From Artis' vantage point he can only see the last passenger car. The rest of the train (ie. the General's car, the helo, etc.) are hidden behind the s-curve.
Duh...I should have said that the s-curve is obscured by a grove of trees on either side.
This might be a good time to try to wipe out the General and his boys. I'm sure we'd be doing the world a favor, but then we don't really know who those attackers are. They might be worse than Koskov is.
Or, maybe we could try to ingratiate ourselves to the General by helping him repel the attackers?
If we have to fight, I vote we do it in the spirit of Fallout random encounters: Let them duke it out, then we flip off the survivors and loot the bodies.
Or maybe we just watch. I'm definately not in favor of getting directly involved as long as we don't know whose side we're supposed to be on.
If the terrain to the left and right of the train tracks is elevated at all, what about coming up the back of the hill and catching the attackers in a crossfire?
Just some points about the terrain in the area. The ground is fairly stable as far as walking/running across, but there is the darkness and a slight fog to contend with.
That's good for sneaking, but bad for shooty-type stuff.
There will be spot and to-hit penalties for both sides.