for the turret, Semo tries the grenade-in-the-pants thing.
As for Hugh, where's the AT located, exactly? Depending on the specific location, Hugh may not be the best choice even if he's the closet (notable alternates being Semo if he's done with the alien, Angel (the stealth is a notable asset, as is being pretty much fine), Mellish (also unhurt, and he's pretty much in the same area as Hugh) or....well, that's pretty much it).
Oh, one last thing. Could Kitty act as a second pair of hands for Luis, take an order along the lines of "Give him one of the green labled hypodermics from the left side of the kit (asprin or something to dull pain), swab the wounds, then wrap it"? Would that count as a double action for Luis, since he'd technically be assisting?
As for Hugh, where's the AT located, exactly? Depending on the specific location, Hugh may not be the best choice even if he's the closet (notable alternates being Semo if he's done with the alien, Angel (the stealth is a notable asset, as is being pretty much fine), Mellish (also unhurt, and he's pretty much in the same area as Hugh) or....well, that's pretty much it).
Oh, one last thing. Could Kitty act as a second pair of hands for Luis, take an order along the lines of "Give him one of the green labled hypodermics from the left side of the kit (asprin or something to dull pain), swab the wounds, then wrap it"? Would that count as a double action for Luis, since he'd technically be assisting?
The AT-4s were in Taylor's Humvee. There's at least one that's intact (you can't know about the others until you get over there or let a round pass for the smoke to clear), because Taylor had it cocked and locked before he was hit. Dietrich's still got his grenade launcher as well. The MK.19's ammo in the Taylor-hummer wasn't touched off, so it may still be OK as well.
EDIT: to hit the turret with a thrown grenade, you have to time the throw so it airbursts. It's like the called shot Angel pulled on the one dude. But yes, feel free to try, esp. if you wanna burn Wild Dice for it.
EDIT: to hit the turret with a thrown grenade, you have to time the throw so it airbursts. It's like the called shot Angel pulled on the one dude. But yes, feel free to try, esp. if you wanna burn Wild Dice for it.
Is there something discernable as a cockpit? I think it would be a better target than the gun. You kill the pilot(s), you also kill the gun.
There is no discernable cockpit, for the same reason the Others have no discernable helmet "visors" or "eyeslits".
Here's my plan so far. It's just a start, so chime in with sugestions:
1. Max (if he can) obtains a grenade and tries the Grenade-in-the-pants thing.
2. If Max fails or can't do that, Luis tries another shot. If the alien is dead, he goes for a grenade lob at the turret.
3. If the alien isn't dead yet, Semo tries the Grenade-in-the-Pants. If it is dead, he moves into LOS with the turret, and lobs a grenade at it, unless it's aready been destroyed, in which case he tries to toss high enough to get the top of the engine pods.
4. Hugh (since he's kinda frakked in terms of movement now) tries a grenade at the ship, at the turret if it's there, at the engines if not.
5. If the turret has been destroyed, Mellish and Angel (who should hold action until now) try to break for the AT-4. Angel should sacrifice speed to maintain Stealth, since Mellish can then draw any fire.
Kitty should (if she can) take Luis' medkit and very clear instructions and start Andy on some pain meds, a seditive, and start bandaging wounds. She doesn't have the training, but Luis is busy.
1. Max (if he can) obtains a grenade and tries the Grenade-in-the-pants thing.
2. If Max fails or can't do that, Luis tries another shot. If the alien is dead, he goes for a grenade lob at the turret.
3. If the alien isn't dead yet, Semo tries the Grenade-in-the-Pants. If it is dead, he moves into LOS with the turret, and lobs a grenade at it, unless it's aready been destroyed, in which case he tries to toss high enough to get the top of the engine pods.
4. Hugh (since he's kinda frakked in terms of movement now) tries a grenade at the ship, at the turret if it's there, at the engines if not.
5. If the turret has been destroyed, Mellish and Angel (who should hold action until now) try to break for the AT-4. Angel should sacrifice speed to maintain Stealth, since Mellish can then draw any fire.
Kitty should (if she can) take Luis' medkit and very clear instructions and start Andy on some pain meds, a seditive, and start bandaging wounds. She doesn't have the training, but Luis is busy.
Nice, but only Semo gets the free Wild Die for grenade tagging. It's his idea, don't steal his thunder.

admiralducksauce wrote:Also, Semo has a high hand-to-hand skill, which is probably crucial to pulling this off. If Max wants to shoot the fucker in an unarmored spot, that's okay too.Nice, but only Semo gets the free Wild Die for grenade tagging. It's his idea, don't steal his thunder.
1) I'm not playing hide the grenade with anyone! :o
2) I don't think these guys are wearing the proper clothing for such a feat.
2) I don't think these guys are wearing the proper clothing for such a feat.
Yes, a hand-to-hand called shot'll be needed for the grenade tag, and you're basically aiming to wrap the frag up in the bastard's sash. If you want the dice on the table, that's lowest on 2d10 with a d4 Aspect bonus for the 2 vs. 1 situation.
Max's "Rah, rah, ree, shoot 'em in the knee!" tactic'll stop the guy from getting away from Semo, I can tell you that.
That'll basically put the Other prone, which makes Semo's chance simply the highest of a 1d10 and a d4 vs. whatever the Other's Fight skill is.
Max's "Rah, rah, ree, shoot 'em in the knee!" tactic'll stop the guy from getting away from Semo, I can tell you that.

Semo will only try it if the Other is still on the other side of the gateway ring. I'm assuming that the ring will provide them some cover from the blast if they duck/dive for cover behind it. Definitely don't want to take themselves out as well!
If cover is an issue, then Semo will switch to dagger and slit the alien's throat / stab him under the arm / called shot to avoid armor.
If cover is an issue, then Semo will switch to dagger and slit the alien's throat / stab him under the arm / called shot to avoid armor.
Dude, if you pull this off it will be so awesome that you could SIT on the fucker and I wouldn't damage you guys.

All right, revised plan:
1. Semo tries the Grenade-in-the-Pants. If it is dead, he moves into LOS with the turret, and lobs a grenade at it, unless it's aready been destroyed, in which case he tries to toss high enough to get the top of the engine pods.
2. If Semo fails, Luis tries another shot. If the alien is dead, Luis goes for a grenade lob at the turret.
3. Hugh (since he's kinda frakked in terms of movement now) tries a grenade at the ship, at the turret if it's there, at the engines if not.
4. If the turret has been destroyed, Mellish and Angel (who should hold action until now) try to break for the AT-4. Angel should sacrifice speed if it's necesary to maintain Stealth, since Mellish can then draw any fire. If the turret hasn't been destroyed, Mellish lobs a grenade. Even if it's still there after Mellish's toss, though, Angel should go.
1. Semo tries the Grenade-in-the-Pants. If it is dead, he moves into LOS with the turret, and lobs a grenade at it, unless it's aready been destroyed, in which case he tries to toss high enough to get the top of the engine pods.
2. If Semo fails, Luis tries another shot. If the alien is dead, Luis goes for a grenade lob at the turret.
3. Hugh (since he's kinda frakked in terms of movement now) tries a grenade at the ship, at the turret if it's there, at the engines if not.
4. If the turret has been destroyed, Mellish and Angel (who should hold action until now) try to break for the AT-4. Angel should sacrifice speed if it's necesary to maintain Stealth, since Mellish can then draw any fire. If the turret hasn't been destroyed, Mellish lobs a grenade. Even if it's still there after Mellish's toss, though, Angel should go.
Busy, busy week...can you sockpuppet angel as appropriate.
Not a problem. Combat round continues tomorrow!
So, are we using my plan? What's going to happen?
I say we hunker down and let the MantaShip leave. We need to tend to the wounded and figure out just how profoundly screwed we are right now.