OOC: XIII - Thirteen...thirteen...thirteen steps.
It's alright for a system to be simple, when you're doing it quick and dirty, and I understand where you're coming from when you say that combat resolution in D20 is a bitch. It's just that I don't think SW is the end-all, be-all solution for all kinds of genres. I play with it in the Admiral's Star Wars game because I feel it fits what he's trying to do with it ("A blaster is a blaster is a blaster"), but I think it would seriously spoil *my* fun for Spycraft.
And one thing I won't do under any circumstances would be to convert Jess over to a SW-type system. Make a new character, maybe. (BIG maybe.) I'm not trying to obstruct progress, I'm just saying that I'd probably not follow you on that way.
Gatty, your move.
Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 11:29 am on Mar. 29, 2004
Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 2:46 pm on Mar. 25, 2004
Carla: 27
Ayumi/Mercedes/Goons: 16
Artis: 14
Ferrari: 8
Jess: 6
It's been two weeks. I thought I'd repost...again.
-The Mercedes is almost out of the park. Ayumi is currently a bit woozy from the sudden braking. The SUV's health bar is somewhere is a greenish-yellow.
-Artis and the Mustang are bit fragged, but still well within normal operating perameters. The Mustang's health bar is also greenish-yellow.
-The Ferrari's health meter is in the reddish-orange range right now. It's top speed is probably somewhere around 60MPH and that's fairly dangerous considering the car's running on two good tires and two run-flats. It is currently trying to make an expeditious retreat out of the park.
-Carla and Jess (who hasn't gone yet this turn) are outside of the Mustang. Ivan seems content with leaving his golden years as an Agency snitch.
Quote:Gatty, what's Jess doing?Quote: from Dieter on 10:57 am on April 9, 2004
Situation update:
-The Mercedes is almost out of the park. Ayumi is currently a bit woozy from the sudden braking. The SUV's health bar is somewhere is a greenish-yellow.
-Artis and the Mustang are bit fragged, but still well within normal operating perameters. The Mustang's health bar is also greenish-yellow.
-The Ferrari's health meter is in the reddish-orange range right now. It's top speed is probably somewhere around 60MPH and that's fairly dangerous considering the car's running on two good tires and two run-flats. It is currently trying to make an expeditious retreat out of the park.
-Carla and Jess (who hasn't gone yet this turn) are outside of the Mustang. Ivan seems content with leaving his golden years as an Agency snitch.
Quote:Quote: from Dieter on 10:36 am on April 13, 2004
Ok. I was just wondering since Artis will be leaving the scene and following the Ferrari.
Err...that was meant to imply that he'd be leaving Jess with Ivan if you didn't say she getting in the Mustang. If not, the next post will be Artis exiting the scene enveloping the abandoned Jess in a cloud of burnt rubber.
Well, Ayumi can.
I'll try and figure out lengths/speed/etc tonight so hopefully we can get this started tomorrow.
-Initial Speed: 35MPH (you're driving through crowded city streets = tight terrain)
-Exceeding 35MPH is considered very dangerous and the driver will have to make a crash check (DC 17 + any other damage modifiers) at the end of the round.
-Distance between Artis & Mercedes: 18 lengths
-Distance between Artis & Ferrari: 8 lengths
-For having the highest handling, Artis gets a +1 circumstance bonus for the tight terrain.
-Crash checks (factoring in terrain & speed) are DC22(!) instead of DC15.
Yes, this will get ugly...very quick if people start botching rolls.

And speaking of ninja rampages, Ayumi will continue to attempt to wrest control of the vehicle away from the driver by killing him and then taking over. Can I impale the goon by stabbing right through his seat back?
Quote:Contrary to all that d20 bullshit...hell yes you can stab the goon through the seat back! They'll be a modifier or two, but yup!Quote: from Infested Paladin on 5:10 pm on April 15, 2004
And speaking of ninja rampages, Ayumi will continue to attempt to wrest control of the vehicle away from the driver by killing him and then taking over. Can I impale the goon by stabbing right through his seat back?