In lieu of tougher agents (and subsequently tougher badguys), I'm instituting a rule ADS and I had used in previous homebrews of days gone by.
Taking damage causes penalties to attack/skill checks. The rundown is as follows:
Full to 3/4 HP: No penalty
3/4 to 1/2 HP: -2 (WOUNDED)
1/2 to 1/4 HP: -4 (SCREWED)
1/4 or less: -8 (DYING)
This'll be a trial run just to see how it goes, but hopefully it'll relieve the "Slab o' Meat Complex" the d20 system suffers from.
(Edited by Dieter at 10:53 am on June 18, 2004)
CAMPAIGN COMMENTS - Comments on previous/current Spycraft ca
Could we switch around some o' dem requirements for the Triggerman prestige class? I mean, Ayumi could really use some of those class abilities, but getting those necessary Knowledge skills would take at least another two levels, which is what, another year of playing?
Actually, if Ayumi picks up a level of Martial Artist, she would get 7 skill points, and have Knowledge as class skill - that means she'd just have to nix one point somewhere, which shouldn't hurt too much. Since Soldiers have Knowledge as cross-class, you'd have to yank twelve skill points from your current distribution to get those covered. If you want that, I'd nix some of Spot, Jump and Swim. Keep Tumble and Climb - unless you don't want to walljump, in which case you can attack Climb, too.
You also need to pick up Speed Trigger.
You also need to pick up Speed Trigger.
I want to be a Street Fighter, but I don't want all those sissy dodging feats. Maybe Carla will just be good at the Capcom game, instead.
Hobby(Videogaming) gives you a bonus to drone operations. No, really.
I can't believe I don't already have Speed Trigger.
Yeah, I'm surprised, too. That's like, her thing. I mean, I can feel alright for not getting sidestep, because that's not really Carla's thing. She gets up in your face and stabs you. Then she blocks your attack and redirects it into the stomach of your friend. Then she takes a bullet to the thigh and is more pissed-off than hurt.
And it doesn't even have prerequisites! What were you thinking, Infested? 

Actually, if I may say so, Triggerman kinda runs out at 6th level. Personal Arsenal is a killer ability, but what comes afterwards is not really all that good. The two-weapon fighting stuff, you can get with feats. Then it's really just about being an expert with firearms, having Gun-Fu (which isn't all that great unless you grapple or disarm in melee a lot) and aforementioned Personal Arsenal - but is getting your guns cheaper worth it using six levels of this?
Which reminds me--how much could an RPG-7 realistically cost? It's like the most cost-efficient weapon in history, yet it costs a ridiculous amount of BP when you consider that the standard Chechen fire team consists of two RPG guys and one rifleman.
BPs don't make any effort to be realistic in terms of actual price - they're game balancing, short and simple. This works to your advantage in other ways though - C4 is ridiculously cheap at 100 $ for 1/4 pound. Unless you're really worried about getting traced, always buy your explosives on the black market.
As for an RPG-7, a realistic base price would be about 2000$ or so, imho.
As for an RPG-7, a realistic base price would be about 2000$ or so, imho.
Quote:It's a matter of supply/demand. Finding an RPG-7 on the wartorn streets of Chechnya is much easier than picking one up in say, Copenhagen. The problem is the reliability of the weapon and its ammunition. I'd much rather have an RPG-7 that was taking off from of a Russian supply convoy rather than one purchased in arms bazaar in the streets of Grozny.Quote: from Threadbare on 5:32 am on Aug. 17, 2004
Which reminds me--how much could an RPG-7 realistically cost? It's like the most cost-efficient weapon in history, yet it costs a ridiculous amount of BP when you consider that the standard Chechen fire team consists of two RPG guys and one rifleman.
"It is good weapon! (translation: It may fire.)
"I give you good price on ammunition!" (translation: Half of these are duds, the other half I wouldn't use if my life depended on them.)
My best advice is to procure your illicit weaponry off dead soldiers in the field. You at least know what you're grabbing works. Professional soldiers don't carry equipment then don't need.

Incidentally, a quick char sheet check reveals that Gavin had Speed Trigger, so I can understand where your confusion comes from, Infested.
I miss Gavin.
Don't we all?
Quote:Um. No.Quote: from Gatac on 1:49 pm on Aug. 24, 2004
Scroll down. Get a good scare.
With the exception of the gun/katana battle at the end, Equilibrium is one of those "That which shall not be named" movies. Horrible.

Got the 60s Decade Book. About as much crunch as any other Spycraft book I have, but a lot more background info. This one really deserves to be a hardcover. Stress rules, long-term contacts, a new base class, doctoring photos and shooting videos in combat...
It's a fucking shame Harry's stuck in HQ. This book was, like, written for him.
It's a fucking shame Harry's stuck in HQ. This book was, like, written for him.

Are all existing players onboard for the next campaign? The reason I ask is that I pretty much have a full storyline ready to go whenever the hell we finished up the current mission.
If you'd like to send your characters on vacation or temporary reassignment, let me know. I should also add that everyone will be receiving XP for a level-up and then some*.
Additionally, anyone wishing to retire current characters may do so at no XP penalty. You may start a new one at the current party level. Let me know ASAP if you'd like to do so.
*You'll level-up again somewhere in the middle of the next mission.
If you'd like to send your characters on vacation or temporary reassignment, let me know. I should also add that everyone will be receiving XP for a level-up and then some*.
Additionally, anyone wishing to retire current characters may do so at no XP penalty. You may start a new one at the current party level. Let me know ASAP if you'd like to do so.
*You'll level-up again somewhere in the middle of the next mission.
*sings* I'm in over my head, over my head, over my hea--ad!