Your next lead is posted in the GSRN news thread.
(Edited by Dieter at 3:41 pm on Mar. 16, 2005)
OOC: XV - Big Bada-Boom
Off to Omsk, then!
Ok, so taking the rig/trailer and Le Car?
Re-equipping at the rig, taking Le Car and having Artis and Ilyanna procure another vehicle for the team?
Re-equipping at the rig, taking Le Car and having Artis and Ilyanna procure another vehicle for the team?
Wouldn't Ilyanna *have* a car? She's gotta be getting around *somehow*.
Well, to answer the rig question, I'd say we can handle this off-screen. Either we made a quick stop to reequip, or someone (most likely Peter) drove it up to Omsk while the rest of the team was staking out the crime scene, then hid it somewhere nearby.
Your vote counts, people!
Your vote counts, people!
I kind of am leaning towards Le Car for speed and firepower, and then something else that's more inconspicuous than a semi.
True, but having options never hurts...besides, we can't very well spoil the record and finish the mission with one of our requisitioned vehicles intact, can we?
All right, but if the semi survives we're self-destructing it at the end.

Okay, Why exactly are we going to Omsk? Does it just seem like Jess is there? I mean, I don't see how this dead body connects.
[Not available at your clearance, citizen.]
Umm...I think we're missing something. Like the news posts that's been mentioned but not seen.
Quote:Uhmm... There is the GSRN News Thread that just appeared today in this forum...Quote: from Punkey on 8:21 pm on Mar. 16, 2005
Umm...I think we're missing something. Like the news posts that's been mentioned but not seen.
Ah, better. Found it.
The next post from me will put you in the immediate vacinity of Oromov's murder scene...what's the gameplan?
Also, I think you guys should nominate a designated leader that can handle ad hoc decisions such as this since you're now a group of seven(!) rather than three groups of two. It'll expedite the storyline process.
I recommend Gatty as he's usually always around.
Also, I think you guys should nominate a designated leader that can handle ad hoc decisions such as this since you're now a group of seven(!) rather than three groups of two. It'll expedite the storyline process.
I recommend Gatty as he's usually always around.

Surveillance and some crime scene analysis, which I believe is Moten's specialty. The only problem is actually getting him in there. Ideas?
I need to see the situation before I can do anything about it. What's it look like around the perimeter? If it's just some SMP cadets standing around next to squad cars, we can finish up doctoring those FSB badges and get in that way.
Ilyanna could look around and see if she knows any of the FSB guys from her KGB days. Might get some info that way.
I'm beginning to think that trying to track down Jess is going to lead to more traipsing across Russia without any solid leads. Think about whatever she's doing from her perspective:
1. It's not something she can tell the Agency about, because she's had ample time to contact us for an extraction.
2. She's probably being hunted while she's doing this - whether the hunting is because of her actions or just because the bad guys are "After her" who knows. So she's going to hard to find in the first place.
We know her nemesis is Samantha Illiavic, and Jess was using her identity enough to get her good and pissed. Why not try to track Sam down? We might take some heat off of Jess to let her finish whatever the hell she's mucking about with as well. And then maybe she'll call us, and we'll shoot her for the pain in the ass she's proving to be.
1. It's not something she can tell the Agency about, because she's had ample time to contact us for an extraction.
2. She's probably being hunted while she's doing this - whether the hunting is because of her actions or just because the bad guys are "After her" who knows. So she's going to hard to find in the first place.
We know her nemesis is Samantha Illiavic, and Jess was using her identity enough to get her good and pissed. Why not try to track Sam down? We might take some heat off of Jess to let her finish whatever the hell she's mucking about with as well. And then maybe she'll call us, and we'll shoot her for the pain in the ass she's proving to be.

Say, that's a good idea.