Alright. ADS has every intention of finishing this job by going to the Stratosphere and unleashing a can of Agency whoop-ass.
Yeah. My plan is contingent on the assumption that the bad guys took a grand majority of their guys to the meet, and that an equally grand majority of those guys are either now dead, wounded, or without transport. My plan goes like "walk into the hotel, find out what room they were in, and kill everyone in there."
On the way, let's have Raven copy the contents of James' cellphone onto one of our devices and beam it to Agency? His contact list/address book/most recent calls, etc.
On the way, let's have Raven copy the contents of James' cellphone onto one of our devices and beam it to Agency? His contact list/address book/most recent calls, etc.
Seven, seven, seven ! The magnificient seven !
They were only seven, but they fought like seven hundred
To bring the kind of justice that would last !
Seven, seven, seven ! The magnificient seven !
They were only seven, but they fought like seven hundred
To bring the kind of justice that would last !
Seven, seven, seven ! The magnificient seven !
Agency whoop-ass sounds mighty tasty to me.
does anyone have any silencers? I was just thinking that maybe automatic weapons fire might distract the people in the next room trying to sleep.
My German pistol is suppressed. So're my big, Irish fists, which do practically as much blood-letting, but with a definite increase in satisfying crunch.
Mine's silenced too.
Stork's call has stirred up the very worst in me:
"TP...for your bunghole? I shall not fail you my lord!"
"TP...for your bunghole? I shall not fail you my lord!"

Don't go there...

I'm stealthy like a fox...my 9mm has a silencer, and well, maybe we could go shopping for an MP5 silencer? Combined with my nice redlight flashlight, a helmet and a little duct tape, I think we could do a pretty badass night entry.
Contents of Weapons Cache:
*Beretta-92 (2): 4 clips, 18 shots each
*MP5 (1): 2 clips, 30 shots each
*Flash-bang grenade (2)
*Silencer: fits any 9mm weapon
*2 pairs of Night vision goggles
*100ft. of nylon climbing rope
*Climbing harness
*Combat knife
...and you're welcome.
*Beretta-92 (2): 4 clips, 18 shots each
*MP5 (1): 2 clips, 30 shots each
*Flash-bang grenade (2)
*Silencer: fits any 9mm weapon
*2 pairs of Night vision goggles
*100ft. of nylon climbing rope
*Climbing harness
*Combat knife
...and you're welcome.

I think I have a silencer or at least a sound suppressor of some sort.
Do we want to do a 2-pronged entry using the rope, or just do it dirty?
Do we want to do a 2-pronged entry using the rope, or just do it dirty?
So, what's the gameplan?
Plan A- Frontal Assault, kill everything that moves
Plan B- Reconaissance then a stealthy entry?
Subtle or sneaky...which is it?
Plan A- Frontal Assault, kill everything that moves
Plan B- Reconaissance then a stealthy entry?
Subtle or sneaky...which is it?
Well, we can decide once we get to the place. If it's like some roach motel, with rooms exposed to the outside, subtle's good enough, but if it's a normal hotel, we'll have to adjust our tactics, same as if the bad guys have rented one room or several, etc.
"Aye" to stealth. Of course, every single time we've tried subtlety, we've been forced to shoot our way out, so it might not be that good an idea.
Stealth. The MP5 could use the silencer, its louder than all getout right now.
And the red-light flashlight won't foul up nightvision, so other people can have the goggles.
Sneaky is good.
And the red-light flashlight won't foul up nightvision, so other people can have the goggles.
Sneaky is good.
Here's some intel received on the way back to Las Vegas. The call was triangulated to a hotel suite in the upper reaches of the Stratosphere Tower, approximate 1000 ft. up.
A perspective shot.
A perspective shot.
I've got a +11 in Climb. That makes rappelling down from the roof or a suite directly above nice and viable for me. I propose that the team sans me and one other person (probably less combat-savvy, say Raven, Jess, or Harry) line up outside the bad guys' door. I rappel down outside their window, with my partner upstairs making sure no one cuts my rope, and fire a burst through their window, toss in a flashbang. It goes off, the team rushes in through the door, and we set up a nice crossfire.
Interesting. I'd say I'm with the assault team, for the very good reason that if something can go wrong, it will do so. Read, if nobody guards the rope, you can be sure Dieter sends a goon up to cut it.
Besides, you might need to be pulled up quite rapidly, and Jess just doesn't have the strenght for that.
