Well, I'm going in full Sneaky mode - Move silenty, Hide, all that stuff. I want to get at least one Sneak Attack in.
OOC: Shaken, Not Stirred IV - Yet another original title.
I guess I don't have any vp's, right? I'll burn an action die to regain some. I guess I'll watch Jess and Gregor and cradle my 9x19.
I'll give Artis a tap and point out Koskov, then follow his lead, assumably to the caboose.
Quote:Quote: from Threadbare on 12:09 am on Oct. 24, 2002
I guess I don't have any vp's, right? I'll burn an action die to regain some. I guess I'll watch Jess and Gregor and cradle my 9x19.
The KO to Harry was more for dramatic effect. You failed a fortitude save and down a few VP's...nothing to worry 'bout.

Gavin: 21
Artis: 5
Harry: 6
Jess: 12
Koskov and henchmen: 15
Bad Guys: 17
Gavin: 21
Artis: 5
Harry: 6
Jess: 12
Koskov and henchmen: 15
Bad Guys: 17

I think I'm going to plan to Sneak over to the cover provided by the caboose... unless things get shitty before then.
Gavin took a critical...5WP's
Artis would be able to enter the caboose next round. Until then, he's got some pretty heavy cover.
Does Harry or Jess want to do anything at this time? Otherwise I'll move on to the next round.
Artis would be able to enter the caboose next round. Until then, he's got some pretty heavy cover.
Does Harry or Jess want to do anything at this time? Otherwise I'll move on to the next round.
I don't need to enter the caboose right yet. I brought my firepower with me. I hunker down behind cover and let the guy who hit Gavin have a wide, then a narrow burst from my 5.56mm assault rifle (w/ laser sight).
And I know we've just gone past it, but did the mib see me because of a good Spot roll, or because I failed a stealth roll?
And I know we've just gone past it, but did the mib see me because of a good Spot roll, or because I failed a stealth roll?
Jess is very actively trying to look like a statue right now.
We'll also assume Harry is staying back.
Well, looks like I missed it, but if I see some sort of indication that they need help, I'll be on my way.
I'm high-diddly-tailin' it into the caboose and locating myself something with a good-sized barrel and pointy bullets. Or whatever. I head for the caboose.
Anyone? Bueller?
Ok, we're updated.
The grenades inside the caboose will go off on the bad guys turn (Initiative 17) next round.
Having only a cursory amount of time to check the box, here's what Artis found.
-1 AK-74U
-2 Clips of 5.45mm rifle ammo (30 rounds each)
-2 Skorpian vz.61's
-5 Clips of 7.65mm ammo (20 rounds each)
-1 Ruger revolver, chambering in .357magnum (loaded)
-1 extra quick load
-1 pair of nightvision goggles
-1 small shaped charge with remote detonator
The grenades inside the caboose will go off on the bad guys turn (Initiative 17) next round.
Having only a cursory amount of time to check the box, here's what Artis found.
-1 AK-74U
-2 Clips of 5.45mm rifle ammo (30 rounds each)
-2 Skorpian vz.61's
-5 Clips of 7.65mm ammo (20 rounds each)
-1 Ruger revolver, chambering in .357magnum (loaded)
-1 extra quick load
-1 pair of nightvision goggles
-1 small shaped charge with remote detonator
Alrighty...I backed up to right after Artis shot the two bursts. I kept the inventory of the weapons cache up since I figured it was inevitable.
We're now at the beginning of the new round.
We're now at the beginning of the new round.
Fuck...I just realized I could have just used Gavin in place of Artis...
Hang on everyone.
Hang on everyone.
Yay! Now there's only 1 grenade! :biggrin:
Considering the opposition, I'm also thinking this would be an appropriate time for Jess and Harry to join the fray.
Something tells me Jess should stay out of this.
But then again, all agents have a deathwish. I'll dash for the armory and see to it that I get my hands on a Skorpion.
But then again, all agents have a deathwish. I'll dash for the armory and see to it that I get my hands on a Skorpion.
That's the spirit...