Personally, I'd submit, mainly because I know the odds are quite good that they'll put a well-aimed bullet in my skull before I can get a steady aim on them.
Maybe it's easier to find a way to make the lift stop once they're in it. Lacking that, finding a way to warn the team upstairs.
I'm glad you realize that, because you and Harry would be cut down in the first turn.
Harry does have some good ranks in the computers and electronics skills.
Harry does have some good ranks in the computers and electronics skills.
Actually, with most security types I know, the answer would be yes.
The odd chance that a stray bit of lead from the SMG or pistol isn't worth it.
The odd chance that a stray bit of lead from the SMG or pistol isn't worth it.
Is there any way to beat them to the service elevator?
Sorry for not posting, but the power went out in my neighborhood last night, before I could post. I actually would have voted for tossing the 'nade, since while I have precious few wounds, I have Vitality in spades.
Anyway, since I didn't use that flashbang before, I'll go ahead and toss it now.
Anyway, since I didn't use that flashbang before, I'll go ahead and toss it now.
Beating the guards to the service elevator
-You might be able to, if you knew where it was.
No problem. It looks like things turned out the same anyway. I'm also going to assume your throwing the F-B grenade at the Deckers.
(Edited by Dieter at 8:22 am on Feb. 21, 2003)
-You might be able to, if you knew where it was.
No problem. It looks like things turned out the same anyway. I'm also going to assume your throwing the F-B grenade at the Deckers.
(Edited by Dieter at 8:22 am on Feb. 21, 2003)
Now that the grenade has been disposed of, what are Brian and Artis doing?
I think I hit preview instead of submit the first time.
Anyhoo, I'm 5'-adjusting so's I can see Hanna and still retain half cover or so, feinting, and then shooting her.
Anyhoo, I'm 5'-adjusting so's I can see Hanna and still retain half cover or so, feinting, and then shooting her.
Well I'm a bit dazed...after I recover, trying to kill the deckers. Brian is not a fan of prolonged firefights, so if I have any action dice left, now is the time to burn them.
Who else thinks this is about to end badly?
Who else thinks this is about to end badly?
*raises hand*
No one is dead.........yet.

*raises both hands, attempts to raise feet, then topples over and slams his head on the table*
OUCH...erm, what I was trying to say is that I too think this is gonna get ugly.
OUCH...erm, what I was trying to say is that I too think this is gonna get ugly.
New Round.
What is everyone doing?
-Ivan is no longer dazed
-The goons are still dazed and probably will be for some time
-The police are storming the lobby in droves.
-The police helicopter is currently hovering at the same level as the suite windows.
What is everyone doing?
-Ivan is no longer dazed
-The goons are still dazed and probably will be for some time
-The police are storming the lobby in droves.
-The police helicopter is currently hovering at the same level as the suite windows.
Get rid of the Beretta ASAP.
Give chase. I don't see any easy way out of this place, and if they have a getaway vehicle for convenient, dramatic villain escapes, then I vote that we steal it.
If I get a shot at Hannah, then I take it, with an action die on the attack roll.
If I get a shot at Hannah, then I take it, with an action die on the attack roll.
I say Harry and Jess ditch the guns, head out in a "innocent bystander" style panic, and get to the car.
I think trying to get a parting shot off at Hannah, hopefully in such a way as to end her flight. We need a body to prove we're the good guys.
Than, I vote for not fighting the cops, and not even putting up a strugle. Going down in a blaze of govt. gunfire is not Brian's idea of a good death.
Than, I vote for not fighting the cops, and not even putting up a strugle. Going down in a blaze of govt. gunfire is not Brian's idea of a good death.
Just waiting for ADS to respond.
I've got one of those grappling hook belts. I want to snag Mike's autoshotgun, put my foot up on the doorframe for leverage, and pull that bitch out of his hands.

Summary of last round:
Hannah got hosed pretty good last round. She's definitely moving towards a TKO.
Artis failed his check horribly...very horribly. Good thing it was just a grapple check. It will take a full round to escape the grappling effect of the wire.
Hannah got hosed pretty good last round. She's definitely moving towards a TKO.
Artis failed his check horribly...very horribly. Good thing it was just a grapple check. It will take a full round to escape the grappling effect of the wire.