Sure, Brian's in.
CAMPAIGN COMMENTS - Comments on previous/current Spycraft ca
Goose'll stick around. I think he's becoming more unhinged as things progress, which is fun.

Ayumi's still in the game. I don't think it'd be polite to drop her right after she got her own, special storyline, after all.
Additionally, she'll be working towards the Edgemaster prestige class, which she'll enter at level 10.
Does this mean we should level up our characters?
Additionally, she'll be working towards the Edgemaster prestige class, which she'll enter at level 10.
Does this mean we should level up our characters?
Yup. This is the perfect time to level-up your characters. In fact, it'll bide me some time to get everything ready for the next mission.
Italic - Music. This indicates the timing of the whole spot and is based upon the 3:52 version of the Metal Gear Solid Main Theme as found on the OST for Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty.
Bold - Screen titles. The captions and other text that appear throughout the spot are described here.
[In brackets] - Direction. This describes what actually happens on screen.
[Black screen.]
-0:15 - 0:00
[white text in a constant-width font, with a computer-esque afterglow] As mankind embraces a new millenium, the next world war approaches - a shadow conflict, invisible to the world at large. A new breed of opponents requires a new kind of organisation - and a new kind of operatives.
0:00 - 0:15
[The text fades into the background as a few personnel files are rapidly displayed and scrolled through - we barely have time to see the B/W photos to the right side, showing (in sequence) Harry, Artis, Gavin and Jessica.]
0:15 - 0:25
[A sequence of photos, showing the four on their first mission before the action starts - Jessica on the beach, Artis getting out of the cab, Gavin and Harry in their car.]
0:25 - 0:39
[More photos, this time of the team in action. They rapidly increase in pace as another caption fades in.]
The mission begins...
0:40 - 0:50
[A series of in-action shots, rapidly cut. The scenes are cut to match gunshots to the music.]
0:50 - 0:55
[A shot of the Blackhawk from the Korea mission zooming over the dark waters of the night.]
[large font, more lively than the other captions]SPYCRAFT - Cloak and Broadsword
0:55 - 1:05
[Cut to a shot of Artis in the cockpit. Two more photos slide in from the right, dividing the screen into three parts. The second shows Art in the submerged Mustang, the third a fast car in a street chase.]
[Appearing from left to right, as if rapidly typed in]Artis "Goose" Gossard - Transportation
1:05 - 1:21
[A shot of someone rapelling down the skyscraper in Vegas. We cut to his face and freeze the video. The whole scene becomes more unreal as blueish filter is laid over the picture, a white rectangle forms around Gavin's face and indecypherable readouts scroll over the left side of the frame.]
[rapid-type]Gavin "Heron" O'Conner - Assault
1:21 - 1:35
[Feet dance over a dark tarmac as shots impact just behind them. We see Jessica on the airport, dodging the incoming bullets. She finds temporary cover, then checks her MP7. The blueish filter comes again and draws a white rectangle around the gun and Jessica's face. Again, more unreadable gibberish scrolls down the side.]
[rapid-type]Jessica "Hummingbird" Spiner - Coordination
1:35 - 1:50
[A very quick series of photos of Harry, finally settling down to a three-shot division like Art's profile - Harry with a new hat in Sweden, singing in the Vegas lounge and diving through the crowd in Vegas, pistol drawn.]
[rapid-type]Harry "Nighthawk" O'Reilley - Information
1:50 - 2:17
[The team relaxes. We get a series of short sequences showing the team hanging out in the club in Sweden. Cutting in, we have a shot of the blueish background with photos of the Deckers.]
[rapid-type]Michael & Hannah Decker - Known Terrorists - NEUTRALIZE
2:17 - 2:29
[Gavin bursts through the glass window in Vegas. A quick action scene as the hotel room is progressively turned into scrap.]
2:29 - 2:39
[Four shots: First, a SWAT team moves into the hotel, shooting down Raven. (Poor bastard doesn't get a name.) Second, Gavin and the Deckers. Gavin nods to them, and they run off together. Third, aboard the helicopter, Gavin - looking sad - shoots the pilot. Fourth, the helicopter plummets to it's doom in slow-motion.]
[slowly fading in]Sacrifice...
2:40 - 3:01
[Gavin's funeral. We zoom by the team - showing Harry in a wheelchair - and linger on Gavin's tombstone. Off in the distance, Brian watches.]
[rapid-type]Brian "Osprey" Mallory - Fire Support
3:01 - 3:21
[A few different scenes. Shots of Ayumi and Carla mixing it up with a few mooks. Jess in Siberia, grabbing onto two pistols as she watches a firefight in the distance. Intercut with these are two shots of combat boots walking on an uncomfortable-looking floor.]
3:21 - 3:39
[We finally get a good look at the team together as they march down a hallway. Jess has her hair bound back and carries the MP7 in a shoulder holster. Artis wears sunglasses and a leather jacket. Brain wears his SAS uniform (with beret, of course) and has a precision rifle slung over his shoulder. Ayumi and Carla join them from the sides, quickly closing the gap. We get a short shot for each, enough for the display to give us their names.]
[rapid-type]Ayumi "Ibis" Yokozaki - Sweeper
[rapid-type]Carla "Falconet" Manotoc - Urban Assault
[The team stops and moves into a pose. A bright light comes up behind them, so we end up with their poses captured as silhouettes. From left to right: Ayumi - holding up two pistols; Brian - showing off his rifle; Jessica - the MP7 in her right hand, pointed downwards; Artis - arms crossed in front of his torso; and Carla, knife in her right hand, tiger claw in the left. Their names scroll all over the screen, some of the letters highlighted.]
[The highlighted letters come together and form the word SPYCRAFT, which docks below the stylized silhouette of the team. The words "Cloak and Broadsword" appear in a smaller font below the logo.]
3:44 - 3:52
[Slowly fade to black.]
Bold - Screen titles. The captions and other text that appear throughout the spot are described here.
[In brackets] - Direction. This describes what actually happens on screen.
[Black screen.]
-0:15 - 0:00
[white text in a constant-width font, with a computer-esque afterglow] As mankind embraces a new millenium, the next world war approaches - a shadow conflict, invisible to the world at large. A new breed of opponents requires a new kind of organisation - and a new kind of operatives.
0:00 - 0:15
[The text fades into the background as a few personnel files are rapidly displayed and scrolled through - we barely have time to see the B/W photos to the right side, showing (in sequence) Harry, Artis, Gavin and Jessica.]
0:15 - 0:25
[A sequence of photos, showing the four on their first mission before the action starts - Jessica on the beach, Artis getting out of the cab, Gavin and Harry in their car.]
0:25 - 0:39
[More photos, this time of the team in action. They rapidly increase in pace as another caption fades in.]
The mission begins...
0:40 - 0:50
[A series of in-action shots, rapidly cut. The scenes are cut to match gunshots to the music.]
0:50 - 0:55
[A shot of the Blackhawk from the Korea mission zooming over the dark waters of the night.]
[large font, more lively than the other captions]SPYCRAFT - Cloak and Broadsword
0:55 - 1:05
[Cut to a shot of Artis in the cockpit. Two more photos slide in from the right, dividing the screen into three parts. The second shows Art in the submerged Mustang, the third a fast car in a street chase.]
[Appearing from left to right, as if rapidly typed in]Artis "Goose" Gossard - Transportation
1:05 - 1:21
[A shot of someone rapelling down the skyscraper in Vegas. We cut to his face and freeze the video. The whole scene becomes more unreal as blueish filter is laid over the picture, a white rectangle forms around Gavin's face and indecypherable readouts scroll over the left side of the frame.]
[rapid-type]Gavin "Heron" O'Conner - Assault
1:21 - 1:35
[Feet dance over a dark tarmac as shots impact just behind them. We see Jessica on the airport, dodging the incoming bullets. She finds temporary cover, then checks her MP7. The blueish filter comes again and draws a white rectangle around the gun and Jessica's face. Again, more unreadable gibberish scrolls down the side.]
[rapid-type]Jessica "Hummingbird" Spiner - Coordination
1:35 - 1:50
[A very quick series of photos of Harry, finally settling down to a three-shot division like Art's profile - Harry with a new hat in Sweden, singing in the Vegas lounge and diving through the crowd in Vegas, pistol drawn.]
[rapid-type]Harry "Nighthawk" O'Reilley - Information
1:50 - 2:17
[The team relaxes. We get a series of short sequences showing the team hanging out in the club in Sweden. Cutting in, we have a shot of the blueish background with photos of the Deckers.]
[rapid-type]Michael & Hannah Decker - Known Terrorists - NEUTRALIZE
2:17 - 2:29
[Gavin bursts through the glass window in Vegas. A quick action scene as the hotel room is progressively turned into scrap.]
2:29 - 2:39
[Four shots: First, a SWAT team moves into the hotel, shooting down Raven. (Poor bastard doesn't get a name.) Second, Gavin and the Deckers. Gavin nods to them, and they run off together. Third, aboard the helicopter, Gavin - looking sad - shoots the pilot. Fourth, the helicopter plummets to it's doom in slow-motion.]
[slowly fading in]Sacrifice...
2:40 - 3:01
[Gavin's funeral. We zoom by the team - showing Harry in a wheelchair - and linger on Gavin's tombstone. Off in the distance, Brian watches.]
[rapid-type]Brian "Osprey" Mallory - Fire Support
3:01 - 3:21
[A few different scenes. Shots of Ayumi and Carla mixing it up with a few mooks. Jess in Siberia, grabbing onto two pistols as she watches a firefight in the distance. Intercut with these are two shots of combat boots walking on an uncomfortable-looking floor.]
3:21 - 3:39
[We finally get a good look at the team together as they march down a hallway. Jess has her hair bound back and carries the MP7 in a shoulder holster. Artis wears sunglasses and a leather jacket. Brain wears his SAS uniform (with beret, of course) and has a precision rifle slung over his shoulder. Ayumi and Carla join them from the sides, quickly closing the gap. We get a short shot for each, enough for the display to give us their names.]
[rapid-type]Ayumi "Ibis" Yokozaki - Sweeper
[rapid-type]Carla "Falconet" Manotoc - Urban Assault
[The team stops and moves into a pose. A bright light comes up behind them, so we end up with their poses captured as silhouettes. From left to right: Ayumi - holding up two pistols; Brian - showing off his rifle; Jessica - the MP7 in her right hand, pointed downwards; Artis - arms crossed in front of his torso; and Carla, knife in her right hand, tiger claw in the left. Their names scroll all over the screen, some of the letters highlighted.]
[The highlighted letters come together and form the word SPYCRAFT, which docks below the stylized silhouette of the team. The words "Cloak and Broadsword" appear in a smaller font below the logo.]
3:44 - 3:52
[Slowly fade to black.]
You sexy, sexy man.
I... like it!
Nicely done
Now if I only had time to translate all this stuff into usuable content fot AEG.
Now if I only had time to translate all this stuff into usuable content fot AEG.
Why? Some association with AEG we are unaware of? Or simple the desire to share our misguided creativity with the rest of the world?
Quote:I've always wanted to write for AEG, but never have the time to devote to it.Quote: from Gatac on 4:51 pm on Oct. 11, 2004
Why? Some association with AEG we are unaware of? Or simple the desire to share our misguided creativity with the rest of the world?
We'll be taking a brief hiatus to decompress and such from the high-speed world of espionage and international intrigue.
Just to give everyone a timeline, I'm guessing about a month or so. I need to get the Stargate plotline in a groove so it doesn't need quite as much babysitting as it does right now.
Just to give everyone a timeline, I'm guessing about a month or so. I need to get the Stargate plotline in a groove so it doesn't need quite as much babysitting as it does right now.
Right...well, I need something to keep my busy in the meantime, so I'm going to write another music video. I have the following things in mind:
(Apollo 440 - Stealth Mass) Silent Assault. Physical infiltration, knocked out-guards, and a few other surprises.
(N.E.R.D. - Rock Star [Remix]) Stylish Assault. Basically, what we already do in our action scenes - go in the front door and blow some shit up.
(Rob Zombie - Reload) Matrix Assault. Wherein we go totally apeshit.
(Asian Dub Foundation - Fortress Europe) Motorcycle Chase. 'nuff said.
(Kajiura Yuki - Salba Nos [Noir OST]) Taking out the trash. A petite Japanese agent, two guns, and a skyscraper floor full of mooks.
To keep this thread clean, vote and suggest via PM, please. This will get exactly one followup, that being the finished video script.
(Apollo 440 - Stealth Mass) Silent Assault. Physical infiltration, knocked out-guards, and a few other surprises.
(N.E.R.D. - Rock Star [Remix]) Stylish Assault. Basically, what we already do in our action scenes - go in the front door and blow some shit up.
(Rob Zombie - Reload) Matrix Assault. Wherein we go totally apeshit.
(Asian Dub Foundation - Fortress Europe) Motorcycle Chase. 'nuff said.
(Kajiura Yuki - Salba Nos [Noir OST]) Taking out the trash. A petite Japanese agent, two guns, and a skyscraper floor full of mooks.
To keep this thread clean, vote and suggest via PM, please. This will get exactly one followup, that being the finished video script.
And I have to NOT vote here. It will be deleted.
Here you have it. Punkey and Threadbare wanted Stylish, Infested asked me to throw in a bit of Matrix physics, and well, here's what I cooked up. Next is Silent Assault.
Italic - Music. Based on a 3:49 version of N.E.R.D. - Rockstar (Remix).
Bold - Screen titles.
[In brackets] - Direction.
[Fade in from black.]
-0:30 - 0:00
[A sunny day in an urban landscape. A large car pulls up to one particular building; several people exit. The first one is ARTIS; he's wearing a black shirt, jeans with tucked-under boots and a dark brownish, worn-out leather jacket. Second one is AYUMI, wearing a light motorcycle riding ensemble and shades. Next up, CARLA, in rough, drab-esque, paramilitary-style clothing topped off with a rather large, black trenchcoat. BRIAN looks a bit more respectable, with a casual elegance of a short-sleeved white shirt and a black suit on top of it, minus a tie. Finally, an older-looking guy with graying hair and a large raincoat exits. He wears something strange under the coat, but we cannot make out what it is. This man is XAVIER. The five walk around to the trunk of the car and each grab something from it; ARTIS and BRIAN each take a large duffel bag, AYUMI a small backpack, CARLA a satchel that she swings over her shoulder. XAVIER goes last and grabs what appears to be a sheathed Katana.]
[The five walk over to a building, down a hallway, and enter an elevator. AYUMI slides a card (with some bloodstains) through a reader, and the lift goes down.]
0:00 - 0:24
[The lift moves down, and everybody begins to unpack. ARTIS throws on a kevlar vest and readies a tricked-out Colt M4 SOPMOD; Brian does much the same, but his weapon of choice is a British L85A1. AYUMI draws two USP .40s from shoulder holsters, while CARLA reaches under her trenchcoat, revealing a sizeable arsenal of melee weaponry fastened to it; she chooses two tiger claws. Finally, XAVIER drops his raincoat, revealing a tight-fitting, black stealth suit; he quickly pulls the hood over his head, and we can see it power up some indeterminate electronics within.
GO !
0:24 - 0:39
[A hallway, presumably underground. We see a slow-motion shot of a grenade sailing through the air. Shortly, it lands right to the feet of a security guard and begins to spray gas. The guard looks up in shock, and we see from his perspective a bullet-time view of Xavier in his suit, leaping at him with the strange-looking Katana drawn and ready to strike.]
0:39 - 0:47
[Xavier lands a good slash, downing the guard. Not stopping for just one guy, he runs through several more on his way, slicing them all up; bullets fly, but can't seem to hit him.]
0:47 - 0:54
[The rest of the team filters out, staying away from the gas cloud; they begin to split up, ARTIS and CARLA to one hallway, BRIAN and AYUMI to the other, but nobody heads down the third way where XAVIER went.]
0:54 - 1:10
[We follow BRIAN and AYUMI for now. They are greeted by an army of mooks as alarm lights blink along the hallway, but dispose of each one - BRIAN with short, controlled bursts from his assault rifle, AYUMI with well-aimed double-taps from her pistols.]
1:10 - 2:05
[ARTIS and CARLA make progress in their direction, too, coming into a mess hall full of mooks. ARTIS caps two in the head from behind, then turns over a table and starts with some suppressive fire. While the mooks are occupied, CARLA rushes through the room, dodging the occasional bullet while jumping and tumbling by any sort of cover the minions possess. One guy gets gets his neck snapped with a good kick; another minion comes from behind and catches a throwing knife in the head, though it seemed to come out of CARLA's sleeve without actually being thrown. The mooks are between a rock and a hard place - CARLA's wiping the floor with them, but everybody who tries to get up and shoot her gets a bullet from ARTIS, who passes the time by punching holes through the not-yet-cleared tipped-over tables. Finally, CARLA comes to the second-to-last mook, who must be a bit better-trained; he lunges at her with a knife, but she grabs the last mook (who just got a fresh shoulder wound from ARTIS) and pushes him into the path of the attack, killing him. The knife-minion looks surprised, but CARLA fixes that by ramming her tiger claws into his gut.]
2:05 - 2:36
[BRIAN and AYUMI find themselves in a large, lobby-esque room with a few stone pillars. A goon lunges for AYUMI, but the petite agent runs towards the wall. In Bullet Time, she drops her pistols, sets a foot against the wall and launches off it, backflipping over the goon's attack. In flight, she pulls two Wakizashis from sheathes at her hips. Normal time resumes; AYUMI lands, and quickly slashes the goon down fierce before he has a chance to recompose himself. Twirling the blades, she sheathes them again, hooks her foot under a dropped weapon and launches it upwards into her hands. She and ARTIS begin to sweep the room with their rifles, gunning down mooks with autofire.]
2:36 - 2:52
[XAVIER's in a control room somewhere, with a few slashed-up corpses in the background. He begins setting explosive charges. Elsewhere, we see BRIAN grab charges from CARLA's satchel, and ARTIS fiddling with a junction box for power.]
2:52 - 3:08
[Their job done, we see the team fall back in a split scene montage; more mooks come in, but it's clear that the only thing holding the team back from killing all of them is that they really don't want to stick around. At the elevator, they find a single mook with an AK, staring down three teams closing in on him. He looks frightened to hell, and his hands are shaking so much that it's a wonder he can even hold his weapon. He drops his weapon and holds up his hands. For his troubles, he gets a hit to the back of his head by XAVIER's sword, dropping him like a sack of potatos.]
3:08 - 3:39
[The team converges on the elevator and rides it back up, redressing themselves into "street mode". They stop upstairs and get out; Artis keys a small remote. We rapidly cut to several security blast doors closing. XAVIER and BRIAN hand AYUMI another small remote each. She presses down on both buttons as they leave the building; we see the ground shaking a bit and a fire hydrant going off.]
3:39 - 3:49
[The car rides into the distance as police cars and fire engines arrive at the spot, disappearing in the confusion. Cut to a screen logo.]
SPYCRAFT - Cloak & Broadsword
Perhaps a bit hastily written, but I like it.
Italic - Music. Based on a 3:49 version of N.E.R.D. - Rockstar (Remix).
Bold - Screen titles.
[In brackets] - Direction.
[Fade in from black.]
-0:30 - 0:00
[A sunny day in an urban landscape. A large car pulls up to one particular building; several people exit. The first one is ARTIS; he's wearing a black shirt, jeans with tucked-under boots and a dark brownish, worn-out leather jacket. Second one is AYUMI, wearing a light motorcycle riding ensemble and shades. Next up, CARLA, in rough, drab-esque, paramilitary-style clothing topped off with a rather large, black trenchcoat. BRIAN looks a bit more respectable, with a casual elegance of a short-sleeved white shirt and a black suit on top of it, minus a tie. Finally, an older-looking guy with graying hair and a large raincoat exits. He wears something strange under the coat, but we cannot make out what it is. This man is XAVIER. The five walk around to the trunk of the car and each grab something from it; ARTIS and BRIAN each take a large duffel bag, AYUMI a small backpack, CARLA a satchel that she swings over her shoulder. XAVIER goes last and grabs what appears to be a sheathed Katana.]
[The five walk over to a building, down a hallway, and enter an elevator. AYUMI slides a card (with some bloodstains) through a reader, and the lift goes down.]
0:00 - 0:24
[The lift moves down, and everybody begins to unpack. ARTIS throws on a kevlar vest and readies a tricked-out Colt M4 SOPMOD; Brian does much the same, but his weapon of choice is a British L85A1. AYUMI draws two USP .40s from shoulder holsters, while CARLA reaches under her trenchcoat, revealing a sizeable arsenal of melee weaponry fastened to it; she chooses two tiger claws. Finally, XAVIER drops his raincoat, revealing a tight-fitting, black stealth suit; he quickly pulls the hood over his head, and we can see it power up some indeterminate electronics within.
GO !
0:24 - 0:39
[A hallway, presumably underground. We see a slow-motion shot of a grenade sailing through the air. Shortly, it lands right to the feet of a security guard and begins to spray gas. The guard looks up in shock, and we see from his perspective a bullet-time view of Xavier in his suit, leaping at him with the strange-looking Katana drawn and ready to strike.]
0:39 - 0:47
[Xavier lands a good slash, downing the guard. Not stopping for just one guy, he runs through several more on his way, slicing them all up; bullets fly, but can't seem to hit him.]
0:47 - 0:54
[The rest of the team filters out, staying away from the gas cloud; they begin to split up, ARTIS and CARLA to one hallway, BRIAN and AYUMI to the other, but nobody heads down the third way where XAVIER went.]
0:54 - 1:10
[We follow BRIAN and AYUMI for now. They are greeted by an army of mooks as alarm lights blink along the hallway, but dispose of each one - BRIAN with short, controlled bursts from his assault rifle, AYUMI with well-aimed double-taps from her pistols.]
1:10 - 2:05
[ARTIS and CARLA make progress in their direction, too, coming into a mess hall full of mooks. ARTIS caps two in the head from behind, then turns over a table and starts with some suppressive fire. While the mooks are occupied, CARLA rushes through the room, dodging the occasional bullet while jumping and tumbling by any sort of cover the minions possess. One guy gets gets his neck snapped with a good kick; another minion comes from behind and catches a throwing knife in the head, though it seemed to come out of CARLA's sleeve without actually being thrown. The mooks are between a rock and a hard place - CARLA's wiping the floor with them, but everybody who tries to get up and shoot her gets a bullet from ARTIS, who passes the time by punching holes through the not-yet-cleared tipped-over tables. Finally, CARLA comes to the second-to-last mook, who must be a bit better-trained; he lunges at her with a knife, but she grabs the last mook (who just got a fresh shoulder wound from ARTIS) and pushes him into the path of the attack, killing him. The knife-minion looks surprised, but CARLA fixes that by ramming her tiger claws into his gut.]
2:05 - 2:36
[BRIAN and AYUMI find themselves in a large, lobby-esque room with a few stone pillars. A goon lunges for AYUMI, but the petite agent runs towards the wall. In Bullet Time, she drops her pistols, sets a foot against the wall and launches off it, backflipping over the goon's attack. In flight, she pulls two Wakizashis from sheathes at her hips. Normal time resumes; AYUMI lands, and quickly slashes the goon down fierce before he has a chance to recompose himself. Twirling the blades, she sheathes them again, hooks her foot under a dropped weapon and launches it upwards into her hands. She and ARTIS begin to sweep the room with their rifles, gunning down mooks with autofire.]
2:36 - 2:52
[XAVIER's in a control room somewhere, with a few slashed-up corpses in the background. He begins setting explosive charges. Elsewhere, we see BRIAN grab charges from CARLA's satchel, and ARTIS fiddling with a junction box for power.]
2:52 - 3:08
[Their job done, we see the team fall back in a split scene montage; more mooks come in, but it's clear that the only thing holding the team back from killing all of them is that they really don't want to stick around. At the elevator, they find a single mook with an AK, staring down three teams closing in on him. He looks frightened to hell, and his hands are shaking so much that it's a wonder he can even hold his weapon. He drops his weapon and holds up his hands. For his troubles, he gets a hit to the back of his head by XAVIER's sword, dropping him like a sack of potatos.]
3:08 - 3:39
[The team converges on the elevator and rides it back up, redressing themselves into "street mode". They stop upstairs and get out; Artis keys a small remote. We rapidly cut to several security blast doors closing. XAVIER and BRIAN hand AYUMI another small remote each. She presses down on both buttons as they leave the building; we see the ground shaking a bit and a fire hydrant going off.]
3:39 - 3:49
[The car rides into the distance as police cars and fire engines arrive at the spot, disappearing in the confusion. Cut to a screen logo.]
SPYCRAFT - Cloak & Broadsword
Perhaps a bit hastily written, but I like it.
It's called a +17 to Tumble checks, bitches! Ha-ha!
Ayumi will be doing much more wall-flipping in the future. Likewise with the slashy-slashy.
Ayumi will be doing much more wall-flipping in the future. Likewise with the slashy-slashy.
Carla will be doing more of the "ooh, you just knifed your friend!" bit, thanks to her blocking feats.
*11 Nov 2004 Update*
I'm in the latter stages of planning stuff for the next mission. If work slows down and Stargate steadies its course, I'll have something up and running in the next week or so.
I'm in the latter stages of planning stuff for the next mission. If work slows down and Stargate steadies its course, I'll have something up and running in the next week or so.
Who is onboard for the next part of the mission?
I have marked down from previous posts:
-Gatac (duh)
Everyone still onboard?
I have marked down from previous posts:
-Gatac (duh)
Everyone still onboard?