BTW, I'm guessing the orbs are hard to hit, being small and fast. Semo will spend that WD you just gave him on trying to hit one.
Jade Imperium OOC 2
The spheres had their turn, choosing to make multiple actions of moving for the portal as well as using their buzzsaw guns. Their Move rolls failed, so they didn't get through the Gate. Only one's attack hit, and that was a measly one at best, so the spheres are easy pickings for Semo (and/or Max or Luis).
Max's action is next, and he could easily hit the Red Button or even dive through and THEN hit the Button, leaving you all to die.
None of the Others are close enough to make it through the portal, not this round.
If the portal is still active on Luis' action, he can easily shut it down. I wouldn't chance shooting the button vs. you know, pressing it, not for something of this magnitude.
On "Everyone Else", one of the science team can hit the Button as well. I'm fairly certain you can shut it down this round before the spheres get another chance to act.
Max's action is next, and he could easily hit the Red Button or even dive through and THEN hit the Button, leaving you all to die.

None of the Others are close enough to make it through the portal, not this round.
If the portal is still active on Luis' action, he can easily shut it down. I wouldn't chance shooting the button vs. you know, pressing it, not for something of this magnitude.
On "Everyone Else", one of the science team can hit the Button as well. I'm fairly certain you can shut it down this round before the spheres get another chance to act.
Max will be shutting down the Gate and taking cover.
Dialogue edited to give the right order.
Luis is going to try and take out anybody who moves in on (or is in the area of) Hugh, then get over there himself ASAP. He's the medic, it's his job. How bad is the damage? Mostly cosmetic or did it cut to the bone? Also, I don't suppose his demolitions gear would include any shaped charges or extra Claymores or anything? Also, if a Wild Die would come in handy at this point, I'd like the bonus one tossed in where it would be most helpful.
How put together is Angel still? Well enough to fire? Well enough to lob a grenade (Explosives seem to perturb them)
E: Hugh is at 4/6 Wounds, 6/14 Shock. He's dizzy from the pain, but it's not life-threatening and it's not technically permanent damage - although Wounds ARE lasting damage that take days to go away even with medical attention (we're a long ways from bacta tanks, boys and girls - or are we?)
First aid can get some Shock back ASAP with some timely injections and bandaging.
As for your demolitions gear, you have 2 claymores and all manner of C-4 used for destroying all manner of objects. The C-4 won't make a very good anti-personnel weapon on short notice, but then I said you have two claymores.
Ivan: Angel is at 6/6 Wounds, 10/14 Shock. He's rattled but still fully functional. Throw grenades to your heart's content! I don't have my notes on me, but I think you have 2 frags and 1 smoke.
First aid can get some Shock back ASAP with some timely injections and bandaging.
As for your demolitions gear, you have 2 claymores and all manner of C-4 used for destroying all manner of objects. The C-4 won't make a very good anti-personnel weapon on short notice, but then I said you have two claymores.

Ivan: Angel is at 6/6 Wounds, 10/14 Shock. He's rattled but still fully functional. Throw grenades to your heart's content! I don't have my notes on me, but I think you have 2 frags and 1 smoke.
Semo (10/10 Wounds, 18/18 Shock)
Angel (6/6 Wounds, 10/14 Shock)
Max (6/6 Wounds, 10/12 Shock)
Luis (6/6 Wounds, 12/12 Shock)
Hugh (4/6 Wounds, 6/14 Shock)
Nerd Herd!
"Angel's" Others: 1 appears down, one's definitely hurt, one seems OK
"Tall Grass" Others: 2 unknown, one's fucked up if not dead
"Crash Site" Others: One is dead, one is unknown, one is out of cover and lacking a rifle
Dietrich: fucked up
Greene, Taylor, Mellish, Cavanaugh: fine
Tupolev: lightly wounded but not taking it well
Semo (10/10 Wounds, 18/18 Shock)
Angel (6/6 Wounds, 10/14 Shock)
Max (6/6 Wounds, 10/12 Shock)
Luis (6/6 Wounds, 12/12 Shock)
Hugh (4/6 Wounds, 6/14 Shock)
Nerd Herd!
"Angel's" Others: 1 appears down, one's definitely hurt, one seems OK
"Tall Grass" Others: 2 unknown, one's fucked up if not dead
"Crash Site" Others: One is dead, one is unknown, one is out of cover and lacking a rifle
Dietrich: fucked up
Greene, Taylor, Mellish, Cavanaugh: fine
Tupolev: lightly wounded but not taking it well
Still trying to get to Ma Deuce.
Could we get a rough battlemap of the area? I'm pretty sure I know where everyone is, but I'd like to have a bigger picture.
Sure, I'll have one up soon.
Agreed. Is this pretty much wrapped? Are they in retreat/dead? If not, move in on the crash site and "Angel's." Also, get any remaining spheres. Luis is going to start triage and treatment as best he can once the lead stops flying. For the meantime, he's just holding back and targeting any Other who moves in on the wounded.
It's only been 4 or 5 seconds. The Others have lost 3 to death or serious wounds, but you don't know where three of them even are. The manta ship might be running, or maybe it wants to get altitude so it can jink away from any more anti-tank missiles.
Hmmm. That's what I get for not reading back posts. I'm still saying finish off the sphere then try and counterattack. Also, a couple more missiles at the manta's engines (or mass center if no engines are visible) ought to make them think twice about messing with us.
Here's my sugestions, based off pure initiative:
Semo: Finish off spheres.
Angel: Take out last few aliens near you (unless one surenders, prisoners are always good).
Max: Cover Andy, get Nerds to cover, then worry about whatever's still around.
Luis: Holding action for threats, if none appear, bandaging and disinfecting Hugh's leg, giving him some heavy-duty anti-pain meds, then moving on to the next wounded.
Hugh: Hold action, see what comes up. Use for defense if necesary. Let the Hammer take the position you wanted.
Deltas: Taylor keep up pressure on the ship, the rest start a counter attack on the aliens (Angel's are first priority, then grass, then crash site).
Here's my sugestions, based off pure initiative:
Semo: Finish off spheres.
Angel: Take out last few aliens near you (unless one surenders, prisoners are always good).
Max: Cover Andy, get Nerds to cover, then worry about whatever's still around.
Luis: Holding action for threats, if none appear, bandaging and disinfecting Hugh's leg, giving him some heavy-duty anti-pain meds, then moving on to the next wounded.
Hugh: Hold action, see what comes up. Use for defense if necesary. Let the Hammer take the position you wanted.
Deltas: Taylor keep up pressure on the ship, the rest start a counter attack on the aliens (Angel's are first priority, then grass, then crash site).
e of pi wrote:Based on reading ADS' post, it sounds like both of them are toast. Is that incorrect, or are there others that I am unaware of?Semo: Finish off spheres
If there are any still functional, Semo will focus on them. Otherwise, he'll open up on an Others in his field of vision. If he can't see any, then tear up the manta ship - engines if possible.
fanchergw wrote:
e of pi wrote:Based on reading ADS' post, it sounds like both of them are toast. Is that incorrect, or are there others that I am unaware of?Semo: Finish off spheres
If there are any still functional, Semo will focus on them. Otherwise, he'll open up on an Others in his field of vision. If he can't see any, then tear up the manta ship - engines if possible.
Sounds like a good alternative for those possibilities. I wasn't sure how many there were to start, and I thought you only had gotten the one so far. *Shrug* Dunno, let's see what info ADS can give.
Oh, speaking of ADS, my friend that was in Vandal Squad for a while wants to know if you're a bioware fan. Don't know why, but he keeps telling me to ask.
If by Bioware fan, you mean "enjoyed both Kotors and Jade Empire", then yes. As a bit of trivia, I had decided on the name for this campaign/setting before Jade Empire came out. 
As for the spheres, they're wrecked. One's debris, the other is mostly intact but very broken.

As for the spheres, they're wrecked. One's debris, the other is mostly intact but very broken.
admiralducksauce wrote:If by Bioware fan, you mean "enjoyed both Kotors and Jade Empire", then yes. As a bit of trivia, I had decided on the name for this campaign/setting before Jade Empire came out.
As for the spheres, they're wrecked. One's debris, the other is mostly intact but very broken.
Hmm. Okay. Semo should focus on the ship then. Last thing we need is word of this getting back to the Others' HQ and they send more at us.
ADS wrote:Sounds like treats for the Nerd Herd! :wink:... the other is mostly intact but very broken.
e of pi wrote:Actually, I would bet that the message has gone out, but I got no problem with trying to shoot down an alien ship!Last thing we need is word of this getting back to the Others' HQ and they send more at us.

This map was for the beginning of the round. Hugh's in the M2 turret now, but I kinda need to know what he wants to kill.
Current Map!
This map was for the beginning of the round. Hugh's in the M2 turret now, but I kinda need to know what he wants to kill.
Current Map!