It boils down to the fact that your characters are really tough and go round per round via PBEM would take days to resolve the simplest of fights.
There is also the ever-present fact that we play over many timezones and everyone's postings are dependent upon their schedules and such.
The way we're going to work non-major fights is that I'll ask for everyone's general combat style their using for it.
Basic combat styles:
"Cover Fire"
"Fighting Defensively"
"All-out offense"
"Suppressive Fire"
"Jumping into melee ASAP"
"Fire support"
"Rock 'n' Roll!"
You get the idea. I think I know your characters' fighting styles by now and with the exceptio of a few *ahem* instances, no one seems to mind me steering things.
CAMPAIGN COMMENTS - Comments on previous/current Spycraft ca
Will "Kick Ass, Take Names" work as a valid style?

Got Dark Inheritance in the mail.
Ahem. *cough* What I meant to say: The book is very nice and even though the focus is quite squarely on weird things, a lot of the material could be stol^b^b^b^b used in a "normal" game.
Ahem. *cough* What I meant to say: The book is very nice and even though the focus is quite squarely on weird things, a lot of the material could be stol^b^b^b^b used in a "normal" game.
Oh, by the way, Dark Inheritance classes:
Advocate (Kinda Spin Doctor redux, pretty flexible, core ability sucks, the rest is okay if you want to make a few skills reliable. Scary high level potential, too.)
Martial Artist (Slight reworking, core ability finally worthwhile.)
Explorer (Uses the errata'ed d10 vit/6 skill points/15 class skills version, no ability changes as far as I can see.)
Scientist (No change)
Sleuth (No change)
Arcanist (New class, magic user - more power, but depends on a focus to channel it.)
Gnostic (New class, magic user - less power, but self-contained.)
So it collects pretty much all the SFA base classes except for Spin Doctor (which was redone with Advocate) and High Roller, who doesn't fit the grittier setting style.
Additionally, there's the Edgemaster prestige class (actually, the entire damn Sharp Edge PDF supplement is in there.)
New Senior Agent Classes:
Genesoldier (Basically gives you the Hybrid species [i.e., human-animal chimera] and a handful of other stuff to tinker around with. Looks pretty useful, if you're in the mood to become a half-animal.)
Witness (Basically, the class if you want to mess with Titans - positively and negatively.)
Watcher (Rupert Giles - vast knowledge, good rapport with Titans.)
Two-Fisted God of Guns (A magic user with focus on, well, HKBO-ish action. Looks cool, but I've heard that it's a bitch to get working effectively.)
Plus a whole lot of new feats, though many of them are magical or Titan-related; quite a few others require a specific allegiance. (To which I say, boo! Could just as well ignore that, since most of them have perfectly mundane effects.)
Advocate (Kinda Spin Doctor redux, pretty flexible, core ability sucks, the rest is okay if you want to make a few skills reliable. Scary high level potential, too.)
Martial Artist (Slight reworking, core ability finally worthwhile.)
Explorer (Uses the errata'ed d10 vit/6 skill points/15 class skills version, no ability changes as far as I can see.)
Scientist (No change)
Sleuth (No change)
Arcanist (New class, magic user - more power, but depends on a focus to channel it.)
Gnostic (New class, magic user - less power, but self-contained.)
So it collects pretty much all the SFA base classes except for Spin Doctor (which was redone with Advocate) and High Roller, who doesn't fit the grittier setting style.
Additionally, there's the Edgemaster prestige class (actually, the entire damn Sharp Edge PDF supplement is in there.)
New Senior Agent Classes:
Genesoldier (Basically gives you the Hybrid species [i.e., human-animal chimera] and a handful of other stuff to tinker around with. Looks pretty useful, if you're in the mood to become a half-animal.)
Witness (Basically, the class if you want to mess with Titans - positively and negatively.)
Watcher (Rupert Giles - vast knowledge, good rapport with Titans.)
Two-Fisted God of Guns (A magic user with focus on, well, HKBO-ish action. Looks cool, but I've heard that it's a bitch to get working effectively.)
Plus a whole lot of new feats, though many of them are magical or Titan-related; quite a few others require a specific allegiance. (To which I say, boo! Could just as well ignore that, since most of them have perfectly mundane effects.)
Quote:Sounds a lot like a replacement/rewrite of Avatar. It's got Ghost Cougar all over it.Genesoldier (Basically gives you the Hybrid species [i.e., human-animal chimera] and a handful of other stuff to tinker around with. Looks pretty useful, if you're in the mood to become a half-animal.)

Fuck, yes. You're right. *bangs head against wall* I'll watch out for it when the game restarts.
Now, to bring this back on topic...We need a long-term gameplan. It seems that we're going to do a little house cleaning after we're done with Samantha. So here's the question - how do we go about patching the holes?
Fuck, yes. You're right. *bangs head against wall* I'll watch out for it when the game restarts.
Now, to bring this back on topic...We need a long-term gameplan. It seems that we're going to do a little house cleaning after we're done with Samantha. So here's the question - how do we go about patching the holes?
I'd hold off on any long-term plans until we get the roof battle resolved.
I say if we do go on after this, it's going to be an in-house job, cleaning out all the Agency rats.