First of all, the ducts in the Pt: can we block them? Second, their stuff seems pretty adaptable. Can I use the Frisbee only on the gunshot wounds, narrw the focus? If not, I'll tie him down (should have done so already, really) and patch him up, Earth-style. Out of curiosity, what's left in the medic case, since it's apparently starting to run low?
Off-hand, you can wedge debris into the ducts from the gantries. Will it stop a casual drone from peeking in on you? Yes. Will it stop a single-minded killing machine with buzzsaw sliverguns? Probably not.
Using the frisbee on Yamaka is really a "go ahead and try as normal, but if you screw up the guy WILL DIE."
Medical supplies: Every time you use Earth first aid, I'm rolling a d6. On a 1, you're out of supplies. This number may increase with use.
Hmmm...blocading the ducts is still good, even if it won't totally stop them. It may not stop them, but it will slow them down enough that they can't get total suprise. As for the third prisoner, I figure he's worth one shot. One, with Earth meds. Also, we should make the infirmary one of the first tragets for searches after the experimental section, we need to restock meds. As we've seen, they can be effective even if the Frisbee's not, and who, as Semo pointed out, knows when it will run out or develope more unforeseen side effects.
Sublevel 5: Semo wants to take this guy out. How do you want to do it? Assume the interior is "typical Half-Life lab". The Turai is out of sight, probably preparing his cowardly guncam to blast anyone coming through that door while remaining behind full cover. A quick grenade check shows you have:
From what Max has said, the Turai may be immune to flashbangs and they can see through smoke.
If you want to chance it, you could use the elevators from level 6 to come up and flank the guy, or at least create a distraction. Or stack up and hit him SWAT-style. Or just pound the bastard with frags.
I suggest a frag or two to soften up / flush the Turai, then blast. We should use some cover ourselves to avoid getting carved up by his "cowardly guncam". :wink:
If Semo has the best arm, he could borrow the grenade(s) off on of the others.
Sounds good. Also, it appears that we are facing a Stargate-type problem, they were taken by some Really Others, and now they want their birth planet back. They think they deserve it, since they've gone and become an Empire. They think we're an easy target because we're less advanced, technologically. Let's show them they're wrong.
For the record, those grenade throws that blow these guys into kibble were called shots - timing or aiming the grenade to basically land in a single target's lap. Because of his target's cover, Semo just wants to HIT the guy so makes a normal grenade throw. The frag still deals Wounds, but it's not the insta-kill of a called throw. Hugh and Angel's shots were dead-on, the alien's armor just defeated Hugh's bullets while Angel's penetrated for more Wounds.
Due to concessions from wounds and whatnot, all you guys go before the Turai, but he is still in the fight and is probably fighting to the death at this point. He knows what his people did and doesn't expect any quarter.
Because there are three of you, flanking the guy is child's play. Just let me know who wants to fire at the Turai with his cover, and who wants to get the flanking shot. The real question is, will his armor keep him alive to roast any of you? My money is on "no", not with full Wild Dice, but we'll see.
If anyone's interested in salvage, there's one nearly-pristine Turai suit and one heavily-battered one. All their equipment is intact - that's two beam rifles, two stingers, two swords, and four spear-bombs between the two of them. No frisbees on these guys.
Take the good armor, leave the weapons. Weapons won't work on Turai targets anyway, remember the IIF stuff? But armor's good against their guns, might as well take it. Busted one isn't worth anything, though.
EIT: I sugest giving it to Angel, so he can use his stealth to act as an advance scout, check around corners and down corridors without having quite as much fear of having his head blown off. I think that the next taget should be the infirmary, to pick up supplies for Luis, then get him and free up the guys in the sub-level 2 armory. They have two battle-ready among six wounded, but the frisbee and Earth tech should get them up to speed. That'll boost our numbers, and allow us to reload our ammunition supplies. We'll need somebody to make sure they don't clear the Gate behind us if we do this, though.
Only problem with the infirmary is that it's on sublevel 1 - the last level before the surface. Paxton and his survivors are in the armory on sublevel 2. You're on sublevel 5 - 3 levels before Paxton, 4 before the infirmary.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Operational tempo. We don't have time for looting or restocking. We already killed two, let's get the rest before they have time to really dig in. It's a psychological thing, too - we gotta come at 'em like the Terminator. Teach those guys that there's a thing in the universe they have to be fucking afraid of, and it's called the US Army.
Getting to the infirmary is important, if for no other reason than to stock up on frags as they're the only grenades that work against these guys.
ADS, I guessing that these guys' armor isn't going to fit Semo?
If you want to take the time to check, I'll roll randomly to see who it fits. It might fit someone who's down in the Pit, or not at all. Semo doesn't have any reduced chances because of his size. But as Gatty says, stop to loot and you lose the initiative. These guys have real-time reporting - they can see you and then their whole group knows where you are. Killing quick and moving on keeps them from pinning you down.