The throat! The throat! Blood everywhere! :biggrin:
OOC: XIII - Thirteen...thirteen...thirteen steps.
Is it alright if I call you O-Ren? 

Quote:The setting would have to be Japan for the Buckets-o-Gore factor.Quote: from Gatac on 10:28 am on April 28, 2004
Is it alright if I call you O-Ren?
Methinks that when this is over, Jess is gonna need a few points in Background: Nemesis (Samantha).
Yup. Which reminds me, we should be getting back up to speed this week.
Damn you, NWN.
Damn you, NWN.
Actually, would there be any tangible benefit to having a background here? Since it's basically "Set aside some skill points for extra XP", I'm not sure it's useful...and while I'm all for flavor, I don't need my skill points tied up where they do nothing.
If, OTOH, that would establish a bonus XP account which could be used for the optional skill/feat training rules as seen on the Spycraft site under Resources...*evil grin*
If, OTOH, that would establish a bonus XP account which could be used for the optional skill/feat training rules as seen on the Spycraft site under Resources...*evil grin*
Any word on it, esteemed Master of Ceremonies?
Er...sorry for a valid response. In between work, NWN, and planning for a wedding it's been all Beef Stew (TM)in ole' brain bucket lately.
I'm in the process of determining whether or not I can sustain three games at once and if Spycraft will be converted over to the Savage Worlds system. I mean, I really would like to run it with the rules but there is getting to be way too much bookkeeping (re: your characters have a fuck-ton of skills, feats, etc.) for me to keep the campaign as a regular series.
I'm in the process of determining whether or not I can sustain three games at once and if Spycraft will be converted over to the Savage Worlds system. I mean, I really would like to run it with the rules but there is getting to be way too much bookkeeping (re: your characters have a fuck-ton of skills, feats, etc.) for me to keep the campaign as a regular series.
A D20-based game with too much bookkeeping? Who'd have thought? 

Jeebus...I suck. I blame the 90-degree weather we're having here in the DC swamplands. It sort of just drains any hope of doing anything constructive and makes you want to just sip ice cold alcoholic beverages whilst watching a good movie about a guy with a gun, hot chix, and lot's o' explosions...
Wanna know what hell is like, just click here.
Please note the average high for DC on May 11th is 76 degrees.
Fucking weather.
Wanna know what hell is like, just click here.
Please note the average high for DC on May 11th is 76 degrees.
Fucking weather.
76 degrees is hot? Damn, sounds like optimal weather, to me. Well, feel free to move out here to Seattle. Currently it's in the 50s and raining (as usual).
Quote:Sounds good to me. The key concept you have to understand is the fricking humidity around here. Combine that with the air pollution and this place is a pit. I think we're under a [color=orange:c6a6c93bcb]CODE ORANGE[/color] alert for air quality this week.Quote: from fanchergw on 10:29 am on May 11, 2004
76 degrees is hot? Damn, sounds like optimal weather, to me. Well, feel free to move out here to Seattle. Currently it's in the 50s and raining (as usual).
Fun stuff. As my friend Dave (from Philly) would say,
"The air is crunchy."
Yeah, we're sun-baked out here, but at least there's no humidity as long as you're away from the river.
Yeah, when I lived in Houston, the typical summer day was 99 F and 99% humidity. Being kids, of course, we played outside all day in that shit. My mother, on the other hand, wouldn't leave the AC'd house to save her life.'s never ever as bad as Houston in the summertime. My fiancee went to U of H for undergrad and she'll occasionally comment that, "It's still not as bad as Houston..."Quote: from fanchergw on 12:38 pm on May 11, 2004
Yeah, when I lived in Houston, the typical summer day was 99 F and 99% humidity. Being kids, of course, we played outside all day in that shit. My mother, on the other hand, wouldn't leave the AC'd house to save her life.

I sure hope Jess gets to talk a bit. It'd be a waste to discard all the nice dialogue I have in mind now.
Don't ask me where it came from, but I should be wrapping up this Chipotle of a burritoed plotline today.
Carved into one of the beams:
"Here begins a journey."
"Here begins a journey."
I'll wait for whoever's coming.
Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 7:52 am on May 12, 2004
Don't ask me where it came from, but I should be wrapping up this Chipotle of a burritoed plotline today.
Dieter, I'm sorry. As much as your games rock, they will never rival the glory of Chipotle.
*Colorado native, a mile from the original store, suffering from intense Chipotle withdrawl*